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Everything posted by Toshi

  1. Cool, Umbreon.
  2. I dislike this thread because you are all tall.
  3. Not sure if sarcastic.
  4. God I suck at Arkanoid games.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbW-XYqbol0 Why does this exist and just... why? One Jersey Shore was bad enough... and now it's one with Asians...
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Toshi


      hmmm... good question...


      having people stop liking them might be a start... but how?

    3. Pirandello


      My recommendation is to forcibly remove them from society and put them in top-secret re-education camps for the betterment of themselves towards society.

    4. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      we could kill them. that's my vote. it would eliminate them and alleviate stress!!

  6. too lazy to find a gif. please imagine snsd jumping for joy.
  7. That... no. It will really only be useful when dream world is released I think.
  8. The whole 1 week could've spent catching up on and finishing a console game? Almost gone thanks to cursed friends. Cursed friends.

    1. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Those magnificent bastards! What did they do?

    2. Showmeyomoves!


      Why would you have "friends" in the first place? It's your own dumb fault!

    3. Toshi


      You're right smooves. So very right.


      Getting rid of people who want to go out.

  9. Well when you load a save game it asks you if you want to turn it on, and I opt not to. If you do have it on in game already, there's a small power button at I think the lower right to turn it off. You can register the Item Finder to Y by checking the box at the bottom of the screen while highlighting the item. It saves me time for a bunch of items.
  10. idk, to save batteries I turn it off
  11. Since I won't be battling most of you probably, he's currently my special sweeper. He's a beast at what he does, and can laugh down most pokemon quite easily
  12. I am trying to avoid a team with legendaries at all costs. I don't know, if I use them outside a game against people... it takes away enjoyment for me and I feel cheap. Not that my opponents aren't doing the same, but the same 15 pokemon over and over irritates me.
  13. I just beat the main storyline of Pokemon Black. The problem is... do you ever really finish Pokemon...?
  14. No gifs?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb
    3. Toshi


      oh I tried to post a gif in random things but it wouldn't let me


      invalid/not allowed file extension it said? idk, I'll try again later.

    4. deanb


      yeah, it's a bit of a random error. Made sure the URL is right?

  15. the buffalo can do some serious damage though. I was surprised how much he could do to my Haxorus.
  16. gavantula isn't bad, as he has electro ball(?) and is fast enough to pull it off well. I still prefer my eelektross over it because of it's non-weakness and strong stats. I like the turtle fossil more actually. He may not be as fast or that high of an attack as archeops, but he has good def and access to shell smash, which raises his attack. Plus he doesn't have the crippling ability of Archeops, so yeah. Gamera.
  17. I was so happy I didn't see Zubats in every damn cave I went to... and then there was Woobat. An uglier bat. Great.
  18. which is why I don't play shooters or mass effect
  19. Raising and ordering monsters to battle is a Japanese specialty Dean.
  20. I got my Deino today. Named it Ghidorah and it is going to sweep and destroy once I get to Hydreigon.
  21. Well, morons of the world, if they got a tsunami and an earthquake as karma for pearl harbor, I wonder what we're getting for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gigawings


      Small minority? yes, a very loud community? YES.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      The atomic bombs saved lives. Though yes, completely agreed on your overall point.

    4. staySICK


      facebook is just proof that blizzards OpenID wouldn't stop trolls.

  22. well, in shaking grass they're usually the most abundant. what pisses me off was trying to catch drillbur and getting like 10 gems.
  23. I did the Zoroa event and evolved him to Zoroark... but I feel he isn't as good as I hoped.
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