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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I got a 50 inch Vizio. I quite enjoy it.

    1. Mal


      May your Western decadence be the end of you.

    2. madbassman39


      I was going to get one of those soon.

  2. Ive been downloading screeners for new films these last couple of months like crazy and not because I cant afford to see it at the theater, but because I dont have the time for it. I wonder if someday theyll be simultaneous theatrical and digital/physical releases of films. Leave going to the movies for people who like that, let the rest of us enjoy it at home. zshits expensive whether you watch it on the big screen or on bluray anyways.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      Pop into either the lottery thread or things I want thread. You can have simultaneous streaming. Also some indie films release online before cinema.

    3. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Yes, theaters are in trouble. Less attendance, distributors demanding better screens, and many distributors want to have simultaneous or shortened delays between releases. Movie theaters are fighting the studios tooth and nail to stay alive.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Downloading + watching doesn't take much longer than just going to the theater.

  3. Found it on Ebay for $20 and I couldnt help myself.
  4. I had $22 Ebay bucks from when I bought my Macbook, so I bought a $20 PSN card and got this off PSN.
  5. This Is 40. It takes a while to get started and for a lot of people the ratio of drama to comedy might be a bit skewed(just like Funny People), but the drama and the comedy are solid. Really good, funny movie.
  6. Dang, I kind of wanted a new tv. My 32 inch just isnt cutting it anymore. I have the money, but...eh.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      How far away are you sitting from it? 32 inches at 10 feet (living room) certainly isn't great. A big TV (40+) is definitely one thing I'm considering getting before I move out so I'm ready for a new place.

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I have my 32 incher in my room and I'll watch it no more 8 feet away as it's in my room in my college apartment and it is gigantic tv in that situation

  7. Make more money, lose more weight, and slay more ass. That's it. And maybe get a kitten. I dunno.
  8. Well, I got gifted the Half Life Collection, but I already had Half Life 2 and Half Life 2 ep.1. I have a copy of each to give out. let me know if anyone wants it.
  9. $21.99 at Amazon. I wish this would come for the Vita. Chances are if it does, Im going to double dip.
  10. Fuck yeah Im a sponger. About sponge up this entire ocean with my big ol' dick.

    1. TheRevanchist


      Maybe your penis just has dry skin? I usually rub a whole bunch of lotion all over it. You'll feel better is you do.

    2. Pojodin


      I think he means he'll sponge up this entire ocean with Moby Dick. After all, Moby is big and old, and he does spend a bit of time in the ocean.

  11. FredEffinChopin went all out and got me these: THANKS, DUDE!
  12. I got a Macbook(with a green hardshell case) with me, I'm officially the coolest motherfucker at the bar right now. Gettin' various trims for sure tonight.

    1. TheRevanchist


      Are MacBooks still cool? I would think that is like owning a iPhone when everyone is getting a Galaxy or Windows phone.

  13. My first day of bartending wasn't completely awful. Hooray for me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Too bad it's all for nothing, since the world came to an end.

    3. Mal


      You got me a bartending school ad.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      If it wasn't completely awful on your own the you should have plenty of hope for the future.

  14. Why am I the only one playing Stranger's Wrath? Its fucking amazing and its almost on every platform now(any platform worth a damn anyways). Fucking get it.
  15. Well, I kind of sort of bartended last night. There was a bartender with me. On thursday Im bartending by myself for 7 hours. BY MYSELF. Pray for me.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens
    2. TheRevanchist


      Is the place big enough for bouncers, or would that be you only? You better make them customers damn happy to be there!

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I'll have a gin old fashioned up, stirred and kicked in the teeth.

  16. And this shitty game isnt going to change that either. God knows it didnt.
  17. Just call shit by what most people know it as. Dont fuck around. It seems pretentious, despite those words probably already existed. Its a fucking fairy and its always going to be a fucking fairy.
  18. The name changes were annoying. I seriously hated them. They tried way too hard to change shit for the sake of it. Especially considering its the same shit as other fantasy games and books. Fuck them.
  19. Is there a thread for technological/media questions yet? Ive been thinking about getting a cheap sound system, like under 200 bucks cheap for my tv. Some of you probably know a thing or 2 about that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baconrath
    3. fuchikoma


      Depends what you want out of them. I got my dad some leaning trapezoid style Altec Lansing desktop stereo speakers for his iPod (maybe VS2620AM?) and he loves them - they're loud and clear for conversational levels, but not going to shake the walls for movie viewing and games. Still, keeping in that range, you may want to look at computer speakers since a decent receiver costs that much alone.

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Entry level Onkyo systems will give you a lot of bang for your bucks.

  20. http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-SpinPoint-5400rpm-2-5-Inch-HN-M101MBB/dp/B0053YLTBC/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pdT1_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2OOX424S4Y4R6&coliid=I2C8SVQ1JQ7T07 $77.99 for a 1TB HDD, is that the best price Im going to find for that?
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