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Everything posted by Mal

  1. In my quest to learn written Cantonese/Mandarin, I came across Pleco. To just call it a dictionary is an understatement, especially if you buy some of the add ons. The add ons, well, add some nice bell and whistles to the robust (and ad) free version. Maybe by year's end, I'll be able to read some of the more common characters like those found in menus and band messages...
  2. I might be a bit immature but the Cursed-rotten Greatwood in Dark Souls 3 is hilarious.

  3. If you are running an older computer like mines, you might have trouble finding RAM sticks with the same timing and speed as the ones you have right now. They exist but they are expensive for what they are and I have plans on redoing the Mobo-CPU-RAM so eh... still I really want 12 GB of ram instead of 6 GB. It would help a bit with the System and Compressed Memory process that Windows 10 has.
  4. SpaceX has successfully landed on the first stage on the ocean barge. Today is a good day.

    1. TCP


      What does this mean? Why should I care?!??!?!

    2. Mal


      The successful landing and the cargo (inflatable space station module) the second stage is carrying are pretty important for space flight. Reusable rockets and cheaper, stronger, lighter and less space taking space station modules might be the backbone for the next stage(s) of space related endeavors.


      This means two things:

      1) We can get off the ground relatively cheaply now.

      2) Canada remains being a hat... unless Trump has anything to say about it.

    3. TCP


      #1 hat though.

  5. I recall that most (retail) CPU will come with a heat sink/cooler. It's only when it comes to the higher end CPUs (and OEM purchases) when they start to not come with it since the stock heat sink/cooler is not great when the CPU get pushed to the levels they were designed to do. Edit: And as the conclusion of the video I linked said... it really not a big deal. Place it in the right place (you computer won't do some cartoony Sponge Bob BS), place a pea sized amount, spread it or not and place the heat sink on.
  6. Easy and, yes, it does require that much pressure to close the clamps on the CPU with a click. As for the thermal paste, just get whatever known thermal paste and apply however you like. You can see how much is too much and how much is too little in that video as well. I personally used the card method to lay it all out to get an even spread and it gets around the issue of too much paste.
  7. It almost seems like a succession (playthrough) planet is possible. It all hinges on what happens in TN's scenario.
  8. TIL of James Joyce's love letters.

  9. It needs some work. I haven't tried it out with a friend so take the lack of social function commentary with a grain of salt. Gerbil and Ethan mentioned the lack of in-app chat and social aspects. There's some nice things that could use a more robust chat/social function like the Miimoto voices and the Miifoto. The Miimoto voices can be a social/chat goldmine, as with the Miifotos. The Miifotos are really nice since you can say position your Miimoto to be sitting on a mountain ridge, cursing the screwed up landscape but then you have to share it via some other app. One of the most common apps I use is Snap Chat and it feels odd using it to share a Miifoto. An in-app Miifoto with Miimoto voice message would be amazing. Performance wise, one of the things that's been annoying me is the amount of loading required. Barring network/wifi issues, my apps are snappy. Miimoto is doing local loading and it's doing it every single time I change the screen. It's annoying. It's a 3D app so maybe I should give it some slack?
  10. Ethan, I'm just trying to not pull in science fiction in predicting where we will be. I'm also not saying it is impossible. There are many ways to go about it which are already said by the article you posted. Besides signage/road markings, a car can use parked cars, side walks and other common static fixtures as reference points. Signage and road markings are just the (ideally) most consistent. There are also modeling/database to check up against which is mentioned in the article. All these solutions will have costs attached to them, along with margin of error that leads to discussions about safety and ultimately, liability if all these systems fail.
  11. I was surprised to learn that they used LiDAR. LiDAR is the best surveying tool I know of. It's awesome for research purposes and to see it having practical use is neat. While the research LiDAR are detailed as hell (you can pick out different type of trees, cut through the trees to get just the ground surface and/or see features that would be hard to see otherwise due to lighting), I can see it having problems with reading the road due to the low angles. Car learning the road is pretty much the only thing I know of that could solve the line-of-sight issue that camera, radar and LiDAR have and still have the car be self sufficient. If cars can have a local database/cache of what to expect for XYZ Road to compare to what they see, then it should work even with degraded roads. For covered up markings... I would take a page from snow country and suggest poles. Sure it makes the car less self sufficient but for most places, it's just an upgraded light/power pole. It also goes back to my signal broadcaster suggestion. It would also be a good opportunity to add a sort of broadcaster to serve as a benchmark every couple of poles. As for rural roads... well, this is why I don't think cars will be completely self driving. For most people, it should stay auto but there are times it should hand control of the car to you... people might be too inexperience to drive at that point if the car doesn't know how to handle it...
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuZyMx2NXZM
  13. That would mean interpolating between crappy lane markings and with any modeling, there will always be a chance of error and an error here means a crash. This could be pinned on the car manufactures. Telling countries, states and cities to improve their roads (they really should around here in LA...) is shifting consequences to them if an self driving car do fail. It's part of the growing pains of this tech that needs to happen. And it's not a bad thing to tell states DOT and cities to get their acts together. I don't think an adversarial tone is good though since manufactures and state DOT and cities should work together on this problem.
  14. While only one short episode is out, Uchuu Patrol Luluco is a pretty neat short (as in airing time, 5 minutes without OP+ED) series from Trigger. It's pretty much what would happen if Mako met Inferno Cop.
  15. Since it's Berserk, it has a neat CGI look to it and since it's not a rehash of the Golden Age arc. Carefully optimistic.
  16. More putting money where my mouth is and support the artists I like. There's EvocationHK (Cantonese death metal), Dowman Seiman (manga artist) and Utsu-P (Japanese Vocaloid metal).
  17. FLCL season 2 AND 3? What the flying fuck? Toonami, April 1st is a week away.

    1. toxicitizen


      Why people love that show so much is beyond me. I could never watch past a couple episodes. I even tried again like, last year and still couldn't get all the way through.

    2. CorgiShinobi


      It is a dream come true.


      @FLD I weep for your soul.

    3. Mal


      With us three, I think we have how most people feel about FLCL and/or its sequels. Meaning, both of you are heretics.

  18. After years with the french press, I think I'm a convert to the pour over method.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. deanb


      I said "most". If you're offered coffee at someone's house the vast vast vast majority of time it'll be a spoon of instant coffee. Also I'm with TFG, most media shows americans with the filter coffee machines.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Ah yes, I was thinking coffee machines (I'm not a coffee drinker, can you tell?). I really just meant that most Americans aren't going to the lengths of french press, and certainly nothing more involved than that.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Instant coffee is nowhere near as popular in America as it is in Europe. It's one of the things I don't get about Europe.

  19. I'm going to relive the Eclipse twice with watching the Berserk anime series and OVA. Impressions so far: my Guts voice and what I'm hearing is totally different. Make sense since Guts is older in my head. The OP is... odd but the ED is quite nice, especially the visuals. This is going to hurt again. The new series is totally not going to suck.
  20. Wait for the magnetic spring and latch. Blew my god damn mind. This video also explains how my car phone holder works without screwing with the electronics. It's not like the metal plate behind my phone cover is blocking the magnetic field but the magnetic field is just that short and it might have something to do with poly-magnets.
  21. Oh right, I should look for a job...

    1. danielpholt


      Nah. Work's boring anyways. Sleep in, play games and get fat is what I say.

  22. I'm not too sure how I feel about this. It's neat but it has tons of potential for abuse if done correctly.
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