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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. Killzone HD, some levels were really short, it took me less than 4 minutes to complete some of them, but overall it was fun.
  2. 3DS FC: 0447-6131-0994
  3. http://www.destructoid.com/dragon-s-crown-gets-cross-platform-play-in-japan-263274.phtml Cross-platform play coming soon. \m/ \m/
  4. Killzone 3, it was a bundle with the PS Move, now I can finally play Dead Space: Extraction
  5. I don't think I own any rare/valuable games, unless the Xenosaga games count, but I don't think they're that rare, are they? I still regret not buying that copy of the Metroid Prime trilogy I saw a while ago for $5, but I didn't have a Wii back then.
  6. Gears of War: Judgment. It was fun. better than Gears 3 IMO.
  7. http://www.siliconera.com/2013/09/04/the-mighty-no-9-may-see-kickstarter-stretch-goals-for-3ds-and-vita-versions/ Since people have shown interest, they might add stretch goals for a 3DS/Vita version.
  8. Some people have shown interest in this game (no interest in starting a thread for it though ) so here it is: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9 Can't say I'm a fan of the Mega Man games, but it does look interesting, also, it seems like they will reach some of their stretch goals without any problems, I think it took them 3 days to fund the base game. What is Mighty No. 9 you ask? It's a blue robot who's pretty much the Blue Bomber under a different name and no arm cannon. It is being developed for PC so that's why I posted it here, but one of their stretch goals involves PS3/360/WiiU versions so who knows, might need to move this thread soon.
  9. Dragon's Crown, went with fighter for my first playthrough, looking forward to playing with a different class.
  10. Crysis, yeah, that's Crysis, without a number, the original one. It was fun, but some of the suit powers drain way too much energy making them kinda useless IMO.
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