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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I don't want to go in that tunnel alone! Those "rats" looks like Resident Evil hunters!

  2. Okay, now that part makes sense... so Nintendo is going to try to steal whatever multiplatform game the 360 has? Or... trying to steal the 360 thunder. Why main with the 360 when you have Cafe which has guts like a 360 but more powerful, so you can do more. And yeah, this rumor mill is fun as heck. I was a bit too young for the rumor mills for the current generation. So this is pretty fun to discuss how this coming generation is going to be like, starting with Cafe.
  3. Yeah, we had some nice discussions but... I'm with FDS with his... WHAT!? Thus... fake concept is fake. That part is utterly BS. It has to be.
  4. Oh geez, what kind of games would this churn out... oh yeah, shovelware like the type we see for the Wii currently. I don't really see a use for the screen besides for stuff you mentioned. Yes, it can make Nintendo a good deal of money, and in the end, it all that really matters but for gamers like us... it doesn't do much for us. It could contain a pause menu or something but whats the point? I will, however, give this design an A+ for advancing the idea of wireless video streaming. This seems to be able to stream to 4 screens, with 4 different things at once as well. Sure its only a 6" screen but it still impressive. I'll think some more pluses it can do. The idea of combining the screen with motion detection has some potential... modern day Pokemon Snap... but it still pretty limited. Hrmm... --- Green? Perhaps... but I can shoot back and say it going to give me cancer with its magical IR or whatever waves it is using.
  5. TV is finally fixed. Combined with PikaNyan... Life is good.

  6. So, I saw some suppose leaked images of some info sheets of sorts of how the thing is like. http://www.destructoid.com/huge-load-of-wii-successor-project-cafe-rumors-199298.phtml I'm calling BS on this for now. I personally cannot call it a console if you don't even have to use your TV, if that is the case. Its an anchored handheld, with the "console" being the anchor.
  7. Look like a consignee for a job I have is... Fidel Castro? Guys, I think Fidel defected to the US and now lives in Salinas, CA.

  8. Yeah, its pretty simple but still, She does what they do best. You can do it for this as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al8FYqCqacQ
  9. Had no idea Brain was Indian. FUCK YEAH. BENNY LAVA. And now this: SHE is a really solid imo. Love them.
  10. Still... I want one when I'm an old fart. I want to be assisted by a beast of burden manhood. --- Continuation of the Duck Wars.
  11. http://www.rtoproducts.com/bull-canes.php Bull testicle penis canes. Think about it.
  12. HOLY FUCK. That is all.
  13. Well I'm late to reply but Peter... it may sound odd and utterly stupid but I kind of seek earthquakes. You cannot understand something without experiencing it. I'm majoring in earth science with hopes to do something related to infustuctures. So yeah, there is my silly reason why I seek it... despite 6.0+ earthquake being able to cause much damage.
  14. I rape mobs... shoot a few arrows as I approach then I bust out my sword. Dodge an arrow to let it strike another mob. Punching fizzing creepers away to let them blow up on their allies. It is glorious. .. I wish by next month combat can get more interesting...
  15. Ooo, I've been wanting to try out Metro 2033. Thanks for the heads up.
  16. Its a unused block. For now. So yeah... spiders will get serious soon, I think.
  17. Not too sure but I would assume more like the anime but follow the manga a lot more than it did. If its anything, the OVAs will see a HD release. Trust and Betrayal in 720-1080? Oh god yes.
  18. I'm sort of excited but at the same time nervous that they'll rape my childhood... then again, I don't recall watching much of the anime, just parts. It was whatever my cousin got from the store that sold subbed anime VHS. Remember those days?
  19. Prepared to have yoru mind blown... or raped. Either one is fine.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      The way they did the instrumental parts just doesn't fit. At all. Without the singing of the lyrics... you would be hardpressed to figure what the hell the song is.

    3. Mr W Phallus

      Mr W Phallus

      TOTORO TO TORO. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Either way I think I should probably pick up the brain pieces first.

    4. Enervation


      It took me a while to figure out what the screaming was about.

  20. That how I usually look at how well my money was spent on a video game. I can seriously see his point but as I see it... Portal 2 can have you come back to it for a replay. So it will eventually evens out. So yeah, just enjoy the damn game or wait for it to be discounted to your liking. No one is forcing you to buy it at maximum price. That way of thinking is just not too healthy in the long run.
  21. It could actually be the case with the PS3 and the 360 though. Its the Wii that has been lacking in many many areas. With the two others, I can definitely see close to a ten year life span before a new console. It could be worth a move on Nintendo part... they could release a better console and hope that Sony pulls a "$699! $699!" and Microsoft have a red and very dead console. (Yes, I'm that scared what problems the next generation might bring...)
  22. Tuxedo Sam, you have done well but it is time to search for a new avatar and such. Luigi is going ot be the placeholder...

  23. Yep. A new anime. Think of what they done with Full Metal Alchemist. I think? If I recall, the original anime didn't quite follow the manga... now they had the finish manga for like a decade plus so... its about time. But... I think for them to dig up Kenshin to remake is quite telling of the anime industry at the moment... they (usually) can't come up with a series worth a damn. So... they have to go for remakes. Not like its a bad thing if they do it correctly... Also, linkie: http://www.moetron.com/2011/04/18/rurouni-kenshin-new-anime-project-announced/ --- The news got me to watch the first OVA again.
  24. Fun fact. Something is going to happen with something really related with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVZGCl7uALg Guess.
  25. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that I make some nicknames for some of your folks? Like Neo(Geo)starr, Rocky(Balboa)Ran, (Jimmy)Deanb and such? Some of you folks I just can't think of one...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. McBeeferton


      What are you, gay?

    3. Enervation
    4. Mal


      Beefy is Beefy. Nothing can change that. Nothing even my mildly malicious humor or whatever...

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