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Everything posted by MagicMagicPony

  1. I can't find a photo of it. The 'new element' or whatever. Shiny glowing triangle.
  2. I thought it sucked. and he made a triforce
  3. that is actually the perfect mood for AA
  4. I took a better photo /ego
  5. maybe they do not like typos
  6. so, no THUG LIFE facial tattoos, then?
  7. Oh the place I go to makes you sign things saying you're not in the military
  9. I knew a guy who got a tattoo of a third nipple. A friend told me that later on he had gotten a surface piercing on it, and woke up either still drunk/stupid and saw it in the mirror and freaked out thinking it was a bug...? or something? and ended up ripping it out. idiot.
  10. I like zombie makeup that says "only my face is undead"
  11. I'm saving my other arm for a giant whale bringing down a ship
  12. I think that point is "right now"
  13. "Is this boring you, paul?" "it's locked for security reasons"
  14. oh and they do not hurt THAT much. The one on my arm felt kinda like getting a sunburn but the one on my foot hurt quite a bit
  15. It is not hard. You just call your dude and you are like "APPOINTMENT?" and then they tell you when and then you show up and give them a picture. This has been gettin' a tat 101 with pony.
  16. Yeah it's weird to go from Clash and Valhalla where he is all buff and action-y to Adam's Apples where he's kinda dweeby and skinny. Did you see his little chicken legs?!?!
  17. Yeah my piercings never healed right so I always had to get rid of them Here's my arm. I'm at work where it is dark and took it with my cell phone
  18. Tattoos? You guys got any? I've got two. One on my foot and a big one on my arm. I'm getting another this Saturday.
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