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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. That movie made me shout 'UP YOUR ASS WITH YOUR TWISTS, SHYLAMAN.'
  2. I'm not overly fond of PetSmart. Worked there for a week, had a hellish manager and a lackluster co-worker team and stuffy customers. Why the HELL would you complain to a new cashier about the crappy job you think the groomer did on your ratty looking poodle. I was told to clean the cat cages (with cats still in there) and run the cash register at the same time. All on my first day. I quit within a week. Anyways yeah, that dog is now on my hero list. /Endrant
  3. Mom got me a pair of boots and some earmuffs. My sis got me Family Guy DVDs. Dad got me a dragon egg collectible. Aunts and uncles just threw cash at me and told me to knock myself out. Honestly though, I'd rather receive cash than a goddamn gift card to some store I won't shop at.
  4. Same as above. Default keyboard. My old computer's keyboard had to be replaced twice. Once for squeezing a stress toy too hard and the filling literally exploded all over it. Once again for spilling coke on it. I now keep liquids on a separate table next to the computer. I don't have my glittery stress squeezy ball anymore...
  5. Zorro got some catnip balls. He went berserk chasing them around and then decided to crash in his box for a while.
  6. My favorite flavor is Plankton so far.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcPxV8wXyQA
  8. World of Wifecraft. Where leveling your relationship is a battle for your very life.
  9. Your bengal breeds are gorgeous~. I'm trying to see if we can somehow get another kitten in spring. Getting a girl if we are. Otherwise, I might pick up my old reptile tank from my parents and get myself some cute lil' lizards or maybe a nice corn snake. When I get a house that isn't the size of a large garage I definitely want to make sure it's housed by two kitties.
  10. Working the day after Christmas. Not sure what to expect. At least they're giving me New Year's DAY off. I can sleep my hangover off.
  11. In Oblivion my jump and acrobatics were so high I could just jump onto any slightly slanted cliff and just shoot things with arrows to death while they're trying to get at me. If I didn't have jump I'd be dead in that game.
  12. Mine used to come on in the middle of the night. Then ask me to feed it. It was freaky enough you press on its beak with your finger to 'feed' it. But to have that creepy little motherfucker come on at 2 AM on your dresser... It was worse when it started malfunctioning. It sounded possessed. I was so freaked out I threw it across the room until its batteries came out then buried it at the bottom of the toy box. I asked for a Meowchi for Christmas next time. Singing robot kitties > Possessed human-flesh craving creatures of the goddamn devil.
  13. RUN DADDY. YOU CAN'T FIGHT THEM. Shattered Memories was more about Harry wandering around the town. It focuses a lot on 'ghosts' or 'ghostly images'. The only monsters in the game are in a 'running' sequence and you NEVER get to fight anything. Just run for your damn life in a maze of ice. Pretty much you start out in a therapy session. The game will make changes based on the choices you make during these 'sessions' and Harry himself changes, too. You're still looking for Cheryl, and you run into some other characters, too. There's still puzzles and stuff. But other than that--there's no combat. The atmosphere of the game was intriguing, and the fact your 'menu' was your cellphone was kind of a neat twist. You'll get calls from your daughter, some of the characters. And spooky people oooohhh. But it's just not Silent Hill to me.
  14. My Furby scared the living DAYLIGHTS out of me.
  15. I guess Lickitung was less frequent for... certain reasons.
  16. It was pretty cool to see a lady get torn from the inside out with barbed hell wire.
  17. We need a discussion thread for favorite survival/horror game, Silent Hill. Like which of the series was your favorite--which monster freaked you out the most... Your favorite boss. So on.
  18. Whatever happened to the old Pokemon like Electebuzz, Magmar, Lickitung and whatnot? I know they were ugly excuses for Pokemon, but they're still Pokemon, dammit!
  19. Boyfriend earned major brownie points today. He was happy with his copy of EARTH by Jon Stewart.
  20. Had an interesting day. It went by quick, thankfully. Had a bit of hangover and that sucked. But for once my effort to be nice was rewarded. Some guy forgot his bag, and I caught him just as he was getting into his car. He stuffed a dollar in my apron pocket and drove off. He seemed really pleased--and that made my day a little better. YAY DOLLAR.
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