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Everything posted by Mal

  1. My hair is pretty long at the moment... GLORIOUS PC MASTER RACE INDEED. But I am a mudblood. ;_;
  2. I suppose this would be a good place to ask... any other laptops/brands that can compare to what you get with the M11x after the discounts? The world of laptop specs and pricing is a bit fuzzy. Though... I want to strangle people who compare a desktop to laptops.
  3. http://www.moetron.com/2011/05/12/hatsune-miku-concert-coming-to-los-angeles If only it was 2009... then maybe. Now... eh... but it is Miku... I'll stick to Miku videos.
    1. Pirandello


      I know of this.


      My weeb friend on Facebook won't shut up about it.

    2. Enervation


      Well as long as it's nothing like that Toyota promotion, I'm fine with it...

  4. Hrmm, I haven't been checking my bank closely enough. Mofos snuck in a $20 monthly charge in there back in December. Well, okay, not snuck in but you get the picture that it wasn't really clear. Eh....

    1. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Who are these mofos? Netflix? Apple? The Business loli company?

  5. Grudge against Mason? I think because he can't tell me what the numbers mean and where the hell they are coming from. One of us are going to die. --- E1- I'm sort of getting the hang of it... I guess? E2- HOLY SHIT. I CAN DIG TUNNEL?
  6. So... El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron... what the hell am I watching!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      The demo was pretty fun... I'd want to play more, though.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi
    4. Mal


      Jeans models they all be.

  7. Watch Episode 1 as well. Also, language is NSFW. So yeah. Watch at home with earbuds or something if you have kids or something.
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Green Yosho turned to blue Boshi... color mismatch!

  9. ^^^ That artist must be the Kero Gunso dude. (I am a blind fool. Not looking at dates.) Also, just got this... EL PRESIDENTE!
  10. You are so going to regret that. Video related. I dig too deep and greedily... And yes, I recall people saying that scenario is possible. They dig, dig, dig and whoops. Hellspawns released. Now time for my next attempt.
  11. Go for it. Just don't come looking for me if the dude decide to become malicious.
  12. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/05/biggest-bittorrent-case/ With movies but its related to what you folks are talking about over here. Now... Atomsk, I see folks watching anime and stuff in the library all the time. I don't see the cops stopping them. Then you have the mobile tv/movie stuff on phones and computers/ Whats the point in those stuff if it is illegal? Perhaps your friend was watching without ear-buds/headphones? However, I recall a commercial showing a girl watching a movie/tv show on her phone/tablet without any visible ear-buds/headphones in the subway. Then again, its a commercial... so it don't have to be 100% legally correct. So yeah, slow day for the cop. Besides, I think its just an excuse to get them to move, just to enforce some other rule or law.
  13. Going to try to 100% EDF 2017. The last game I 100% was Scott Pilgrim, just minus Knives. Inferno mode is going to be terrible. Maybe 1-2 level a day. Hardest already slowing me down to around 6 levels a night.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      In early July I think. Oddly enough, I think I can justify purchasing it full price with my current 30 hours at 67% completion in 2017 but I think I will wait for it to reduce price first.


      But yeah, it look to be some good old fun.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      New EDF shouldn't be releasing at a regular game price though. Over here it's a bit under 2/3 of a normal console game price.

    4. Mal


      I think its going for $50 over here in the States. Regular games goes for $60.

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaTU63uqsu4 Having this going as I rock out in EDF. IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE.
  15. Just to get an idea, how much would you or any Joe Smoe would pay for a used Sony Vaio PCV-RS 420? Its 5-6 years old, so its ancient. I cleaned it out the insides, virtual and physical. I'm guessing $100 tops. It should be good for old people or little kids to play around with.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Let me ask an old clanmate of mine, I know he's dying for a computer. I'll ask around offline too.

    3. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      I sent him this link as information: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-PCV-RS420-Desktop-2-80-GHz-Hyper-Threading/dp/B0000CEYX3 I'm hoping it's the same as what you're selling.

    4. Mal
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncTjpNBZd0o I swear, my life is complete with this song.
  17. Question to the audience... do you see creeper girl or "Just as planned" Luigi as my avatar? At home I see Luigi but on my phone I see Creeper Girl. It should be Creeper Girl.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pirandello


      I see Creeper girl.

    3. Mal


      There we go. And Saturnine, just remember that I am a dude and we'll be fine. ;)

    4. McBeeferton


      What Tenshi said.

  18. Medal of Honor... don't know if want.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      It's awesome. Get it.

    3. HotChops


      It depends on what you desire from a military FPS. If you want a streamlined multiplayer destination, go with Call of Duty. If you want awesome effects and vehicle-based action, go with Battlefield. If you want a single player experience that focuses on realism and authenticity, go with MoH.

    4. Mal


      I'm all for SP. MP shooters are boring me a bit...

  19. Portal 2 Earth Defense Force 2017 EDF! EDF! EDF!
  20. EDF! EDF! EDF!

  21. I got this yesterday and I just beat it today. Its all good. Now I can dig up all the posts in this thread from the past... few weeks.
  22. Double post for that. Dat music!
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