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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Are there any numbers or any kind of research to show whether or not heavy DRM affects sales of videogames? Additionally, has there been any kind of research to show whether delaying or canceling the PC version of a game affects sales? The argument has long been that piracy is a leading cause of lost sales but the only real figure we have is the number of times those games are pirated. The "lost sales" numbers are all guesses so has anyone bothered to look at the "solutions" to see if any of them do anything at all? I mean, speaking strictly pragmatically, shouldn't game companies just evaluate whether heavy DRM or no DRM leads to more sales and just proceed in that direction. I'd have to guess that they probably have done some research to this effect and that's why games like Red Dead Redemption didn't see a PC release.
  2. Oh man, I've played Ikaruga a lot too. Good call, I can't believe I didn't see that.
  3. Sorry, Just dropped in but didn't have time to post. Okay here is another brain buster.
  4. Mudkip was right about Quest for Glory. Oh and UN Squadron.
  5. I'm still waiting on those IX fanyboys to show up.
  6. A fair few of those seem somewhat incremental but by today's standards that's become much more commonplace.
  7. Yeah, true. FFVIII was not the best of the series but I think the bad guy being "for the evulz" was probably because the main focus was on Squall and Rhinoa. I do wish that Squall wasn't such a baby for the whole game.
  8. I liked SMS fine too and I liked SMG. I just think it's funny how one is a total letdown and one is a GOTY. I don't see the difference.
  9. SMG wasn't a bad game but I didn't see what made it so much better than the bemoaned SMS.
  10. Having the true villain appear at the very end of the game is actually pretty true to form for Final Fantasy though. I was just into the whole emo before it was emo phase of FF and I liked the darker nature of the games.
  11. FFVI was my favorite for a long time even after VII and VIII had come out but now looking back I think that I'm the most nostalgic about VII and it's definitely the most influential of the series so I picked it. I thought the second half of VI was lacking. VIII would rank number 3 for me. I loved the story and the setting but hated the battle system.
  12. I don't recall there being a noticiable difference between any of the PS2 GTAs beyond the setting.
  13. So pick what you say is the best Final Fantasy and back up why here in the thread. I left XI and XIV off deliberately because they MMOs are in a different genre really.
  14. I never got to play Ecco as a kid. I knew it was supposed to be good and that I should like it but when I tried to play it much later as an adult I hated it.
  15. Pheer has a point though. In previous games a sniper bullet to the head killed an elite every single time. Now it can take up to 3. It does seem like they went a little too far in the damage modifiers on Reach.
  16. Yeah I do remember those ads. That was part of the fanboy polarization effect too. Everyone could only afford one console and kids were taught by their overlords to hate the opponent. PLAY IT LOUD!
  17. I have fond memories of Sears demo units. That's where we got to play Mortal Kombat because my parents didn't want us to play it.
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