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Everything posted by Mal

  1. R9 Fury or 980TI. decisions...

    1. Mal


      Err... Fury X price wise.

  2. R9 Fury or 980TI. decisions...

  3. Mal

    E3 2015

    So I've been camping for the past week (one more week)... pretty interesting surprises. A new South Park game and a FFVII remake? I was honestly disappointed that we didn't get any DLC for The Stick of Truth but I guess a new game will be nice. I assume Matt and Trey will again have their hands on the game or else why bother? About FFVII remake... I guess it is time to open the floodgates on remaking the others as well in the next decade. It'll be interesting to see how they remake VII since now they can include other information from the other games. Mechanics wise, they have to update it a bit. I wonder if they'll get rid of the horrid random encounter rates (or get rid of it entirely). Time to dig through more E3 news. I only got the above in a quick skimming.
  4. Mal


    Games as a product has services attach to it. Pretty much like any other product that you buy in stores or directly from the dev/pub or manufacturer. The product can differ vastly (e.g*., how they are consumed, durability, how they exist), they more or less have similar flows on how they get to the consumers. While there is no perfect analogy to video games but I best relate to the food service industry, a very expansive industry that encompasses the food on store shelves to mom and pop restaurants. Both have services revolving around products. For the services, both have a front side and a back side. It isn't uncommon to see front and back side being one and the same, especially so if the establishments is independent. While I'll hate to get a game that breaks 2 hours in (kind of like if I get food poisoning hours after my meal), at least I can return very sloppy products now on Steam (this cooked meal is raw or you swapped between salt and sugar). As always, be a smart consumer. You really shouldn't walk into a blatant cash grab of a game or food. Word gets out. You can look at the product prior to purchase. I'm just not sure how the hell we can deal with games like Sim City. That game's problems were really deep and required many hours to get to and confirm. * Really, there are too many things to list.
  5. Surely you'll spend that investment 10-20 or even 30 years from now directly in Kansas. So it's all fine.
  6. Ex Machina Weird film to be sure but interesting enough.
  7. Overall, it looks similar to my mouse. The shape is oddly not bad. When I got mines, I was skeptical but it is indeed pretty good. Dean's just looks busy. I think...
  8. $7 on Amazon. And I forgotten about the massive size of MP3.
  9. I think I like this game too much considering I never even played it... They're confused. And ranked matches are class A, A-, B+ and so on. Not your level. http://gfycat.com/JealousUniformDegu I'm missing a few buttons like the media one...
  10. http://imgur.com/gallery/lFIxR/new Give any fandom new material and they'll go crazy over it.
  11. I finally muscled in the effort and did a marathon of 2-8. It was great. As a continuous whole, it was fine but I can see why people bitch at the weaker of the individual episodes. To be honest, I have some issues with the episode 8 but it's more to do how I perceive the different motives of certain factions between the show and the books. I can't help but feel that next season will be a filler season of sorts (think how ADWD takes place along side with AFFC), at least for the first couple episodes. They've been mentioning bits and pieces of an important background, from what I recall, a few seasons already. They just never really put it out in the open. It's maddening. Anyhow, this coming Sunday will be nice. I'll miss the finale in a week since I'll be TA'ing field camp in the Red Wastes... I hope it isn't too big or something totally out of the blue. I think all book readers will know the most probable ending for episode 10. It's just the stuff before that... unless they pull it off in episode 9. I wonder if we'll get to this... That part was such horseshit.
  12. This whole business of having jump around different platforms to get the whole overarching story is a bit annoying to be honest. Really reminds me of the situation with Kingdom Hearts but with the Trails series, the plots between games kind of matters. I only have so much money for all my interests. If I get Cold Steel, chances are it'll be for the PS3 since I don't see myself getting a Vita due to cost concerns. Then again, if I get it for the PS3, I would effectively lose my games once my PS3 is dead (it could be any year now, it is a MGS4 one).
  13. This is the year of the Trico, I can feel it...!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Windshield wipers?


      I don't get it.

    3. Mal


      It's the code/working name of The Last Guardian. I don't see The Last Guardian itself releasing but there will be a Trico... I think.

    4. Pojodin
  14. Falcom, remember your roots! Back in the 90's and even in the 00's they were quite PC oriented. It was only around the last decade and a half that they moved away from PC. I for sure have hope that they'll get ported. With Steam/GOG and with XSEED being Falcom nerds, getting stuff out to the West is the easiest it have ever been. For outside help for text heavy games like Trails in the Sky, I think XSEED might still be working with Carpe Fulgur, which to be granted is only two guys but it helps.
  15. Coming in July. I helped fund it back in 2013. It's almost here. I love the details so far and that is one of the reasons I funded this. Now if only I can help crowdfund a Redline-like movie.
  16. I kind of want to get the Splatoon Wii U bundle that comes out on my birthday but god damn if I am to somehow support the abysmal amiibo figurines situation. I swear, getting my other figurines is easier than getting amiibos and they tend to be have a limited run too. These Splatoon amiibos shouldn't be hard to get since there is a game mode tied to them. So kind of like a worst case scenario for amiibos. I really do want to play Splatoon since from what I've seen of the game, it looks fun. Sure ranked Splat Zones matches is such a piss show* right now but Turf War is just great. The weapons and loadouts all have their pros and cons. Most of the time I wouldn't call any of them OP. The only real advantage you can get is through your armor (shoe, clothes and head) upgrades which are random. The rest comes down to if you know how to use your weapon and maneuver correctly. And of course, I would love to play as Squid Girl. Ika can finally take over the world! She even knows English! * Inkstrikes can cap the zone and if the map only have one zone in a mode call Splat Zones then have fun. The mode also painfully showcases bad habits that doesn't work at all with the game mode (e.g., camping, being too passive).
  17. I'm not even mad that I just got spoiled a bit with Dune reason being it's about Duncan Idaho. He did it once so he can do it again.

    1. TheRevanchist


      I miss Kynes. He was a man of vision.

  18. Graphics looks fine. It isn't like this game won't be modded to Oblivion and back. And yes to the colorfulness. If Fallout 4 is in Boston and considering what happened in Fallout 3, I would think there would be a greener future... or at least Boston wasn't nuked as much as DC.
  19. LEGO Worlds is a better Minecraft than Minecraft... Odd world that we live in now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      They should have stepped up their corporate espionage.

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Just seems to be typical MS luck. :)

    4. Baconrath


      From the ashes of Lego Universe it rises

  20. Akiba's Trip Yup, I decided to power through it. Bugs be damned. Anyhow... I was going to start a New Game + with me playing a Dejiko but I found out that I can get a game over by answering wrong in the beginning. Dejiko just wants her figurines! Now I'm here. Fun game when it work and you aren't getting gang raped by a mob of enemies. If you are into anime bullshit, then this game is for you. Though a set of missions kind of bothered me... an idol group is protesting, please beat them into submission so they can get back to work! Gameplay is easy enough when dealing with a single enemy or small group. You just got no real way to deal with a large mob (e.g., no ranged weapons oddly). Dealing with them is to kite them down till you can do a good combo strip but beware! You might find yourself in the mob of partial stripped enemies and blinded. So you better be holding the guard bottom. Model collision is also a pain during a mob fight or even just walking around. Walking around Akiba with maxed pedestrians is awesome to look but like real life, you don't want to be walking in it. You'll be crashing all over the place. While the more funny stripping animations are fun to watch, I did get bored of them since they can be looooong and opted to equip the fastest one. Weapon upgrading is fine for the MC but for supporting characters, I am deeply confused. Some characters' original or named items can't be upgraded while others can... also unlike with the MC, you can't upgrade what the supporting characters are wearing currently. With that all said, I think the game might truly shine in New Game +. You can actually customize a lot of stuff now (hence I was going to play as Dejiko). edit: About the bugs... I'm certain it's something to do with the RAM usage. The frame rate drops isn't occompanied by anything strange with the GPU or anything else but the RAM.
  21. Indeed I have aspirations of getting a higher resolution monitor in the future. So yeah, the GTX 970 is out of the race and with it, the ~$300 Nvidia option. I'm dead set on Nvidia so seems like I'm stuck with the ~$500 GTX 980. Great card for sure but I'm just unsure if a $500 card is what I need when a $300 card can fill the role... if it was normal 4 GB VRAM. Not to say I won't spend the money. Bundle a game or two with the card and I'm down. Edit: Speak of the devil... http://www.geforce.com/hardware/geforce-gtx-980-ti/buy-gpu $650. Next week's AMD turn.
  22. Mob battles in Akiba is just retarded. There is no mob control in this game since anybody can counter you in the mob even if I'm not aiming for them. They can also block me from running away and absolutely gang rape me. Doesn't really matter if I have high resistance either. Sure I can counter them to hell and back but that is again retarded. If I try to land more than one attack I risk getting countered myself and then I get gang raped. There is also the thing of head counters not landing a hit on the person I'm countering against. Argh.
  23. When do you guys get nervous about the age of your computer and its components? Five to six years for everything but HDDs makes me wonder.
  24. I'll admit that I'm still kind of sour over the while 3.5 GB VRAM for the GTX 970 thing (unless they somehow fixed it?) since it just doesn't jive well with futureproofing. If it wasn't for that, I would've upgraded already and this whole issue of just upgrading or new build would've been settled already. I sorely need one or the other since I'm not even hitting the 30 fps mark on say Wolfenstein TNO/TOB on settings that I can settle with. I can only imagine for games like The Witcher 3 or GTAV. Bleh, the whole upgrade or new build debate that I've been having with myself really bothers me.
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