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Everything posted by SixTwoSixFour

  1. Pull wasn't quite as good as Throw- you couldn't blast people off of ledges- but it was still pretty good, you could pull people closer for a melee. It's quite powerful when used right, a great compliment to the Vanguard's up close style. I stopped using it when I picked up Miranda's Slam as my advanced training, though- holy crap that move is overpowered.
  2. Pirating? Dean... I am disappoint.
  3. How on earth does this not have a topic yet? Anyway, this thread is all about Shin Megami Tensei, all entries in the series. I'm personally a Persona fan, so that's my main focus, but Digital Devil Saga fans and whatnot are welcome here as well. Just started Persona 3 Portable- I own FES, but I could never make it through it for some reason. I loved it, but I just couldn't get off the ground. The PSP is the change I needed- having it on the go, I find I'm playing it all the time, and I freaking LOVE it.
  4. Perhaps my last post wasn't clear. I was trying to say "my mistake" without outright saying it so as to protect my pride. I masked it a little too well, though, I guess, so here it is: my mistake. I made assumptions about how you played that were incorrect, and I apologize. @FLD: I love Vanguard too, my friend. Biotic Charge is a blast, and shotguns kick ass. Deadly one-two (three if you melee as well!). @Everyone Else: The PS3 version does look better, yeah. It's also gonna be nice to have that Backstory Comic- I loved Mass Effect 1, of course, but it feels pretty dated now, and it'll be cool to be able to play through ME2 without having to go through ME1 to make a character. (Of course, you don't have to go through ME1, but I don't want the game deciding for me what I did about the Council and all that stuff. That's the best part of ME2.) And the Kasumi thing... I'm not saying you're wrong, Talizorah, but if you can find your source about Kasumi, that would be great- I spent a while on Google, but I can't find it =(
  5. It's not like I think you shouldn't be allowed to play Soldier, or anything. I just feel like you're cheating yourself out of fun. That's my point. If you tried the other classes, and found Soldier to be the most enjoyable, I have no problem with that- whatever you enjoy. It's just that I'm positive tons of people just went straight for Soldier, and that depresses me. She doesn't have the level of interaction that a regular character does- think Zaeed, a couple of objects in the room that she'll comment on, but no dialogue tree. That said, she has a good personality, her missions are fun, and the SMG you get during the mission is just DELICIOUS.
  6. Cody is a shoto. A modified one, but a shoto. No, I don't care who people play. I'm working on "From C to Shining C" myself, the trophy for reaching C Rank with every character online, so I've played enough to see the good in just about every character. Anyway, the point is, there are all these cool in-universe powers, like hacking, combat drones, the ability to smash shit with your mind, why in god's name would you pick the only class that can't do ANY of that?
  7. Playing Soldier is like playing a human in WoW. It's like going to Baskin Robbins and ordering vanilla. It's like going to a bar, it's Friday night, you just got paid, you don't need to get up tomorrow morning, they're doing half-price whiskey, and you order a water.
  8. He's not going to, but if Gene were to make it into Marvel vs. Capcom 3... oh, I would be in LOVE with Capcom for that.
  9. If you get it for PS3, make sure you patch it (most people do, but I know a few people who usually don't). There are some issues with the game out-of-the-box, but patches fix em. But yeah, fantastic game, and it still plays great on the PS3. DLC wise, make sure you get Stone Prisoner (it comes free with new copies), because it adds Shale, maybe the best character in the game... well, ONE of the best, Alistair is pretty amazing. I would also get Leliana's Song and the Darkspawn Chronicles, which are separate campaigns, but very interesting. Witch Hunt, Warden's Keep, and Return to Ostagar you should only get if you're really in love with the game, because they're not great DLC, honestly- not terrible, but too short and disappointing. Haven't played the Golems of Amgarrak. Great, great game. Liked it better than ME1, but not ME2, methinks. Got Dragon Age 2 preordered, though- can't wait to play as Hawke!
  10. Alas, it is not, and likely never will be.
  11. That's certainly true- I played an Infiltrator for my Male Shep in ME1, and my GOD was it painful. The class was anemically underpowered.
  12. Hey, I'm SixTwoSixFour, feel free to call me Six. If you're an older Kotakuite, you might know me as Dangeresque, my old account that got banned during The Great Purge earlier this year. I'm 21, I'm a full-time minimum wage employee, and I'm usually logged on to Steam, even if I'm not around at the moment (go by GaryOak ([k]) on there). Nice to meetcha.
  13. I gotta say, I was really discouraged when I saw all the stats on what class people picked. Really? That many people picked soldier, which is easily the most boring class in the game? That's too bad. I have a Paragon (mostly) Vanguard FemShep, and a Renegade (mostly) Sentinel DudeShep. I'll roll another character once it comes out for PS3, I'm certain. Though I really hope ME3 lets me romance Tali as FemShep- my most wanted feature, I -love- Tali, rolled my male Shepard just so I could have that relationship.
  14. I can confirm that the man is not exaggerating. If you love a challenging game, if you love a fast-paced beat em up, if you love oddball humor, this game is god in heaven.
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