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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. One thing you can usually love or hate about Sierra games is that happy little phrase they give you on their many ways to die a gruesome, unexpected death.
  2. Gyaruson you currently have my favorite avatar on the whole forum.
  3. DIE, BLOODGUZZLER! -5 stakes in your heart out of 5-
  4. A Christmas Story always held a special place in my heart. A few years back, my uncle used to rant about how much he hated that movie because they played it ALL day EVERY year. He pretty much got sick of watching it. So the next year, I bought him the special edition DVD. 'OH fudge you!' ONLY HE DIDN'T SAY FUDGE.
  5. Guess there's not a lot of drawings to go around...
  6. I want a piece of the world.
  7. Indiana Jones: The Crystal Skull. This was the first movie I actually slept through in the theater. And when I woke up I didn't even have to wonder what was going on the plot was so effing predictable and stupid. I just woke up to some chick getting her head exploded by an alien.
  8. Surprised no one has made this yet! I'm not professional at ALL, but I do love to doodle like crazy. I have a few photoshop works, but I'm trying to keep this pencil/pen works only. Here's a few of my personal favorite sketches: Random comic-esque villain 'Lorilei' One of my 'gals' I draw regularly. Zombie Lizard/Bird
  9. These shootings incidents are almost regular, now... Giving yourself a reason to kill yourself by shooting an innocent person... Probably one of the most weak-minded things you can do. Thankfully he didn't take anyone with him.
  10. Some days I love to kick back and listen to some classical. Anything with violins, cellos, or pianos... Today I decided to indulge in a little Chopin.
  11. I'm hoping to get Diabolical Box for Christmas. I've screamed Layton lines at my boyfriend repeatedly to see if he could get the hint.
  12. Walking to work 3/4 of a mile to and from-- in ice, snow. and wind sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      Carry me next time!

    3. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Get a driver's license you lazy ass bitch.

    4. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      I kept failing it due to excessive road rage. Flipping people off docks off quite a few points or they fail you altogether!

  13. Why are you so interested in my sex life, hmmmmmmmmmmm~?
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