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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal


    I just did a quick calculation of how much I spent over these sales... $152.74. I should like... cancel Steam or something.
  2. Putting it together isn't that hard. Most annoying part was putting the mounting bracket for the CPU cooler. However, once you know the order to do stuff in, its becomes pretty easy. Seating the CPU can be pretty scary too since if you fuck that up... well... Another scary part is when you close the cover to the CPU. It takes a decent amount of pressure to close it. Other than that... the rest of the stuff should be a piece of cake.
  3. Can't say I want to risk my phat PS3 getting locked out... but maybe.
  4. $50 and you have your cable, hand delivered by me. ;D I'm currently using a Jabra Bluetooth that came with Warhawk or something like that. Its does its job, I think? Can't say I can be bothered to spend $60 or whatever for a good one.
  5. i7 950 on a Gigabyte mobo, GA-X58A-UD3R). I'm also using this Cooler Master with Arctic Silver. I should OC just a little bit so my RAM can be at its full potential. I know that much.
  6. Umm... I'm know I said it in another thread but... how do I go about OC my system without killing it? I see everything in the BIOS but... its scary. Anybody here that OC their stuff?
  7. The FMA dubs are pretty good and this is coming from a guy that usually will pick subs over dubs.
  8. ... Damn, wished I was there so I can at least kill him five times. And you won't really want me on the mic. EVERY derogatory term can and will come out of my mouth if I get frustrated enough.
  9. So, if I recall correctly, Crysis 2's CryEngine 3 should be better optimism so that you won't need a machine from the future to play it on high like what Crysis did when it came out, right?
  10. Then come on over and set things right! For all I Know, I might of pass by your place a few dozen times!
  12. These past few days... work makes me unable to play some Uncharted 2 with you guys. :

    1. Showmeyomoves!


      Ehh... Just quit your job? Come on, show some dedication!

    2. TheForgetfulBrain
  13. Holy Mother of Silly Putty... I'm scared of retaking Chem 2 again after a semester or two...

    1. Enervation


      So ace it, like a boss.

  14. Hit me. :< And no idea when dinner is for me so... I might have to leave abruptly but if I do, I usually can be back in 30mins.
  15. Man, I need to stop taking afternoon naps...
  16. Yeah, Naruto wasn't bad. It just all goes to hell once the Fourth died... And will do on those suggestions.
  17. The SF Craiglist servers are located in a spot that you wouldn't suspect it would hold a server room...

    1. Mudkip3DS


      Prostitution warehouse?

    2. Mal


      Yeah, pretty much a crappy looking house that could be a whorehouse.

  18. Its around $6 if I recall. If we play at least once a month, I think we can get our money worth. Hrmm.
  19. I felt another earthquake tonight. Second one in only a few days. Something is not right... I blame the rain... I guess. Also, I really questioning the foundation of my house. Its shaking a bit too much.

    1. TheForgetfulBrain
    2. Mal


      Around 12:45 AM. It was just noticeable. It was about the same magnitude of the last one but farther away near Salinas, Hollister.

  20. I got Reach for free and I still haven't touched it. I actually only really play now for the single player since I like the campaigns. Well, maybe not so much 2 or 3 but the others are solid imo. I think I should play some Reach tomorrow.
  21. Snow is pretty awesome if your not driving in it. If the snow is just wet enough, you can roll up quite a massive snow ball. Think about half your height before it gets too heavy to roll any more.
  22. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    Ashcraft is a baby. Back when he banned my account for a stupid comment, he edited it to talk gibberish. Seriously... I know I made a stupid comment but just ban me, don't go around editing comments. As for a favorite... no idea. The rest of the folks are fine enough.
  23. Well, first off, it's probably best to ask: what animes HAVE you seen recently? You ask a very good question but sadly... I don't have a concrete answer to it because I don't know. I think it been like a year since I watch anything but a few Ghibli movies. I actually gotten Panties and Stockings lined up... but never gotten around to it.
  24. I wish I had a backlog right now. Looking at the 2011 Winter line-up it's looking pretty bleh. My backlog is mainly due to old anime. First off... I have a ton of Gundam to watch and not to mention Slayers. The problem now is I can hardly get myself to watch them. Someone give me a recent anime to watch from the last year. I don't think you guys want My Little Pony to somehow get me back into anime. --- Also, Spike has all the colors of the quotes. :0
  25. I think we'll be playing it up to the release of Uncharted 3. So a few months.
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