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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Okay, it just took me a little searching to find out how to see the other games I've played besides my most current one. That was what was bugging me. Also, the only Forerunner weapon I like so far is what I like to call the Forerunner rape cannon (The one that spreads and then converges making for an vehicle destroyer). The Suppressor is just garbage.
  2. Impressions... Singleplayer I only played the opening level so far, I like it. So far, it isn't hard. Grunts are grunts, jackles are fucking jackles and the Elites are simple enough to deal with. I liked how they were introduced. This level just came to me really naturally, which I think about it, comes from the fact that I didn't see no tutorial. I was rocking and ready to go, I just had to take five minutes in the first encounter to have it sink in that I was playing Legendary. They fell like flaccid penises after that. Storywise, so far so good. Multiplayer. I have only played on big team deathmatch. Against all reason, I'm going with the assault rifle and so far no regrets. I love humiliating folks with a pistol kill and I love getting up to people faces with the AR (Within reason). I'm going to have to get used to the vehicles again since I'm only good with the Ghost and Mongoose when it comes to driving. Gauss warthog is overpowered as hell because of autoaim. More than once I made a comeback with the Gauss. The grenades doesn't bounce as far and as high as they used to so it'll get some getting used to (No airburst face rape). So far, my main downfall is the controller. Me fumbling with the control scheme killed me at least a dozen times. I don't think I see a replay function. I recall seeing that in Halo 3. Another thing is that, while I like how fast it is, I feel that it can be a tad bit slower (as in respawn time). Anyways, so far its good. I'm liking it more than Halo 3.
  3. I skimmed that it suddenly grim dark or something.
  4. I forgotten how sodding loud the 360 is.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Which is still a huge improvement.

    3. fuchikoma


      I guess it's less noisy then, but just as loud.

      "Everyone's asleep... I think I'll start up a game of *WHRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGWWWWW!!!* Oh... shit..."

    4. Chewblaha


      I have the television so loud I can't hear anything anymore...


      That is to say I'm literally deaf now.

  5. If I haven't hinted at it enough... It should be at my place today. With Turkey Break coming, eeyup. I shall go in head first in Legendary since I pretty already saw the game played.
  6. Pepper itself. I only munch on it enough to swallow since over chewing will end badly.
  7. Ding ding. It was an instant burn compared to everything else I had so far. Would of sucked to not have some milk to dull its edge quickly. Seriously, the heart burn was quite strong. I think I know what people with chronic heart burn feels now. Its no bueno. Also, judging from just on how hot the Trinidad Scorpion is... it would be like eating police pepper spray.
  8. Holy crap, first habanero. I neutralized it with milk but it coming back as a pretty killer heart burn. I don't want to imagine a Naga Bhut Jolokia or even worst... the Trinidad Scorpion.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAlztMvvNkk So this is Spiral Power... hahaha...
  10. My grandparents and parents laugh at people who claim that socialism equals communism and that we are moving towards that. I'm American but seriously, lol Americans. Some people are in a really weird bubble.
  11. It took me a while to notice that Mamiya's clothes slowly disintegrate as I get more and more damaged. I’m okay with this.

    1. fuchikoma


      When I Googled to see which game you meant, I found out there's DLC that makes it way more blatant too.

  12. That demon behind you wants my soul.
  13. Finally got to it. This is some mythical level shit right here. Sombra is like some Night's King (ASoIF) or Sauron. I wonder why Luna gave Twilight such a mean look... I'm calling it, Sombra is related to the Sisters.
  14. SunnyMalico I think MaliciousH is another person or it may be me... don't care.
  15. Mal


    I know. That why it sort of scares me that I could be an alcoholic in the making. Main reason why I hold very firm to a max 3 drinks rule. So I never pushed my limit. I'm quite in the dark on how much these special ones cost since I never seen them.
  16. Mal


    Apparently I'm the Asian Master Race since I don't get the Asian Glow. Add in the facts that I'm quiet, remain quiet while drunk and in theory can down a shit ton of drinks (Seems like there's binge drink/alcoholism in my family). In other news... stouts are fantastic. So at the moment I got a ranking by (very) general type. Stouts/Porters Wheat Lagers Ales I paired up stouts and porters since they're pretty similar. The stout I am drink right now was kind of hard to find since it seems that only a handful of stores carry it. I'm currently trying to find this one for Turkey Day: Barrel aged, blended beer. If it turns out good, I'm getting another one for Christmas and maybe sending one to my brother (I should look up the laws, never sent alcohol before).
  17. I'm not going to lie, Girls und Panzer got me into World of Tanks. They both are seriously doing the same thing.

    1. Waldorf and Statler
    2. Mal


      Moe is going to hate you.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I've heard good things about both.

  18. Nah. I don't intent on doing that for the same reason I'm much rather have a hardcopy book. They do get reprints often enough that its not an issue. Besides, I think I can even just ask them to reserve a copy for me if I miss out. I do go into the store every Thursday where I at least leave with something.
  19. The Payday Secret got to be one of the most hardcore secret/unlock to get. You got to play on hardest mode, defend for TWO HOURS, solve a puzzle and then proceed to beat the level normally. I wish more games had it and no, I don't have Payday the Hiest.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fuchikoma


      Man... forget it. I'll play a game for hours because it's fun, but if an objective wastes my time (try for hours, fail. Try for more hours, fail), it's out.

    3. Mal


      Its totally optional. So I'm fine with it. It seems like something to do with some folks while drinking beer,

    4. fuchikoma


      As long as the attempts themselves are fun, it's cool. I'm just saying if it was just for the achievement, I wouldn't be able to dump hours into maybe not getting anything.

  20. http://spdblotter.se...use-in-seattle/ Seattle PD is taking the legalization in strides. Tons of junk to work out but I think its for the better. --- http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/09/15054517-cia-director-david-petraeus-resigns-cites-extramarital-affair?lite Well... eh. I personally don't give a damn how a leader's sex life is. I don't approve but if he can lead then he can be a leader.
  21. Shall I become Microsoft's bitch again? I want to play Halo 4 so badly... I don't think I can resist for too long.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      It's really really good and I highly recommend it.

    2. TheRevanchist


      Bend over and take it!


      Or, are you just talking metaphorically?

    3. TCP


      I've never actually played a Halo game. If I can do it, so can you!

  22. True. Imagine if GTA had someone like this: Okay, maybe more like Revy than Scar Face.
  23. I'm wondering too since Newegg currently has a Halo 4 with Live deal ($30 for 12 months). All this talk about Halo 4 is making me itchy but I'll be damned if I paid $60 just for the single player. I think I can work with a non-CoD paced MP game now. About the Flood...
  24. Okay, I haven't played the game yet but I did watch that stream. Still, I'm tired and my information about the story may be spotty at best.
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