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Everything posted by SixTwoSixFour

  1. Ladies and gentlemen! Playstation Plus subscribers can now get King of Fighters XIII for FREE. Limited time, of course- don't let a great fighter slip on by. I think I know what Season 3 of the fighting league will be....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fuchikoma


      Got that one on disc after seeing the madness at the last Evo!

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      NFL Blitz is also free. Wahoo, more shit to play drunk with friends!

    4. TCP



  2. Hey folks, gather 'round, gather 'round! In a few weeks, we're going to start up a new battle league! The last one went pretty well, but a common problem was that a lot of people just didn't have the game. Well, this time we're going with one that a lot more people seem to have- Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition for PS3! Wanna get your parry on? Got some Reflector setups to show off? Let me know in this thread, and we'll get you on the list!
  3. My availability is 12-5 on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Friday. Sunday is a no go, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday are wide open. So does Thursday at 8pm work for everybody? It looks like it does.
  4. Noon CT works for me... earlier would be hard with my dialysis, but I could do it if I had tah. I also wanted to float the idea of another fighting game for Season 2. I love P4A, but lots of people don't... and not only would it be a change of pace if we went to another game, we'd also have an easier time getting new people to join. SSFIV, Third Strike, BlazBlue (as if anyone else would go for that =p), Marvel, I'm flexible. Is this something we want to pursue?
  5. Six vs. Omni, Part 2: Six wins, 5-0. And that's the end of the season 1 round robins, gents! See you guys Saturday for the tournament... or before then if you want some casuals, of course.
  6. Six vs. UA, Part 2: Six wins, 5-0. God, I'm lucky it ended when it did. He had me like 75% downloaded....
  7. Six vs. Omni, Part 1. Six wins, 5-0. Good fights- can't wait to see who you settle on as a main! That Mitsuru seemed your style.
  8. Six vs. UnstableArk, Part 1: Six wins, 5-0. Great fights, UA! Doing a lot of P4A today, will update if I have more results.... Update Six vs. Duke, Part 2: Six wins, 5-0. It was a pleasure, Duke.
  9. After numerous delays, the results from the first Round Robin set is in! Six vs. Duke, Part 1. EDIT: Six wins, 5-0. Omni complains too much. I should be fighting UA tomorrow as well, so that should be fun. Good fights, Duke!
  10. "Other M was a damned masterpiece!" Kids say the darndest things....

    1. TCP


      I really dug the gameplay. The criticism that game got was unfair. Worse yet, it seems to have made Nintendo afraid of the Metroid franchise. :'(

  11. Anybody else been spending time with Persona 4 Arena? I have been myself, and I've been having a blast. The combo system is GREAT- it's just forgiving enough that you feel like it's not about arbitrary timings, it's about what moves logically link together. It's very BlazBlue like (for obvious reasons), but unlike BlazBlue, I don't dislike ANY of the characters. Well. Teddie is not fun. But other than that. I've been playing Naoto as my main, and I'm getting a sneaking suspicion that she'll end up being pretty high tier once the community really learns the game... and also that Naoto vs. Elizabeth is just a miserable matchup for Elizabeth. Elizabeth just gets her Persona broken or silenced so easily against her, and then she's just helpless against the Detective Prince. Naoto vs. Yosuke is super interesting, though- I fought this one guy on Player Matches a handful of times, and it's like... at first, Naoto zones Yosuke out pretty hard, then Yosuke gets Awakening, uses Sukukaja, and suddenly he can outrun her bullets and the tables are completely turned. Could have been just that guy, but it seems like a fascinating matchup. I've noticed another weird thing... I'm WINNING. Look at my win record on any other fighting game, it's pretty sad. On P4A, I am doing really really well. I don't know if it's just I'm fighting Persona fans who don't know fighting games, or what, but it's kind of nice, except I'm not sure I'm earning it. Like, I'm going to rank up a few times, and then suddenly shit will get serious and I'll never win another match. Guess we'll see.
  12. Listen. There's no time. You know those Fighting Fantasy books you read as a kid? Yeah, well, they got ported to iOS. A while ago, apparently, but I never heard. So they're in the app store. BUT! The license was temporary. They will be taken down. TOMORROW. So what are you waiting for? Three bucks for nostalgia, go go go!

  13. Trailer comments: how come they show new toys for EVERYONE but Hakumen? Sad face. Even freakin' LITCHI has new moves, and she already had like a MILLION. And Hazama gets a curb stomp DD, and... =( Show some love for the white void, Arcsys! Also, amateur translation of Bullet's little rant: "I've got some things to ask you... and I'll beat the answers out of you if I have to!" Sounds like my kinda lady.
  14. Hey, folks! P4A coming out Tuesday, and I'm looking to start a Ladder League. If you're interested, let me know- got some regulars already with their names down, it's gonna be a blast!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Johnny


      The european release date is september 7th.

    3. SixTwoSixFour


      We are talking PS3, yes.

    4. Vecha


      I'd love to be a part of it, but I suck at fighters and have no monies.


      Wish you all some fun!

  15. Maybe he'll manage to convince the rest of the team that unblockable instant kill supers are a STUPID FUCKING IDEA. I love Seth, I love him with a passion. I just hope he's not joining too late to fix this game.
  16. Because the Fibonacci Sequence. Count the syllables. 1 1 2 3. Good cadence, yo.
  17. Simple, it's not the government's job. It's all the government is for! The government is there to help people who others won't or can't. I hesitate to do this, but... Take a theoretical person. Let's name him Steve. Steve works minimum wage, full time, in order to pay his bills. He has a few technical luxuries- the internet, and maybe a game once a month (if there are no surprise expenses), but mostly he barely manages rent, power, student loans, and food, alongside a few credit card bills from his past. Then Steve has a medical emergency, he spends a month in the hospital, and leaves a disabled man. He's physically no longer capable of working full time- he can manage 20 hours a week before his body starts to fail him. He has tons of medical expenses to treat his condition, and he can't earn enough money to cover his expenses of his normal life, let alone the medical costs. And since I'm not all that subtle, here's the very obvious kicker: there's nothing theoretical about that, except that my name's not really Steve. And if the government didn't help me out with medical bills, and give me a little bit of disability, I would not be able to afford life.
  18. I've played it a little now. It is awesome. Just know that it takes some learning. The controls are... well. Unintuitive is being generous.
  19. Your meter was waaaay better, though. I couldn't compete there.
  20. Eh, it isn't about winning. It's about competing. No point in keeping score. Good game.
  21. Its story is the weakest of the series, probably, but it has more classes and such than any other release- INCLUDING 4, oddly. I'd say it's well worth your time. How much of your time is up to you, given what a delightful black hole these games can be =)
  22. I call it Windows Hate. Because I hate it. And it hates me. im clevar
  23. I hardly need to post, I've already won two of three But a true gentleman doesn't let his enemy go free And neither will I- not even if you were to plea But you ain't smart enough for that, sensible as it would be Dance pad? Fishing rod? Kid, you're in denial You can't even Hadouken- that's the very first trial! I don't know why I'm here- I don't fight men with no style It's embarrassing to see your talentless Guile I hate to go to rhyme scheme, but figure it out You maintain it for four verses, then run outta clout? Listen, little one, that's nothing to tout It's actually a shameful way to end this bout Cause this is the finale, in case you've forgotten Just in time, as the structure of your rap is rottin' Entirely made of rhymes that be ill-gotten That hit with with the force of a wad of cotton Better hit the Super Guide, you'll need the aid And if you wanted to sell the crowd, you'd best upgrade Cause I don't think you put enough points in Persuade To make them like a rap that's clearly decayed I've got enough Action Points to finish the set So yes, there's a reason for your cold sweat (Hint- you're more lost than Drake was in Tibet) And I've got no desire to have mercy, yet It's time for a Turnabout, a great resurrection I'm rising from the ashes, shouting “Objection!” I see an enemy completely without imperfection Oh snap, I was just looking at my own reflection But now I'm facing in the right direction My confidence is my only protection But it's enough to sway your allies to defection Your few meager friends are now in my collection My power washes over you like an infection The color starts to fade from your complexion You swing at me, but it's just a projection And now I've gotten behind you without detection This is the end of my armed insurrection This is where it becomes an election So vote, all of you with an internet connection And we'll see which rapper has to face rejection Make your choices, ladies and gentlemen. This rap battle is over.
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