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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Why not both? But enjoy the potentially broken ports. This time around by what is currently available, the differences between the 1070 vs 1080 isn't as less as the 970 vs 980. The 970 just trounced the 980 on what you can get for the price. Kind of why I went with the 980ti (970 or 980ti?). On a related note, if I recall, the 1080 is about ~25% better than my 980ti. Absolutely beats it in VR games/apps. Two to three years on the 980ti can't come fast enough... a real job and 50%+ performance over my 980ti is all I need.
  2. It's the first time really doing it and I have to say, it is pretty exhausting to read up on most candidates' positions. The US Senate seat got 34 candidates to skim and research on. Even for the seats with less candidates, I'm nowhere near sure that I got a good handle of them all.
  3. If there is one HUGE black mark on Doom then I have to say it is unstable. So many crashes and as far as I can tell, no reason.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mal


      Just the game. It's a very quick process. For the first 3-4 hours, I got no crashes then for the 5-7 I got a bunch, 7 till beaten (~13 hours) I got no crashes and now I'm getting a bunch.

    3. Mal


      If the game was anywhere as snappy loading up as it was crashing, I wouldn't have as much problem. Those 20-35 seconds loading screens add up.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Try having Steam verify the files? It sounds like there's probably something specific that it's having trouble loading, so it's possible that there's a file that's corrupted or something.

  4. The lack of combat makes me kind of interested. Not to mention it looks gorgeous. Uncharted 3 was a slog to get through.
  5. Giving Bioshock Infinite another whirl. I never played it on max settings so this is a good time as any. I got to say though, I kind of do dislike the placement of loot/junk so early in the game (pre-baptism).
  6. I will never play Splatoon and not coast on patch releases... this makes me sad.

  7. DOOM This is what happens when you take Doom I and II and give it a fresh new coat of gore. It knows itself and its target audience. Solid entry in the Doom franchise. With that said, no idea how they screwed up the multiplayer... You can see many influences from Brutal Doom where enemies and yourself just get torn up. Most kills and even deaths are satisfying to watch. Getting curb stomped by a Hell Knight or getting torn to pieces by a Revenant is neat. Any story driven slow downs are pretty brief and any other slow downs are you just trying to find secrets and junk. Now to wait for Shadow Warriors 2 to continue all this gratuitous violent FPS. DOOM II: Hell on Earth can still work...
  8. While the multiplayer is being shit on, word is that the single player is awesome. Some gameplay footage later and I think I am convinced. I got it for 20% off by the way.
  9. This foe* is beyond any of you... RUN! *A LotR extended edition marathon itch Imagine a 4k version. Sploosh.
  10. So many buttons on the G600. I almost don't need a keyboard for most editing tasks.

  11. And the middle click is completely out. Friday cannot come fast enough. While I didn't get the G500, it looks perfectly fine, but I decided to try out the G600. It's kind of an experiment since I'm unsure how well I will like all those buttons to the side but since I do quite a bit of GIS and other programs, I figure all those extra rebindable shortcuts will come in handy. Once I get my G600, I'll RMA my M65 and maybe request something that will not have the middle click die on me. I don't recall it costing me anything last time so why not?
  12. A concert ticket to see the Blind Guardian with Grave Digger in October. I'm not really into Grave Digger but Blind Guardian is one of my favorites. I am totally ready to sing The Bard's Song.
  13. The GOP could, you know, not have a candidate. There's no fooling anybody that the party is not fractured. As for how the vote will go down, I'm not beyond believing that Trump could win. I'm from a state where the Governator was elected twice. Unlike Donald though, Arnold is actually a likeable guy (but not fit for office). Donald is not fit for office and he is a loathsome human being. I really hope most people can see Trump for who he is. It's going to be kind of odd to abstain from voting for a president (that could realistically be elected) if it comes down to Hillary and Trump.
  14. Yeah, seems like with Cruz's departure the GOP gave up. Still... wait till November before praying over our corpse.
  15. What mouse do you guys use and what, if any, problems have you had with them? The Consair Vengeance M65 reviews really well except for the problem of the middle button screwing up. My replacement (from Consair warranty of my first one) is starting to show signs of it dying and nope, I'm not dealing with an eventual middle button death with a second replacement.
  16. The AI for sure can muster up all the money to build all these units. For sure.

  17. 8-Bit Armies A somewhat dumb down and slower version of Command and Conquer-like RTS. Bare bones campaign but with co-op missions, multiplayer and skirmish. For $15, it shouldn't hurt too much if it turns out to be bad but... wizards and shit are coming soon. Allow for some unit creation mods and this might be awesome. Edit: It was between this and Enter the Gungeon but I think I like a RTS better.
  18. A viable third (or fourth) party in this day and age, even for a limited amount of time, might get the dialog going for a better system. Having the establishment toss a relatively viable candidate around is shit but so is having radical elements battling for (and winning) the control for a nationally viable party.
  19. Unlike you all, that is perfect for me. I should be able to knock most of my thesis out by then. Just, DICE, please don't polish a turd. Let us beat the game and then have it be all free form. I understand wanting to preserve the experience but it is a game. Let us have at it after we go through the hoops. Open world (skylines), open choices.
  20. I recall that when the PS4/Xbone came out, places like Gamestop and Best Buy there were trade-in deals like trade in your PS3 or 360 for $100 and $x for games. It was pretty damn sweet considering the age of my neglected 360 and it helped me buy my Asus T100. It made me spend money at Best Buy so it I can imagine them doing something similar.
  21. There's no way that the animated Batman: The Killing Joke is going to suck, right?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mister Jack
    3. deanb


      Yeah, only film he'd come out of Joker retirement for.

    4. TCP


      The guy who played The Trickster?!

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