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Everything posted by MagicMagicPony

  1. Dong fella has got my number
  2. This is now probably considered spamming.
  3. I posted and no one responded
  4. the king lives in a king house and wears a king hat

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. diedan


      I'm blue dobba-dee dobba-dye...


      Wait, not that song?




      AW FUCK!

    3. Sindo
    4. Battra92


      did he eat a King Kone?

  5. I actually had to point him out to my boyfriend... he couldn't recognize him
  6. I like to think he was playing the part of a man who would take a role like that meta acting
  7. YES. HE IS FANTASTIC. I wish that Clash wasn't my first exposure to him, but maybe it made for a nicer surprise when you find out he is actually An Actor. In Flame & Citron, though, I just wanted to give him a hug
  8. start button, the fuck is a start button
  9. I haven't used a pc since I lived at home and I was watching a coworker (in a diff department) do some normal move-files-into-folders open-folders type stuff and I could not figure out what the hell was going on heaven help me if I ever have to use a pc again
  10. "PC = hard = manly apple = easy = gay" I guess I hate anti apple fanboys. I think it's a bunch of bullshit backlashing. It's still a box with them internets and a typey board. Who fucking cares. I used to work with programmers and goddammit they will give you so much shit for working on an apple even when working on an apple makes sense. ESPECIALLY when working on an apple makes sense. I DO NOT GET IT. WHY DO THEY CARE?! /issues
  11. Okay, that is like when men refuse to go to the doctor even if they chopped their finger off because that would be sissy
  12. I already have a :burger: I have a TON of :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger: :burger:
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