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Everything posted by Mal

  1. You know... Beefy. I miss you in the server. D': But yeah. Single player...
  2. Sure, keep rubbing that fact in...
  3. So I got around to the 3rd episode of Panty and Stocking... the last half... :bravo:
  4. I wonder how my brother fairs in customer service... I personally never had a problem with Gamestop. I guess it depends on the store and/or managers. As for my midnight launches... If I recall correctly, I was out for a midnight for MW2. It was painless. We all got our copies without a hitch.
  5. Youtube spam. Not possible without the internet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OszwkDYWPxc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gERZ9WZ3xv4 I would post Billy Herrington videos but... this part is SFW so... yeah. DEEP DARK FANTASY
  6. So yeah, for those who are NOT playing Portal 2... sup?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Enervation


      A nice evening of anime, reddit browsing, and water bottles.


      I had a nice day today.

    3. staySICK


      gears 3 beta. And being broke until friday so hoping to pick up portal 2 and MK around then.

    4. Hot Heart

  8. AoS, a dumb dumb game where you press ESC to exit the game without a damn prompt. Good design. Totally won't crash with people's Minecraft habits.

    1. Connorrrr


      I saw a couple youtube videos of it pop up (sounded sponsored to me), it looks awful.

    2. Mal


      Its a fun game but yeah, it could use some more things and stuff.

  9. So, I just got jolted by this baby here: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/Quakes/nc71560691.php Its the closest one that I felt in a long while. Right now I'm trying to get my mind around a 6.0+. Its not working...
  10. Fine, gosh, I will play around with it tonight... :'(
  11. I need IE for work, else this certain aspect of this website won't work. Blame UPS. WMP isn't too bad... but yeah, I mainly use the stuff that came with CCCP. And yes, I know but I'm a lazy SOB and dislike change. Besides, nothing wrong with icons...
  12. Nothing wrong, its just knowing some of the stuff you like, I expected something more in line with those interests. Also ^. And now mines.
  13. You... got me there but how about... something to that level? With cute, MOE anime girls?
  14. Only on the internet can you have a mashup between hip hop and anime. With that said, I will end my commentary on this before I make a bad joke.
  15. So... should I stay off the internet for a week to wait for my brother to come back from South America so he can get his Portal 2 for the PS3 or... get it on Steam so I can avoid the internet black out? Believe me, I called my brother a whole bunch of stuff that cannot be named... :'[

  16. That is not how military folks operate! You got to be all "Breaching, breaching, breaching!" With your squad... you're no Doom Guy or DOUK. You are a professional soldier, so act like one... instead of some badass lonewolf... Le sigh.
  17. Umm Battra... I expected something different from you. Posting from my phone so... no desktop. I don't think its possible to get to see what my phone wallpaper is. Note, is Touhou. Cirno!
  18. Eh... there's always indie games... not going to look as pretty as these mainstream games but they can have much more freedom. Maybe someone can take Ace of Spades and turn it into the best you talked about. Actually, I would think it would be pretty intense to try to save your squadmates when you combine motion controls to the mix instead of just pressing x (looking at you CoD). Yes, it can turn annoying but hey... work together. Oh wait...
  19. I'm in a Kirby mood. FAAAAAAAAALCON PUNCH!
  20. Mal


    Fine. I can get all of them then.
  21. Where and when did disk golf come from!?
  22. Mal


    I might get VC and SA. I played VC but never realy touced SA. Can't say I'm interested in 1, 2 and 3.
  23. Mal


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