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Everything posted by superfrogsavestokyo

  1. Running Wilde is alright. It isn't the best show in the world, but the episode with Andy Richter was great. Some of the production people also worked on Arrested Development. It has the AD flavor, but it's no AD. I hope that it hits its groove next season. I'm more than apprehensive about Fringe's move to Friday nights, but there's a part of me that wish they are the one's to buck the trend. They really hit their stride this season.
  2. Resonance of Fate. It's the best gaming impulse buy this year. I liked the fact that I actually had to use strategy instead of constantly grinding to get over boss battles. Once I started digging the gun customization and learning the system of the game, things got interesting. Haven't finished it yet, but it's next on my game backlog after I play Epic Mickey.
  3. tracking a package online is a sure way to torture yourself :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. superfrogsavestokyo


      that would drive me insane :o

    3. Chronixal


      There is nothing worse than waiting for a package to arrive. The only consolation is when it occasionally arrives early

    4. rainetemplar


      You know that only happens in fairy tales.

  4. I really, really, really want a P4P. I can't even decide who I would go after , dating-wise, if I chose a female protagonist. This probably wouldn't be an option, but it'd be cool to date Teddie. He's bear-y adorable. Last week, I was raging about not being able to find my Devil Summoner 2 disk.
  5. The worst movie I've seen was Boogeyman. It's a horror flick starring Barry Watson. Bad CGI, acting, script, and cinematography. How it made it to the theaters instead of direct to dvd, I don't know. 12 of my friends went to go see it, and 5 of us fell asleep during the movie. My friend paid my way, and I apologized to him for paying.
  6. Got it from the Marketplace, but I had a mess load of ms points from last Christmas. (I didn't have Live till this summer.)
  7. I absolutely loved season 4.5. I know I might forget a few (Still on air): Fringe (Fox is moving it to Friday nights...) American Dad The Office Outsourced 30 Rock Community Running Wilde Raising Hope South Park NOVA Not on Air: Every Star Trek Series (Except for the cartoon and sometimes Enterprise) In Living Color Life on Mars Seinfeld Daria Arrested Development Alfred Hitchcock Presents Cheers
  8. Picked up a Twilight Zone inspired short story collection from work today. "Genesis", the first short story in the collection was the one that drew me in. I tried to guess which segment it was based on but was at a lost until it dawned on me a page away from finishing it.
  9. sending my resume first thing tomorrow morning : D

    1. Bouchart
    2. Chronixal
    3. superfrogsavestokyo


      a local company, i'm having doubts about getting it, but i need to get practice making resumes

  10. Which site did you but it from? I started watching ST:TNG when I was seven years and had been hooked since. Well that's a lie. I didn't see all the episodes of Enterprise, but I did watch the entire first season and a couple from the second. As for the JJ's reboot, it's decent and bringing more fans to the fold. Went to theater by myself and had a blast because it seemed everyone else did the same. Especially when Tyler Perry was on screen and ten people said out loud, "Tyler Perry?!?".
  11. Time to retire

    1. Mudkip3DS


      You're too young for that! At least you have a bright future ahead of you? :P

  12. ^This I can't believe I forgot about the new Batman, Patapon 3, and Pokemon: B&W. So many games, so little time.
  13. What games are you excited / interested in that release in 2011? Here's my list - ME3 - ESV:S - L.A. Noire - Portal 2 - Dragon Age 2 - MvC3 - LBP2 (Preordered the collector's edition) - Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Twisted Metal - The Cursed Crusade - Stacking - Journey
  14. Turns out, I used my standby junk email for it. My password is still encrypted, but I reset it anyway. (Can't remember what it was, and I lurk most of the time anyway. )
  15. Meh, after reading the New Yorker article about him, I'd rather not.
  16. mmm, my get some wings from the carryout today

  17. Well, the Skins should be sorry... Oh wait, they already are.
  18. Just started reading Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. It's okay so far for being the first of a series published this year. I wish I had more time to read and game. Subway reading time isn't cutting it anymore.
  19. looking forward to doing nothing tomorrow :)

  20. This was taken last April, I think. I was very tired that night. (btw I have pizza crusts on my plate. Pizza was great up until that part.) eta: @bags- an obscene tattoo
  21. People using "qwerty" and "password" for their password wouldn't surprise me at all. It's somewhat plausible if they don't think they'll participate that much on the site or don't care if they're password is compromised (like not using those for e-mail or banking). I had to yell at a friend for using a terribly simple password for her facebook and e-mail account and who knows what else.
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