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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Let's see... Sonic Heros or whatever Sonic game it was called. The opening itself was horrible. The gameplay? Camera angles kills me when I go through those damn loops. Can't see where the hell I am going so I fall into a damn ditch and die. Another one as the Journey to the West game. It plays sort of like Tactics, which I loved. However... this game was slow, completely unfair and shit. The storyline offended me a bit too...
  2. Lets do this. However, can't say I played Killzone 1 or 2.
  3. From what I could remember, Egypt was pretty stable in the last 30 years. The cost was the heavy handiness of El Presidente and well, the poor is pretty damn poor. Best of luck to them. There will be rough spots but they will have to try to work it out peacefully. No assassinations and stuff like that. Also, I may not be the most interested in Ancient Egypt but damn... I do hate when museums get looted and shit get destroyed. I wonder how much that has to do with Hosni Mubarak at times being portrayed as a pharaoh of sorts.
  4. Beta... demo. Same thing in today's world.
  5. Lifehacked a headphone holder from a binder clip... its quite a glorious night for me now.

    1. Johnny


      I just took a leftover coat hanger thingy and nailed it to my wall next to my desk.

      Now I don't have a conveniently placed wall anymore with my new setup so I'm looking for ideas. I can't find to seem a place to hang it from that isn't in the way of something else.

    2. NeoStarr
  6. Hrmm... not sure how hard a certain company keep tabs on info on the net but... beta code gotten and I haven't even remotely beaten the first game yet. Early beta going loud nine days from now.
  7. I haven't heard about the one in Yemen. That country could use a better government since... a ton of that country is lawless* like those of the tribal region of Pakistan. *As in no government control, at all.
  8. Damn it, stop coming out with sequels when I haven't beaten the first games yet! But yeah, Demons Souls is already hard for me but hearing that Dark Souls will be even harder... I'm scared like Buttershy. But mildly excited as well. No game is ever too hard.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12351831 I actually have some relatives in there, from my stepdad side. Now that I think about it, I had heard about the crappy conditions in Egypt a few years ago. I guess it is finally the time for it to boil over. Didn't expect it to happen so soon and fast.
  10. They are going to get all the ladies. Really, how do you expect to woo a girl without playing the guitar? (Forever lonely. ;- But seriously, Japan... the hell!? Also, inb4 Bashcraft post about this for whatever odd reason. Which would be funny since he banned my MaliciousH account... I hope you are wrong Dean about them reading this place.
  11. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    Out of all the Gawker sites, I liked io9 the best. They slip up every so often but its not that bad. At least they are on topic. Right now, it is pretty damn unreadable with the new format...
  12. Issac is not going to take any of your necromorph shit, you fucking marker! Don't you know that graffiti is bad!? It becomes far worst when you are a marker. Your necromorphic graffiti is really shitting up the neighborhood. How can I fix anything up when you breaks everything and corrupt the children? But yeah, from watching streams of the game from Jalaman and others, that is how I picture DS2. It sort of change from you being Issac in DS1 to you witnessing his badassery in DS2. And I still need to beat DS1. Him not talking adds a sort of uneasiness to the whole game.
    1. Mal


      Err... yeah. Google continues to blow my mind on what they do.

  13. I'm surprised that your cuteness is still intact and not stolen by some hooligan from these parts...
  14. Lets see... grandma, a non-smoker, dying from lung cancer, exact cause unknown since she did have two battle with breast cancer and she did frequently fixed up the driveway with cement. My dad quit anyways. This was back in 1997 or so. Then a year or two ago, my mom quit when it was time for her to get life insurance. Now its only my stepdad and uncles that smoke. Myself, I never smoked and never had the urge to. Besides, I think I'm beginning to feel all the years of secondhand smoke getting to me. I can only stand secondhand smoke for a bit now before coughing a bit. If I start smoking, it will make my lungs worst and I don't have the money to support such a habit. Add in the fact that my parents will kill me. As for the bans... huzzah. Seriously, segregating the smokers from the non-smokers don't do shit.
  15. I am packed on Tues and Thur. Mon and Wed are questionable, especially Wed since I have shit ton of homework on that day of the week. Hell, I think I shouldn't be on during Sat or Sun to kill whatever homework I have. Fuck homework. In other news... you Europeans should adopt superior Californian time since its the right American thing to do. God, move them over here so they can play during my after 3PM hours so I can do homework. -trollfacewithwishfulthinking-
  16. Gah. I think I missed you guys. AGAIN
  17. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    I am MaliciousH and I swear that I beaten all Metroid games. Like, who the hell hasn't touched a Metroid game to get surprised that Samus is a girl!?* How can any 20 something year-old gamer call himself a gamer if they haven't done that!?* *Me. And yeah Dean, never gotten far at all on SMB3...
  18. I was wondering where the hell you guys went...
  19. Screw class for today. Nothing is due today and I have too many non-school related stuff to get done. Not to mention homework.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Eh. I'm just whining.

    3. Enervation


      Eh, you should go to class anyways in my opinion. I've made it a habit to never skip a class unless it's really, really dire.

    4. Mal


      Yeah, these skipped days usually just snowball. Eh, at least I'm doing homework right now.

  20. I stack the plates and clean my table most of the time when I eat out. I used to work as a bus boy so I sort of lend a hand. I snug a comforter. I like the snuggly feeling... what are you all looking at? :<
  21. Mal

    goin' bald

    As for myself... my uncle is going bald so most likely that will be my fate as well. Oh well! Less money on shampoo...
  22. Yeah, I know part of Gran Turismo's DNA is simulation but still. It sort of want me to play this game with a Prius just for kicks.
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