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Everything posted by Mal

  1. So far... Crysis Warhead. I finished Crysis and Mass Effect a few days before New Years so... close but no cigar. Seriously, I haven't beaten this much games in a LONG time.
  2. I was waiting for a slot to open up to join you guys. Got tired of waiting so... eh~ At least I got a group that finally killed Santa. I don't want to imagine hard mode... Also, I sticking with sharpshooter. Level 3 with that and well... 1's and 0's with the others.
  3. Mal

    Fanboys Ho!

    I'm sure present day Apple computer are great but man are they are costly. Also, you remember those HORRIBLE Apple computers back from school? Yeah, those left a sour taste for Apple computers or any of their products. Combine that with their price and yeah... not buying them. However, I have tried a iPad not too long ago and it was pretty neat. Very responsive. As for me being a fanboy... Pleinair. :3
  4. Mal


    Did I hear something about CATS!?
  5. For those who thought that Tactics got easy after getting Cid (Who didn't!?). I recall that there is a mod for Tactics that makes the game a whole lot harder. Personally, just hearing that it got that much harder scares me from playing it... And geez, those of us who loves IX are sure outnumbered. I always knew that but man.
  6. What you said is what I think what happened with Final Fantasy XIII. They changed it way too much that it didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game. Hell, some people said they enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII when they think it wasn't a Final Fantasy game.
  7. The cooler you are getting looks just like mines but mines a Cooler Master. Also, I used Arctic Silver as well so, unless there is another major problem, your CPU should run cold.
  8. This. I don't think much of anybody hates DF but it just so hard to get started at all. I really need to find time, again and again, to really get to know that game.
  9. PC gaming was never alive to begin with.
  10. If you guys are a man short, I'm always game. Hell, I just had a 3 hour session or something... went by fast.
  11. Eh. I always try to break "cheap" tactics. It gives me something to aim for while I play. Sure it may mean I will take on a cheap tactic myself but I usually don't hang on to it. The one that stuck to me most was that rocket launch that the engineer had in BC2. I used that for my long range "sniping" weapon since the engineer didn't really had one... unless you chaneg the shotgun... lordy was that fun. Counter snipe a sniper with a shotgun? SO yeah, I am fine with everything besides glitches and such like aimbot. Those folks I take down with extreme prejudice.
  12. Helium-3 if I recall correctly. It is what would be needed for a fusion reaction. It is possible to get it here on Earth but it is nowhere as common. As for other resources, not sure but I bet there will be metals and other stuff to be found there. No one really have explored the moon in detail by digging here and there so who knows what surprises it has in store. As Dean said, robots could do the job. Makes the most sense. And of course it will take Earth's resources to get it started but if we can manage to start getting at the mineral resources out there, the payback will be quite handsome. Some of the metallic asteroids have enough metal like iron to rebuild all of our cities and settlements a few time over. I said earlier that the moon far side could be a place to crash some of those asteroids into... not particularly safe but if pulled off, the stuff is pretty much in our backyard. As for tech developed for space related things... those stuff for sure will find a use here on Earth. A ton of stuff you have in your own home has roots from space tech developed years ago.
  13. But the moon is just a rock. Not much to be found there. Or are you talking about making the moon a pitstop on the way to Mars? A rock with useful resources. For example, the water on the moon could be a possible source for water to fill up on before heading to Mars. Less weight to shoot out into space from earth, the better. So yeah, a pitstop of sorts. It would also be a good location for a meetup to put everything together because, as far as I remember, you just can't go to Mars anytime you want. Well, you could but it would take longer. So I think it would be a better idea to gather around the moon first than be at the mercy of the weather.
  14. Mal

    Takeaway food

    Nothing wrong with eating take out or at restaurants... some stuff you just make at home. For example... Chinese food. I will guarantee you that whatever stove you have at home is not going to make awesome +++AWESOME+++ Chinese food, whatever your skill is. Its all about firepower baby! :<
  15. MaliciousH comes from a username I based off a like of a friend. MaliciousHammy. Hammy being a hamster. After some stuff here and there, it became MaliciousH. And no... I'm not THAT malicious... I also go under the username Vinitachi. Vin from my name and Itachi... go read Naruto. It flows so it was a go...
  16. Mal

    Takeaway food

    Spicy... Cantonese sauce...? Dean, you just confounded a Cantonese dude here! Cantonese food is varied and I'm sure I tried them all but you stumped me on what it is. So as I type this... a quick Google... I think I know what you are referring to now. Maybe. Yeah, that sauce is good. I sometimes just add that sauce to rice. As for takeaway food, anything goes. I love food but yeah. Here are some basics. Burgers - Usually In N Out. Double double with animal fries. Cheap and tasty. Mexican - Anywhere is fine but my usual is the local Mexican place I go to. Cheap and has good choices. Fried Chicken - Popeye's usually. KFC if we're lazy. All others... I don't know how to list them... Chinese food as in entrees my family rarely take out but the BBQ stuff, yes. It depends on convenience but we have the stores we go to for such and such.
  17. Haven't read that article yet but... there will always be problems here on Earth. Also I am with Bouchart, Luna first. Then we could even start using the far side as a target pad for asteroids to mine...
  18. It is obvious that one alternative won't replace fossil fuels, it just can't. It will take a Swiss Army knife of alternatives to replace fossil fuels. Currently we are seeing something of that sorts with motor transportation, especially from what I can tell, on the West Coast of the US. Not sure about elsewhere. On the side of the energy grid, not too sure. I know solar energy is making an advance down in So Cal but not sure about elsewhere or about the others like wind, hydro and nuclear. I just support efforts on all fronts to advance the use of alternatives to fossil fuels since it will run out and it will get much more expensive long before it is all gone. Besides, relying on one system, one thing is pretty foolish. Everything will at one point or another will fail or fade. If the one thing that fails or fades is what your rely on for live as you know it... you are screwed. If it is only one part of a whole array of stuff, it will hurt but it won't hurt nearly as much. Bring it back to our present world... Holy shit! We are relying on fossil fuel for both transportation and energy. A double whammy. If an alternative system for each transportation and energy are made, they would be far more independent from each other than they are now...
  19. So yeah, I started today. I'm liking it but it took a bit to get used to the gameplay since I don't recall playing these sort of RPGs much. So far my merry band of a dwarf, a human, a witch and a dog is going pretty well. I'm sure I could do better but yeah, learning as I go. That one orge took me a few tries to take down but with some adjustments, it went down pretty easily. So yeah, Scoria and Tuff AWAY!
  20. That gunfight is tough on the first time you play. I almost give up... I think I did the same thing as you. Now on my second go... I did it solo no problem. Good omen I think. Mind you... its only on Stalker difficulty... Now to see the true majesty of this game.
  21. We're all fat, greasy gamers so we must want to be fit! I'll get on that task after dinner!
  22. I just went down the list. See you guys around on Steam...
  23. Should I play Stalker vanilla first or with the Complete Mod on it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      I got the complete mod and installed it from the get go as I heard it's not that great without it. So I'd recommend it. How often do you play vanilla then mod n play again?

    3. toxicitizen


      Plus the Complete mod fixes a bunch of bugs and the more noticeable changes are merely subtle graphical improvements.

    4. Mal


      Alright, got it. Thanks folks.


      A while back I played vanilla for a few hours... and now I'll go Complete.

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