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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Show me your panocha.

    1. SkyGriever


      Don't have one but I did see your _____'s.

    2. Luftwaffles


      Ooooh you touch my tralala.

  2. I almost got the shit beat out of me with a metal pipe last night. Yipee.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Strangelove


      A friend of me and a bartender got in a fight with one of his friends at the bar, then afterwards we went to check on him. The dude was there too. Long story short, my friend got his windows and his lights busted. Those 2 dudes were coked the fuck out.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      It takes more than coke to make people act like that. Don't let drugs be an excuse for someone's ingrained violent behavior.

    4. Strangelove


      Oh no. I'm nOt making excuses. Fuck those guys. They're pressing charges on the guy who broke the windows and the other guy got fired from his job because they found out he hit his roommate.

  3. Theres one called "Shadows" that's awesome.
  4. This isnt really a plus thing, it's a PSN thing, but... Instant gratification–plus $20 when you spend $100. With Day 1 Digital you can download the biggest Fall premieres the same day as store release. Plus, spend $100 in the PlayStation®Store during October and get $20 back. Pre-Order select titles and get an exclusive theme. Sadly, this is going to be easy for me. New Little King's Story, Ragnarok Odyssey, Silent Hill: Book of Memories, Street Fighter X Tekken, Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, and Assassin's Creed III: Liberation all come out in October. Im not saying Im going to buy all of them, but it should be easy to pick some out and spend 100 bucks.
  5. Ive been only buying Vita games for the past 3 months, so paying more than 40(usually 35) bucks for a game seems weird and foreign to me now. Eesh.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TCP


      Vita = car

      Steam = bicycle

      So true.

    3. Luftwaffles


      I'd say it's actually a better comparison if flipped around. Steam is more powerful, like a car, but less reliable, and a bit more to keep up. Both get you places.

    4. fuchikoma


      Nah, I'm not trying to equate them to the two vehicles... I'm just saying that while you may pay more for Vita games, you're also paying FOR more, so it's not just "games are games." For me, not having physical media devalues them. Having to tie them to an account heavily devalues them. Having to run a helper app to use them takes it so far down I wouldn't do it for free...

  6. I dont wholeheartedly agree with that.
  7. You have a stamina bar for melee. If you use it too much, eventually melee will become too weak to do anything. You can really only kill about 2 or 3 zombie sin a row using melee before its completely useless except to push zombies away.
  8. So uhhh.....how do you change the color of items that have a color wheel icon on them? I cant figure it out. I feel like a goober. And of course I speak of LBP Vita.
  9. I dont know why, but ever since they started charging me taxes, Amazon has lost a lot of it's appeal. Its only a few bucks, but damn. It's just feels wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Unless you're in Canada. :(

    3. TCP


      There's barely any taxes in Canada.

      Except the 12% we pay on pretty much everything except children's clothes. I'm not a child, I'm a man! So this doesn't quite help.

    4. Mal


      I'm not complaining much. Textbooks are still cheaper there and I still get free shipping. As a student, it helps a ton for when I need supplies soon but I don't have the time to go get them.

  10. All civilization was just an effort to impress the opposite sex.

    1. TCP
    2. TheRevanchist


      You can say sex, but the basic need to procreate and ensure the survival of the species, including securing the future of your offspring. Sex is a small act of it.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      It's also the most crucial. Without sex there's no offspring to care for.

  11. I havent played SS, but if its anything like TP, I dont want to. Maybe TP was bad, maybe Im just not a Zelda fan. Possibly both. But TP was not fun. Even if it got better swinging sword controls, its not something I want to do for 60 hours or however long Zelda games are. I like the Wiimote and Move as a pointing device. Stuff like RE4, DS Extraction, Sin & Punishment 2 were the best Wii games because of shooting and not swinging.
  12. I'm sure it's a Sony thing. I'd be surprised if it wasn't. I think you also get a new costume for Connor if you have Liberation.
  13. Lets be honest, most Wii games were gimmicky. At most they made games more "fun", at worst they made them...worse. No game on the Wii would suffer incredibly from proper controller use. All the good stuff: Twilight Princess, SMG1, 2, NMH1, NHM2, and whatnot would play just fine and sometimes even better with a regular controller. Wii ports are easy. Nothing substantial is ever being lost. Sadly, a lot of games that used waggle show signs of how mediocre their gameplay was without it. Again, NMH comes to mind. While people will say it's shiitier without waggle, it just shows that the gameplay was shitty to begin with. Waggle just hid it. Its the very definition of a gimmick. The WiiU will be a very different monster. The second screen will be what makes or breaks it. Wii U games being ported will only be a problem if game companies find something actually good to do with it. Otherwise, I dont care that the 2nd player doesnt have his own screen. Zombie U so far is the only game Ive seen that could be unportable. And if it was, it would be terribly bad. Nintendo needs to enforce the making of games like Zombie U. Sadly, Zombie U itself seem dull as all hell. The WiiU needs something like it, but a million times better. Then again, fuck this. Ghost Trick and TWEWY are both on iOS and theyre still pretty good even without a second display. I dont have a point anymore.
  14. Actually Call of Duty Reflex sold very well on Wii Resident Evil Umbrella and Dark side Chronicles weren't even trying to be like the regular Resident Evil experience, and for some were definitely more fun that Resi 5 at the very least. My point isnt that they sucked, its that they wasted money and time making completely different games. Just port CoD4 and RE5 to the Wii and be done with it. It makes sense and people would buy it anyways.
  15. I never quite understood that myself. Was CoD4 such a powerfully awesome game that the Wii couldnt run the exact same version, just crappier looking? Dead Rising was impossible on the Wii because of the number of zombies onscreen. That makes sense. It changes the game almost entirely, but whats so power consuming about CoD, Dead Space or RE5?
  16. If things repeat themselves this generation, I wonder if publishers are going to even bother with making "lesser" and "original with innovative features" versions of their AAA games on the Wii U like Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop, RE Chronicles, Dead Space Extraction, and Call of Duty 4 Reflex or whatever did on the Wii. they all reviewed worse than the games they were made from and they sold poorly too. I wouldnt bother. And I say this as a person who enjoyed Dead Space Extraction quite a bit.
  17. Well a lot of people are thinking because of economic reasons, The PS4 and the next Xbox wont be ten times more powerful than the WiiU. They dont want to release an expensive machine like they both did last time because a lot of people are unwilling to spend that kind of money right now. I dont think either machine will be priced above $400. I hope people are wrong though. I do want a console way more powerful than what we've had for the past 6 years. And I dont want a pc either. Another thing people are saying is that some publishers arent going to want to spend money on the resources needed to make a PS4/Xbox720 game. Making games has gotten expensive, that's why so many Japanese games were released on portables and the Wii this past generation- to save money on not making an HD game. People assume western game companies to be the next to do the same. I personally doubt it. That being said, Nintendo doesnt sell at a loss, but Sony does. And maybe MS too. So maybe we can get a better more powerful console for almost the same money. Lets hope.
  18. Lately I get more pleasure out of seeing my bank account numbers rise than to actually spend the money on things I want. I can finally afford a Macbook Pro now, but I don't want to see my account lower. Quite the conundrum.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TCP


      Besides gaming (and the last place I want to do gaming is on a computer anyways) what can't an Apple do? In fact, in a lot of things, such as audio and video editing, Apple is the industry standard.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      ^One example I can think of is that there isn't really a good music player besides iTunes. I also don't think any tagging apps exist that have the feature set of stuff like mp3tag.

    4. fuchikoma


      When I used a Macbook Pro at work, I actually found these days you can find most of what you need for free online. It used to be a big problem, but much less so now. Though now that they make disposable computers with soldered-in batteries and RAM, they've pretty much ensured I'm not getting one.

  19. Work, Mexican, work

    1. TheRevanchist


      I did. Went to work yesterday for 8 hours, then volunteered at a fundraiser for 6.5 hours to get home at 1 in the morning. Then woke up this morning and went to work for 7 hours, spent 2 hours at Walmart getting supplies for the home, and came home to clean for the next 3 hours. How much more can one Mexican do?

    2. Strangelove


      Volunteering? That's more of a white people thing.

  20. You're right. The cloak guy with the 2 light sabers. It also has a new mushroom enemy. Damn, I was really into kh back then.
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