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Everything posted by superfrogsavestokyo

  1. I'm relieved that my scheduled days off coincide with E3. :D

    1. Mal


      Super... frog... saves... tokyo. HAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~!


      Just because.

    2. superfrogsavestokyo
  2. Meh, I'm still going to watch to see how they present it. Hopefully they'll have something else up their sleeve.
  3. Yep and for every playthrough I like to thoroughly explore and do all the side quests as well as doing things differently main storyline to see how different things are in the next game. I was actually glad to hear about a delay with ME3 so I could have more time to finish the first game on some profiles and not care if certain team members die during the suicide mission or letting Ashley live in one playthrough. Stuff like that.
  4. Probably pick up LA Noire today after working on a project. It's a beautiful day for the end of the world. :D

    1. SomTervo


      Enjoy. I know I am.

  5. Hmm, it's a toss up between Persona 4 and Pokemon: HeartGold ( 200+) for top spot. Then Mass Effect and Fallout 3 comes closely behind.
  6. I just preordered Catherine (ps3) 2 seconds after I first landed on Amazon's page.

  7. This tom kha is delicious. :D Made my day. I'm also looking forward to not working on the weekends anymore.

    1. Enervation





  8. Batman: Under The Red Hood was pretty good. :D

    1. deanb


      Need to watch that.

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens
    3. HotChops


      Definitely ranks just below Mask of the Phantasm, and just barely. I've watched it multiple times since it was added to Netflix.

  9. Helped with store closing today. Tomorrow maybe my last day. Bittersweet, but wasn't surprised.

  10. Discrete mathematics is wearing me out, but I'm hanging in there like a champ.

  11. Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers!

    1. Mal


      I wish NE was their opponent so I can relive that Super Bowl 13 years ago. Sadly... it will not be. :(

  12. Anne Hathaway will be playing Selina Kyle in the next Dark Knight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akuam4n
    3. Fiendish_Foe


      not want. i'm sorry but no thank you

    4. NeoStarr


      They made a really good choice casting Katie Homes in the first one. They really set the bar low so I don't have to be disappointed by news like this.

  13. Have they fixed the Win 7 bug? Also, I'm now playing Demon's Souls \m/ I'm using Win 7 x64 with no problems, but I think the bug was for x32 though. Forgot if it's been resolved yet. This weekend I'm going to alternate between playing LBP2 and Demon's Souls. Right now I'm playing TWEWY again.
  14. Getting LBP2 from Amazon today. Can't wait to play some co-op. :)

    1. TheMightyEthan


      That's out already?

    2. superfrogsavestokyo


      I had release day shipping, and I received a notification that they were shipping it yesterday. But it wouldn't be the first time Amazon jumped the gun on release day games.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I usually receive my game pre-orders the day before actual release. Shame LBP2's not due out until the 21st over here though.

  15. Just saw Pee-wee Herman in a digital short with Andy Samberg on SNL. It's totally worth it to see Chairry tell Anderson Cooper "to get the f**k off her". My childhood and adulthood has come full circle.

    1. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I just watched Pee Wee's Big Adventure on Netflix not an hour before that aired, too.

  16. Out of pure boredom, I decided to play Pandora Saga from Atlus Online. So far I like it and the grind isn't that bad. Also it's f2p so no complaints here.
  17. Finished reading The Mysterious Stranger; I need to read it again.

  18. Seth Rogan look like a perfect synthesis of his parents

  19. So far I'm liking the UDK tutorials I found. Good times. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. superfrogsavestokyo
    3. Enervation


      I tried playing around with the UT2K4 UDK, but it totally confuzzled me.

    4. superfrogsavestokyo


      Used Unity3D prior to this, and the UI wasn't that intuitive to me. Guess I see when I get to the other tutorials.

  20. I adore this game. :heart: One of the rare games that get me to turn up the difficulty in order to get some good drops from the Noise. One of the few games that I hard a problem with putting down. I actually finished it in good time which I usually don't do. My favorite part of the game was the tin pin parallel universe story. If SE lets the Kingdom Hearts team work on another new IP, I'd be a happy camper. But I know that's not going to happen. "Emptiness and" is my favorite track. It just gets me pumped. ("Sometimes" is a close second) To think that I nearly passed up this game and didn't really expect much from it.
  21. If there's no decent ones by the time my GI issue comes, I'll post them up. I'm glad that they fixed it so that leveling up doesn't depend solely on major skills improvement. Usually I like having set classes, but I'm glad that they're nixing them in favor of a more organic development. I'm looking forward to having my character be a jack of all trades. Also dual wielding weapons are available in Skyrim. Yay! I will be totally disappointed if we can't ride a friggin' dragon. Or at least be able to raise one and ride it to destinations instead of riding a horse.
  22. Thank you! I enjoyed the movie, but this point made me rage. One of my friends explained it to me like this: Nero was probably good at his job (miner), but lost his marbles. Since he doesn't seem all that intellectual either judging from his "wonderful" revenge plan, you can't really expect him to reach beyond his current self's hurt. He couldn't think out the consequences such as if he saved Romulus, that his wife and unborn child would be saved. As well as him not experiencing that his traumatic timeline. Also if he didn't immediately try to attack Spock, Spock could've explained it to him and hopefully disable the current technology to not give Romulans the edge. It's kind of sad how the more savvy Romulans would have killed for an opportunity like this only to have it land in the lap of the one Romulan who couldn't strategize.
  23. For some reason compelled to make a puzzle game

  24. Holy shit, did you guys see that Seahawks' last touchdown? Looked like something from high school football.
  25. I can't list just five books. So here's a not so ranked list of the works and authors I like: -Anything by Haruki Murakami -Stephen King short stories -Elantris and the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson -Borges -1984 -Jane Austen -Charles Dickens -Mark Twain Graphic Novels -Tarot Cafe -The Wallflower
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