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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. Adding the Corsair 680X to the list. Looking at some reviews, the main issue is the price, American price doesn't really compare with Mexican prices where all 3 are at about the same price, with the O11 XL being more expensive because it doesn't include any fans.
  2. Nintendo surprises everyone, releasing a new Star Fox game. \m/ \m/
  3. Dark Souls 3 Four years late but I finally did it! \m/ \m/ Ended with: Strength: 60 Dex: 16 Vigor: 31 Endurance: 40 Vitality: 20 Using the heavy greatsword +10 I was able to beat most endgame bosses without much trouble, except for For those I switched to shield + dragonslayer axe, and then to a magic build with crystal soul spear. I would like to try NG+ or get the DLC, but that'll have to wait, for now I'm going to start Horizon Zero dawn. \m/ \m/
  4. Right: Child soldiers in Somalia Left: Child soldiers in Mexico (Guerrero) Kids talk about how they had to stop going to school because if they went they would get lifted (kidnapped) by the local cartel, another kid talks about how he had to stop going to school after they murdered one of his classmates. In response to this they have joined the local self-defence groups, the only ones trying to do something about all the shit going on because the government has turned its back on them. The response from the president was to label this group as an organised crime gang, recruiting children for their criminal enterprises, while going on about how his strategy is working and there's no more violence in the country. Shit's fucked and it's getting worse every day.
  5. A ton of gameplay videos went up today, here's a couple: \m/ \m/
  6. Looking at my save games I have well over 1000 hours in this game. Got the Platinum, and I pretty much know every secret area, boss, cheese, etc. There were plenty of games I enjoyed, but when looking back at the decade, the one that defined it for me is, without a doubt, Dark Souls. \m/ \m/ Everything about it was awesome, the soundtrack, the atmosphere, enemy design, yes, Bligthttown was a nightmare, that's undeniable, but it doesn't bring down the rest of the game IMO.
  7. HELL YEAH! \m/ \m/ DOOM 2016 quickly shot to the top of my favourite games list, and everything I've seen/read/heard about ETERNAL makes it sound way WAY better in every way, the new soundtrack is MONSTROUS too, so yeah, I can't wait! \m/ \m/
  8. Trying to learn this on guitar, while not that hard technically speaking, the challenge is trying to get a similar tone.
  9. *Sees last post in the games you've bought thread* Wow, perfect timing!
  10. Sekiro is sold out everywhere, but I found this one for cheap, so why not?
  11. HELL YEAH! \m/ \m/ Seems like they are going with the "Doom Slayer == Doomguy" thing, which is kinda disappointing, the rest of it looks fucking awesome though! \m/ \m/
  12. Not a fan of either of the Spanish versions, not demonic enough and Asesino de la Muerte sounds kinda dumb, Destructor de los Condenados, or even Asesino de los Condenados would be better IMO.
  13. Ace Combat 7 HELL YEAH! Couple of things I miss from AC6: Being able to modify you wingman's setup The CFA-44 Other than that, it was awesome, everything I wanted from a proper AC game.
  14. Currently looking at the ROG Helios or the Lian Li O11 XL, anyone got recommendations for cases along that line/style?
  15. I have 3 steam keys for the Rock of Ages 3 closed alpha, it runs from today until the 13th.
  16. Evil Neoliberal governments of the past: -Here, have some free healthcare, all ya'll need is a single small payment per year and everything will be covered, if you have cancer we'll get you to some of the best hospitals in the world and cover the cost! Glorious "left" of today: -No more free healthcare, now you'll get FREE* healthcare! We're done with evil neoliberal policies of the past and moving towards a brighter future! *FREE: You no longer have to pay once per year because now you have to pay every time you visit a doctor, public hospitals are now also going to be understaffed and under-equipped thanks to budget cuts, also also, because certain conditions are no longer covered and the previous agreements with international medical institutions are no longer valid, if you arrive at a public hospital with cancer, burns, hepatitis, cardiac arrest, or some similar condition you're fucked, this system does not cover any of that.
  17. https://swordshield.pokemon.com/en-us/expansionpass/ Expansion pass announced, will have two DLCs, The Isle of Armour and The Crown Tundra. They'll have version exclusive Pokemon, and other stuff. Looks kinda cool, I enjoyed the base game, not sure if I want to get this though. $30 for the pass, closer to $35 if you live in Mexico.
  18. I haven't played the Old Hunters DLC, I should fix that soon. Bloodborne is one of my favourites, though I have no desire to get the platinum because I wasn't a fan of the Chalice Dungeons. One of my favourite moments was in Yahar'gul, doing some coop. Also, the Celestial Emissary, that was a thing. Not directly related but I also like that FGO comic where Abby wanders into the world of Bloodborne and the Hunter is shown as this deranged monster that can't be killed. ...And now I really want to go back and continue my NG+ playthrough, maybe even get the DLC...
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