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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I really suck at Mercenaries. I sucked at it in RE3, RE4, RE5, and now RE6. Ugh.
  2. Apparently the new Mario game wont run at 1080p like Nintendo said it would. Its weird considering the game is basically an upscaled NSMBWii.
  3. I just started Ada's campaign. I really really like this game. I must be fucked up in the head. There's also free dlc coming soon. No hope difficulty and Ada's campaign being co op. from what I hear, her partner will just be a regular soldier. I hope it's one of the neo umbrella soldiers. I like their design. Reminds of a cross between the collectors from me2 and the helghan.
  4. Finally got Breath Of Fire 3 On my Vita. And BBS.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SixTwoSixFour


      Fuck Crisis Core, Squeenix is terrible. I want Custer's Revenge on my Vita.

    3. Strangelove


      I haven't put any emulators on here yet, but they supposedly don't run as well as on the psp.

    4. Strangelove


      It doesn't matter to me at all though. I just did it for fun. Once they ask me to update my firmware to play ac3 or persona 4, it's done with until they find a workaround. Which won't be for a long time since people can't crack the actual vita, just the psp portion.

  5. Is it really? It got announced a long time ago, but i haven't heard anything in months.
  6. Just beat Leon's campaign in RE6. Im going to skip Chris' and go straight to Jake's. I have to say - Im never going to understand the hate for the game. Its not perfect, but its really damn good.
  7. 15.99 on Newegg. Im interested on trying remote play on my Vita with it.
  8. Shake them haters off.

  9. I'm having a blast too. The mechanics are deep enough to not get dull, and the melee system is awesome. There's a lot of nuances and variety to your character to keep you interested. I'm also finding the game decently challenging. It's nice. I'm also a sucker for RE's awful plot. So I'm sticking to it.
  10. Made almost $400 tonight. I guess my job doesn't suck so bad.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strangelove


      Eh. If you want your body to feel like a piece of poo that got stuck inside a shoe and was stepped on constantly for 10 hours straight, then I guess it's worth it.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Wow. Even for 10 hours that's excellent tips.

    4. Mal


      That is pretty damn good. Hang in there SL.

  11. Its in the discount item section of whatever console you have: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100008103%204803&IsNodeId=1&name=Discount%20Item http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100008091%204803&IsNodeId=1&name=Discount%20Item Its constantly changing, so its worth checking every day.
  12. I might buy a new laptop off Craiglist. Ive never bougt anything off Craiglist before, but you usually meet in public. I still feel unsafe because Ill be carrying a lot of cash. Do I bring a shank of some kind?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eleven


      Or maybe because this was when i was in Toronto. Hmmm. They do say that Canadians are nice.

    3. TCP


      I'm Canadian and I'm a total douche bag... soo....

    4. Strangelove
  13. I dont know if anyone ever checks Newegg(you should), but there are some fairly good deals right now. Heavy Rain Director's Cut is 15.99, DMC HD is 15.99, WKC2 is 15.99, Silent Hill Downpour is also 15.99. Plus a bunch of other stuff I cant remember.
  14. 15.99 on Newegg. I sold my original copy when I got my Vita. I was just waiting for this version to go on sale. It has some of the best dynamic themes ever on disc.
  15. Well, I just got back home and all the keys work again except the left arrow key....hmm....im ok with that for now.
  16. if i cant fix it, i can hook up a usb keyboard to it, right?
  17. Sorry, its a laptop. now w,r,u,i,o,p and the left and right arrow keys arent working either. and yeah, ive tried restarting and removing the battery and unplugging it too. nothing.
  18. So the r key stopped working on my keyboard and the q key acts like im holding down the left arrow key. any way to figure out how to fix this?
  19. Sometimes even I can be as spiteful as God himself.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      And I don't believe in you...

    3. Mal


      SL, you're not real. We're denying your existence!

    4. fuchikoma


      Other religions' followers have suffixes like "-ian" or "-ist", but I think for SL it should be "-er." "Strangelovers"

  20. Did anyone try out Virtue's Last Reward or Silent Hill: Book of Memories? I actually enjoyed SH a lot more. Yet I know only one of these will be critically praised and the other will be panned to shit.
  21. I just noticed this doesnt have Move support. I wish it did. RE5 with Move is great and RE4 Wii Edition is also as great.
  22. Im still not 100% sure, but there arent any other games I want to play for the next 2 weeks or so and I didnt pay full price, so whatevs. I think Im really going to enjoy it though. Haters gonna hate.
  23. Beat the story mode of LBP Vita. Great single player.
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