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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Suikoden Not sure how I feel. I think the battle system is for sure interesting and can lead to great things in Suikoden 2 but the game doesn't explain shit. Maybe everything is in the manual but hell if I knew what rune did what without looking it up. I didn't use much runes or unites until level 30. The story is sort of lacking too. Barely a moment where I thought "this is badass". Music is... alright. Also got to say I don't miss end cards without an end.
  2. Mal

    English vs English

    Odd how the common plastic (paper too I guess) grocery store bag suddenly became somewhat valuable after the fees. And oh man, can you imagine NYC Chinatown(s) without much loose trash around?
  3. It isn't like HBO doesn't have something with Amazon or anything... I guess I could just get it from my parent's DirectTV service then get HBOGo from that but I really do not want to support this practice any longer.
  4. Is there still going to be an official streaming service without cable/dish setup? The new season drops this coming Sunday. I rather not pay the iron price because I don't like being Iron Born. Edit: The service is with Apple? Oh okay. Optimum...? That's an East Coast company... I wasn't aware they were nationwide.
  5. I need a sale... summer sale please do not disappoint me! Also, I assume a flight stick would be useful for the flying parts?
  6. I should get a field dog.

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      You should get a field, dawg?

  7. http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/careersandeducation/stanford-just-made-tuition-free-for-families-earning-less-than-dollar125000-per-year/ar-AAakt3k Holy shit. You're telling me if I ever have kid(s) that I can send them to Stanford? Of course, applicants will have to still make the grade to get accepted.
  8. Parin's drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!
  9. ^ The greatest crime of all. It hurts them so much that they don't have one in 2015, 2010... and earlier. It has been at least a or close decade since Nintendo should have jumped in on an actual account system.
  10. For Today's Deals You Missed: The GTX 970 dropped down to $140 for an hour at Microcenter.

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      That is a killer deal

    2. TheMightyEthan


      Holy shit, I'm glad I missed that, or I would have bought it and then felt like I needed to upgrade my CPU and mobo too.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi
  11. From the trailers. While the trailers for Halo traditionally have the Chief in dire situations and such, I cry bullshit at the thought that the Chief getting beat by Locke.
  12. From what I've seen from streams, Bloodborne is for sure a great step forward for the Souls-type of game. Hell, even TCP likes it. One thing that stuck out were the enemies. Like whoa... we're in sort of Lovecraft territory here and I love it.
  13. Hold the phone. Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure is coming to Steam? Awesome.

  14. Hoyl crap, I never realized that the 3D building option in Google Earth applied to terrain as well. It represents the topography so much better now.

    1. Mal


      Holy crap even. Oh sour beer, how I love you...

  15. I might or might not get this since I'm RIGHT ON the deadline date for payment (Payment period started when I left to go mapping). I sure hope my payment gets through since I need my Babies.
  16. Pata-pata-pata-pon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Pata-no. I just got that theme stuck in my head.


    3. TheMightyEthan


      Patapon is really fun to say.

    4. TCP


      Getting my hopes up, Mal!!!

  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=434&v=PN_CP4SuoTU Jesus Christ. Even with the rotoscoping and 3D animation (amazing for a one man drawing and animating job, beats out most modern examples) that some may dislike, this is porn on so many different levels. Edit: This video also highlights a need for a newer space fighter game (something like Colony Wars but improved).
  18. I was out mapping for five days. What happened while I was gone? Konami commit sodoko?

  19. This is what I'm afraid of. I get this game and suddenly I'm gone from the real world for a week or two.
  20. 100 nobles were impressed. MaliciousH was not impressed.
  21. That's no coffee maker, no coffee maker! Typically when you say coffee maker, it is referring to a drip coffee maker. What Gerbil got there on the left is an espresso machine. Totally different! No coffee maker can make an espresso. Gerbil's Aeropress can or cannot make an espresso. It just depends on who you talk to. Either way, he covered his bases for regular coffee and espresso. At first I was perplexed on why Gerbil got a manual grinder as well but it does allow him the freedom to change the ground size easily compared to the automatic grinder on the right of the platform. Everything on the platform is dedicated to make espresso, including the beans (e.g., roast level). The Aeropress/manual grinder combo can do what Gerbil wants without compromising the platform setup. And that children is why caffeine is a terrible drug. Arguably worse than THC in pot.
  22. I almost want to jump on the Cities:Skyline bandwagon.

    1. madbassman39


      Me too. Luckily I bought Sim City around Xmas for like $15 after the single player patch. I decided to mess with that finally and realized "I'd rather just play Cities: Skyline"

    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I'm waiting until it's patched up and there are a lot of high-quality user-created buildings on Steam Workshop

  23. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-famiglietti-drought-california-20150313-story.html Nice knowing you all unless California truly adopts the true reality. Decades long dry periods is not unheard of. With that said, LA and surrounding areas should really encourage people to ditch their pools and grass lawns. Paltry to the water usage of agriculture but we might be to the point were we are pinching pennies. As a side note: Today I powered through 3-4 liters of water on a relatively simple hike through faults and shit. I felt great in the 95 degree heat and after a 4 hour sleep (Rise at 5, end at 5). So this is what being hydrated feels like.
  24. It should be known that I am a die hard Takehito Harada fan (I should really hunt down all his kipple artbooks). His style greatly influenced my own. Now, for the actual product, it's great but I have no idea why they went with a different form factor from the previous two volumes. I should really get D2.
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