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Everything posted by Kovach_

  1. Well, for the "newer" games, i have some 300 hours of BC2 on PC + at least 100 on the PS3. As for the older ones, i have no idea, but i've played some for months. Fallout 1/2, Baldurs Gate 1/2/expansions, Battlefield 2142, Battlefield 2, Heroes of Might and Magic 2/3, Starcaft, Warcraft 3 Quake 2/3 etc. I'm pretty sure i have at least 1000 hours in any one of those. Too lazy to type all the others in which i have at least ~500 hours. Wow, when i look at it like this, i've sure wasted a lot of time. Edit: Osnap, i forgot WoW and Warhammer Online. Ugh, i don't even want to think how much time went on those two...
  2. God, i really need a dishwasher.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Pretty much what Battra said, as lazy as you might get from a very tasty dinner it's best to just get it over with.

    3. Kovach_


      Yeah, i know, i just let it pile up :( I just need to force myself to wash them immediately after, but it's so hard sometimes XD

    4. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      I agree with Battra. Sadly, I personally can't follow that advice as my flatmate never adheres to it, so we just take turns and wash when the sink is full.

  3. First one is full on WASD.
  4. PS blog just says they found some shit and pulled down the password servers for a few hours to fix it. No mention of hacks/exploits or anything. Someone probably said OMG HAX and then all the gaming sites/people went bananas.
  5. Kovach_

    Press X or Die

    Wow, looks way better than before. Keep it up, fingers crossed. /readded PXOD to quick bookmarks.
  6. Oh ffs. If they ever catch those hackers, instead of jailtime, they should put em up on public display and have all the PSN users punch them once, alternating between the face and the gut.
  7. Way too little onions and tomatoes there imho.
  8. Well, since Battlezone 3 isn't coming out... ever, i guess this will do as a replacement
  9. Yeah, i'm pretty excited about it myself, but i'd like to know SOMETHING about the game other than the fact that you kill zombies.
  10. They said on the blog they'll update about the ID insurance thing in a few days. After the store goes online i guess.
  11. Wipeout and Dead Nation for me. Didn't even know what DN was like (other than shooting zombies) before this. Should be fun since it has coop. And yeah, Wipeout is amazing.
  12. Tea is awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. excel_excel



    3. Battra92


      Abnormal concentrations of manganese in the brain, especially in the basal ganglia, are associated with neurological disorders similar to Parkinson's disease. Regardless, tea is just disgusting. I think it's a joke perpetuated by an old Chinese emperor.

    4. excel_excel


      Away with you lies dressed up as logic

  13. Glad to see Fallout 2 was ranked higher than that.... thing that was F3.
  14. That was a good read excaliburps, thanks
  15. That's fucking stupid. Carmack, the older you get, the more you suck.
  16. I was actually looking for something like this to get me Dorfing sometime soon. Looking forward to it
  17. Haha, wow, missed that. Cool stuff.
  18. Glad to see those marketing classes with Molyneux paid off
  19. New one. It has colour, cars, spiderbots, and a guy playing on a controller on a PC.
  20. It's cool, TN is not asian (i think).
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