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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. I lied For Switch.... I have no self-control. Also, it was almost free thanks to the gold coins/points/whatever I had.
  2. Looks like the terrorist designation has been delayed/cancelled(?): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50697635 I wonder what they get out of this, if I put my tinfoil hat on for a moment, it is curious that, after our president welcomed him with open arms and offered him a "new home" in Mexico, Evo suddenly left for Cuba after this announcement was made. *Tinfoil hat off* As if they didn't have enough control already: https://politica.expansion.mx/congreso/2019/12/02/legisladores-afines-a-amlo-integran-frente-anuncian-buscar-control-total MORENA and their supporters have announced they're looking to establish complete control over every political, military and social system to stop "the right" and ensure the 4T can progress unimpeded. "We'll send the president a message: we're here, we're your army, loyal, brave and committed". That's some scary cult shit. So yeah, this is going to be a fun ride.
  3. So now the government is going to start monitoring every purchase everyone makes with credit/debit cards. They're going to tie your card to your SAT data, and if they find that your purchases don't match your income you'll be in trouble. Beyond the obvious privacy concerns, there's the issue that this new policy does NOT take into account savings or other such sources of income you may have. So if you make, say 2K a month, you've been saving for a while, and then you decide you'll buy a house, put down 10K for it (I'm pulling numbers out of thin air, bear with me ) SAT will be on your ass for that discrepancy. You'll have to prove that you have enough savings to make that payment and THEY have to be satisfied with your answer, otherwise you'll be in deep shit, specially because the punishment for not declaring certain income, or not paying taxes is worse than what you get for murder. Some people, including my father, an accountant, are saying we should all just use cash, avoid banks, avoid cards, avoid anything that they can monitor. So yeah, that's a nice break from all the bloodshed and terror.
  4. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1Etaz7tMpWIZBJ I didn't use Spotify that much this year, mostly stuck to CDs and digital purchases, still, a pretty decent playlist. \m/ \m/
  5. https://gematsu.com/2019/12/from-software-marketing-manager-updates-twitter-profile-with-potential-armored-core-banner Part of me is all "IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!" Another part of me is "Don't give me hope" If this thing is real and it gets announced soon.... I'm going to explode.
  6. PS Store has their cyber Monday sale going on, think these will be the last games I buy in 2019... Maybe
  7. Got the base version, if I like it, I may get the DLCs on the next sale.
  8. Here we go again. As a side note, it pisses me off when media refers to them as "armed civilians", sounds fucking stupid.
  9. How's Battletech? Thinking of getting it, but looking at the gameplay I'm not so sure. I played XCOM, and I enjoyed it, but mostly because I had a couple of cheat units with me, my playthrough without cheat units was with modded grenades that were basically mininukes. :P  


    How does it compare? Is it easier/harder? My main issue with XCOM is how often soldiers miss a point-blank shot, only to be sniped from the other side of the map. :P 

    1. Baconrath


      I think its all right. It definitely still has a bit of the Kickstarter Funkâ„¢ but they've made a lot of improvements since release. I still haven't finished the campaign cause I've been running around trying to get more mechs and i havent bought any of the dlc.

  10. Yay for Amazon Mexico holding Black Friday sales even though it's not a thing here!
  11. How would this affect Mexican politicians that help them, can the US government go after them too? There are currently some governors, and other officials that in the past were arrested or were being investigated for money laundering, requesting the support of certain cartels to "deal with" their opponents, and more, what happens to them given that they are government officials? Also, one thing that's been brought up, does this designation include ALL cartels or just some of them. Of the top of my head we have: La Union de Tepito CJNG Los Zetas Sinaloa del Golfo de Juarez Los Caballeros Templarios and many more. Would this policy encompass all of them or just the ones responsible for the attack against the LeBaron family which is what triggered this whole thing AFAIK? Marcelo Ebrard, Foreign Minister has already said that they will not allow any military intervention of any kind, but they're willing to cooperate in other aspects, so he says at least.
  12. On one hand, there's that sense of desperation, of wanting someone, anyone to step in and do something, when shit like this: and much, much worse, becomes a daily occurrence and the government is unwilling and/or incapable of responding or doing anything to ensure the safety of those of us who are just trying to get by, it does breed that feeling of "hey maybe if they step in, something will finally get done". I mean, if you told me that special forces will carry out surgical strikes against the cartels, with minimum damage to civilians and civilian property, or that drone strikes will only target their bases and hideouts, I'd go all "HELL YEAH! DO IT!". But like I said, that's not likely. We already know what happens when the US army gets involved, and it hardly ever ends well or without severe losses, though I wonder how they would act being so close to home and all. That said, we have thousands of murders, mutilated corpses being dumped on the streets, mass graves with hundreds of unidentified corpses popping up everywhere, bodies hanging from bridges with warning messages carved into them, kids being shot, kids that have already killed dozens of people and are proud of it, cities under control of cartels where even expressing a negative opinion about them leads to you and your family ending up dead, cities turning into warzones because of cartels fighting each other or against the army, etc. It's a situation of "how much worse can it get?". The more I think about it though, the more I do feel relieved, there's always that part of me that looks at how things have gone elsewhere and is worried about what will happen, but looking at how things are now, how social change is so unlikely to happen because certain attitudes and beliefs are so ingrained that it's nigh impossible to change them, and how the government, both past and present has failed in many ways, and yeah, I do think that it was about time for someone else to step in, we couldn't fix our shit ourselves, now we got to deal with the consequences and hope for the best. If things do end up going tits up well then... Honestly we have no one to blame but ourselves. We'll look back at the last election and think about what could have been.
  13. That might've worked... I tried reinstalling everything from scratch today and... It works! The thing is alive once more! Of course if it fails again I'm setting it on fire and buying him a new one, fuck dealing with this shit again.
  14. How much of that depends on the way our government reacts? I assume a more reasonable government would try and get some form of cooperation going on, relying on intelligence and other methods. Our government on the other hand has shown they're willing to outright deny reality for the sake of protecting/ignoring/allowing/etc the cartels. So I wonder if the US could just go "Well, we could do things peacefully, but they don't give a shit about it, so let's just bomb the crap out of everything, turn Culiacan into one big ol' crater".
  15. Well, this is going to be a thing: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mexico-cartels/trump-says-u-s-will-designate-mexican-drug-cartels-as-terrorists-idUSKBN1Y02NJ Can't help but feel that if our current government had done something, anything, rather than just keep with the "hugs not bullets" approach maybe this wouldn't have happened. Who knows how/where things go from here, our politicians are trying to change or prevent this thing from going through, while some people are afraid of the possibility of military intervention. I wonder what this means for our government and well... Pretty much every industry/company/business entity, it's a well-known "secret" that many politicians receive money from these groups, that they have their hands on several companies, and that they finance several others. I'm not expecting drones to be flying around bombing shit everyday, not yet at least.
  16. Downloaded the drivers from the HP site, yeah, I guess I'll help him look around for something new, though he does use colour for some things, so we'll see, still, it's definitively time for an upgrade.
  17. My father's printer has stopped working as a printer. It's an HP2510 which he hadn't used for a while as ink is stupidly expensive, he finally bought some new ink cartridges, brand new, HP brand, etc, but when he tries to print something it fails saying it has a configuration error. I've already uninstalled everything, drivers, software, etc, reinstalled everything, updated the drivers, and now it appears in device manager, but it appears only as a scanner, the thing itself can still scan and copy stuff, just won't print anything. I've changed USB cable, and tried it on my PC and it's the same, it is recognised only as a scanner, and even the HP software sees it as a scanner only no sign of its printer side anywhere. Is there anything I can do or is the thing toast?
  18. Some of the descriptions are dark (and metal \m/ \m/ ) as hell: Yamask: Honedge:
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