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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. No one's bought that recycled 3DS Mario game yet? I'm surprised...and pleased. If I still had a 3DS, Id probably buy it though. Just cus. I'm an idiot.
  2. Well, I finally bit. It was $64.99 with no taxes and free shipping on Ebay. I told myself Id buy a 32gb card if I ever saw it for less than $70 with tax and shipping included. By far the lowest I've ever seen one of these go for. I havent spent more than 30 bucks on a single item in a VERY long time, so Im not going to lie....my body aches from buying this. But Psone classics are coming. Now I need to find out what to do with this damn 16gb card I have. Im not going to lie, probably sell to GS or Best Buy. Im too lazy to put it up on Amazon or Ebay.
  3. I also got the Captain America bluray, but Gohastings hasnt delivered it yet. I hope they dont cancel it.
  4. I feel like shitballs.

    1. Waldorf and Statler
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      We're all out of shitballs. You'll have to order something else.

  5. Good news, everyone! http://www.xperiablog.net/2012/08/16/ps-one-classics-dropped-from-playstation-mobile-third-party-support-revealed/ "Sony confirmed that over 100 PS One classics will be available to download on the handheld from August 28th including Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, and Resident Evil 2."
  6. That buttons disappears all the time. It's kind of annoying.
  7. Persona 4 The Golden was moved to November 20th in the US. Thats basically a Christmas item now instead of a Halloween one. Im disappointed because Im really looking forward to playing P4 for the first time on the Vita, but October is going to be cramped for me even without Persona. I got SFxT, AC3 Liberation, and maybe Silent Hill. And maybe Ragnarok Odyssey. Depending on reviews.
  8. I'm never going to understand the XL thing when it comes to Nintendo handhelds. For me, something the size of a book isnt a handheld anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. TCP


      Ethan, agreed. It's like they never knew the PSP existed.

    3. MasterDex


      @Pojodin: Daaaamn! Certainly not a loo book, that's for sure!

    4. Pojodin


      I think that's the complete MGS series story, as penned by Hideo Kojima.

  9. The beginning of the end for Excel.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pojodin


      Wait, he's a 00 agent now? That's tough.

    3. excel_excel
    4. Strangelove


      The La Li Lu Le Lo?!???!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I have the official Bioware one, and while it's well made the material is really thin, so don't expect to actually be using it in the cold.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I do use it every time I go to the movie theater though, since they keep it about 50 degrees in there.

    4. Chewblaha


      "Getting laid ever? Yay or nay."



  10. I suppose we best move the Blazblue discussion over here. I was actually able to beat Hazama with Noel on my first try on normal. Im pretty good with her. I switched it to easy to play arcade mode with Makoto and he is still really tough. I managed to beat him after about 7 or 8 times. He really defeats the purpose of having different difficulties. The thing that annoys me about these tough fighting game bosses is that any kind of defense strategy goes right out the window. Most fighting games like to stress how defense and offense are equally important, but then they give the boss a way to beat you to shit even when youre blocking or trying to evade. The best strategy for SNk and Capcom bosses has always been to wail on them without giving them even a microsecond to breath. And it seems its the same way for this game too. Also, I really liked Tao, but finishing combos with her drive move always leaves her open. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to knock the opponent down after using the rush thing?
  11. I'd make fun of you for drinking Budweiser in America, too.
  12. I think it's the color thing. Anything not a shade of yellow, brown, or clear is automatically girly.
  13. The irony is that so many people ask for a price cut, but most places offer you a 4gb card AND a game with the system for 250 bucks. Im not sure whats wrong with people. Is it just somehow better if it's an actual Sony certified pricecut? And they don't even throw in shitty games, you can get stuff like Gravity Rush or MGS HD for free. But yes, the 4gb should be in there already. Or 1gb or 512mb or whatever. Since launch. Something to at least save games a few apps. If people want to upgrade later on, let them.
  14. I am also of the opinion that the 250 pricepoint should stick, but the cards should be lowered or upgraded. the 4 gb should be phased out or packed in with the console and the 8gb should be lowered to 20 bucks and so on. The Vita REALLY needs a 48 or 64gb card or higher, but I cant imagine paying more than 100 bucks for it. I know that them being proprietary and the development costs accounts for how expensive they are, but how are manufacturing costs applied to the capacity? Are 32gb cards more expensive to produce than 4gb cards? Or are they just arbitrarily priced like cellphone data plans? I just think overall that the price for the cards would be fine if they had been with a bit higher capacity. Im done with my 16gb card. Its full and I only have about 10 Vita games or so on it. I own a fraction of the released Vita stuff and I bought the second biggest card. The system has been out for less than a year. If I keep spending like I am now, in a year even a 64gb wont be enough. And im not even accounting for PSone classics. I think it would be in Sony's interest for me to go all digital. Well, this isnt helping. At all.
  15. I was fighting him using taokaka. Shes really close range. I eventually just quit.
  16. I dunno, the boss I guess. He has this green shield thing around him. The game never explains what it does, if anything. I also have no idea how to avoid his distortion special move thing either.
  17. Hazama is a dick. I did finish the tutorial though. You have to enter commands way before they actually occur. It's weird, but I see where theyre going with it.
  18. The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      My favorite part about that quote is that that's about 1/500th of 1 mile per gallon, or about 10 feet per gallon.

    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      that's quite good for an American car, isn't it?

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Only if the car's from the 70's. Modern American cars get upwards of 2, 3 miles per gallon.

  19. It seems simple enough, but the execution is something else. It seems to require perfect timing. I didnt even bother with the rest of the tutorials. I cant even imagine the advanced stuff.
  20. YES! That fucking thing! I started the arcade mode and am so glad that half the things you learn arent necessary there. I guess they add all these techniques for the hardcore fans. I sure as hell wont be bothering doing most of the intermediate techniques.
  21. The Blazblue port is amazing. It looks perfect. The game is pretty good too. Finished most of the tutorial, then got stuck. The game is pretty fucking hard though to "get". I wish it was simpler.
  22. Moms are tough.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      Also, she wasn't that tough considering she was pretty much the only person in that game to actually die.

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      try marinating them first.

    4. Strangelove


      Dialogue worthy of.....videogames.

  23. Ive focused completely on Vita games and blurays lately. I dont buy a lot of stuff, so if I have some cash, thats where it goes. I havent bought a PS3 game since I got the Vita actually. Ill probably only buy Journey Collector's Edition and maybe AC3, but not before I get Liberation first. As far as Im concerned, all the good 2012 PS3 stuff is being ported to the Vita or has been pushed to next year: Dead Space 3, South Park, Bioshock Infinite, Ni No Kuni, DmC, Tomb Raider, Last of Us, Beyond.
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