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Everything posted by MagicMagicPony

  1. Oh yeah, someone told me that kinect danceydance game is an OK workout. I wonder if that is true...
  2. At school we played Oregon Trail and some other thing about driving a truck of goods cross country and it was hella confusing. At home I played a crapton of Treasure Mountain & Reader Rabbit when I was like.. erm, 8 or 9ish? 10ish? I don't know but either way it was in ms dos and I thought the graphics were FANTASTIC
  3. Of Montreal puts on p good shows the last tour before this one involved an upright coffin filled with shaving cream and gold lame briefs
  4. It isn't the first yet, so get it out of your system. :fapfapfap:
  5. Resolutions! We can't not have a resolutions thread. It's a rule. Did we have one already and I missed it? I might have. So, I think I am making the usual resolutions (eat more vegetables, drink less beer, be more awesome) but what are YOU doing. Have you ever actually like, completed a resolution or stuck with it longer than 3 weeks? Tell us about it. I think some of you should resolve to say 'totes' 35% more
  6. Guess who is having chipotle again tonight. HINT. IT IS ME.
  7. I have been enjoying my bitchin travel mug it's ceramic
  8. you know, I really could eat it every day
  9. I'm drinking another cream soda (fuck you, cafeteria) and I ate a rolo
  10. [picture of abs] have we lost kanji?
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