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Everything posted by toxicitizen

  1. After Kotaku started sucking, I started using N4G.com And nowadays whenever Kotaku finally does post something news worthy, I've already read about it somewhere else. Of course N4G has the downside of forcing you to filter through all the bullshit that constantly gets submitted and (for some reason that is beyond me) approved. Other than that, Joystiq is pretty cool. DemonoidDestructoid is okay... sometimes.... And I still occasionally visit IGN, though I don't have a valid reason for that one.
  2. Mass Effect 2 is GOTY for me, but I haven't had the chance to play RDR yet. God of War III, Splinter Cell Conviction, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Rock Band 3 were all stand-out titles worth mentioning, but none of them are GOTY material to me.
  3. Well I would imagine that Shepard's actions in the first two game are, at least partially, to blame for the Reapers bringing the fight to Earth. But yeah, Earth feels pretty insignificant when you look at the bigger picture of the Mass Effect universe/story.
  4. Anything new made by thatgamecompany is of interest to me. This is no different. Can't wait to find out more about it.
  5. I'm excited for this but ironically I've never finished any TES game before. Played Oblivion for something like 20 hours when I first got my PS3, but I barely touched the main story. Own both Oblivion and Morrowind on Steam, though. So they're on the backlog.
  6. Black Ops MP (on PC) and Civ V are my two main games right now. Just got Darksiders on PS3 as well, but I'm waiting a bit before starting it.
  7. Hello. I'm FLD. I mostly lurk on the other TAY, but once in a blue moon I'll post something. I also like games. That is all for now. Oh and this new forum is much better.
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