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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. For me the day Nintendo truly faded was about a year or two into the Gamecube era. I bought the Gamecube out of the gate under promise of tons of great games, not the least of which was Perfect Dark. This trailer had me very excited. The N64 may have lost some ground to Sony in volume of games but the best experiences like Goldeneye were still on the N64 and the hardware was clearly superior. What ended up happening with the Gamecube broke my heart. Nintendo ditched Rare, the Zelda game that was demoed didn't get released and Wind Waker didn't come out for a few years and by then it was rushed to market. 3rd party support never picked up because of Nintendo's strange format and the whole system fizzled. I think it was the Gamecube where Nintendo first decided it didn't want to keep making Goldeneye but they had long before that abandoned all other 3rd party franchises I cared about and as a result the GC era was when I finally woke up and realized how long ago Nintendo had stopped loving me.
  2. Man, that's how I feel too right now. Great point. Of course, the sad fact is that SEGA's old core games suck now...
  3. Corrosive skin or probably just bad taste in music?
  4. Or rather, the day Nintendo stopped loving me? I'm just wondering, I know there are probably other people out there too, who grew up on Mario, Zelda and the other franchises but who now play more Playstation, Xbox or PC games. I'm just wondering if you still consider yourself a Nintendo fan or if you've moved past that. I'm not saying you don't play Nintendo anymore, but their place as the king of your videogame world is a distant memory. I'll add my own story a little later, got work to do now.
  5. I'm going to talk to high school students today about what I do. I plan on telling them that AutoCAD makes learning geometry pointless.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yantelope


      I so desperately want to go back in time to my 4th grade teacher and tell her "No, learning to use the library is actually a waste of our time".

    3. madbassman39


      Haha, the teachers will love that! AutoCAD is not my favorite program, but its sure a hell of a lot better than doing actual geometry... especially the proofs

    4. RockyRan


      Definitely do it. I continue to be amazed at just how much elementary and most of high school was a complete fucking waste of time.

  6. Dean, what are the odds of getting a full list of pictures back on the OP like it used to be?
  7. Picked up the Halo Reach Map pack 2. On sale for 400 space bucks and I got the points on sale so only cost me $3.75. Woot

    1. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Was tempted by that, but purely for the Firefight map. Not sure if it's worth it though.

  8. and may I say, all excellent selections. "ARE YOU THE SINGING BUSH!?"
  9. At last I will have my hovercar! It's going to be freaking cold inside though.

    1. deanb


      The way it works though you can't have your hovercar leave the garage.

    2. Yantelope


      Who cares? Wheeeeeee!

  10. I know there are a lot of MGS fans here and I saw Escape from New York on the list up near the top. If you love MGS you have to watch at least the first 30 minutes of Escape from New York so you can see how much Kojima stole.
  11. Johnny, you're taking this a bit personally maybe? I don't think any of us were here are trying to attack or belittle you.
  12. @Johnny, There are some games that are clearly connected and there are some that aren't. I just mean that I don't think it matters as each game stands alone just fine without ever playing any other Zelda game. When I said there was no connection at all I wasn't completely serious as I poitned out how some games are clearly connected. The overall point remains though that I don't see any purpose in trying to tie all the games together as clearly there's no possible way to do it without making up crazy theories. Anywho, if you care to piece it all together that's fine by me but I personally love the games but have no interest in trying to make them all fit together in one big story arc.
  13. but that's exactly my point. The overall story isn't important. If it wasn't important to the creator then it probably shouldn't be overly important to me. edit: Been reading that link Ethan and I don't think I personally ascribe to it.
  14. I think you're overlooking the fact that even the developers themselves clearly don't understand the timeline. "Confusion was caused over this title's placement when Shigeru Miyamoto stated in an interview that it occurred after the original (see Miyamoto Order). However, due to Miyamoto's admitted lack of interest or involvement in the Zelda timeline, many choose to brand it an honest mistake on his part, or a possible mistranslation resulting from Nintendo's poor translation practices of the 80's and 90's." http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline
  15. Yeah, that's probably a great way to describe it. That's how I always thought about it. I always figured the original and Zelda II were related. LTTP and LA were related. Oracle games are clearly related. OOT and MM are related and possibly OOT and WW are related.
  16. My personal opinion is that it's an inside joke at Nintendo that there's actually no connection between any of the games and they try to keep it as ambiguous and confusing as possible. Really, there's no reason for an inter-game connection as one game has about as much impact on the next as a FInal Fantasy title. I honestly never realized people were trying to piece the games together into a timeline for a long long time. I always figured it was just the same story being retold in different ways over and over. I guess that's why I was so shocked at the backstory in Wind Waker as it was the only game (outside of the sidestory games LA and MM) which had some Link to any other games. As an aside, I really want to go play some old Zelda games now that we've been talking about this. I think I'm gonna go play TP again.
  17. Friends come and go but enemies accumulate.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VicariousShaner


      Enemy 4 life dawg, always there for ya.

    3. fuchikoma


      eh. Enemies hurt themselves more than you, I think. "Holding onto anger is like grabbing a burning coal to throw it at someone - you are the one who gets burned." I know I've certainly come up as an adversary on some discussions here, but that's about the discussion; nothing personal.

    4. Yantelope


      I was mostly kidding. I read this on a "murphey's law" poster at Cane's and it made me laugh.

  18. I was making the argument that these items were tacked on because AC:B looks like a pretty short part of a game compared to AC:2.
  19. How they cherry pick examples to make the tech look great but it never actually works that well.
  20. I'm going to put this one to marketing cherry picking until it's actually released.
  21. Yeah, I got the impression that so many of those things were thrown in there as padding to help justify the $60 asking price. AI by Psygnosis?
  22. Can't we also link this thread to the whole Avatar fans want to live on Pandora thing that blew up a while back?
  23. Eventually though they will have to release a new game that isn't angry birds and it will more than likely not be a crazy success like angry birds.
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