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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I think I remember some of you going off about Pacific Rim. It really tugs at my childhood and current love of mechs. Though.. wouldn't it be easier to drop a large rod from space to kill the giant monsters?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baconrath


      I wish Netflix would add Robot Jox to instant

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Because it doesn't look as cool when the target is 150 miles away from the attacker like it would be in real life.

    4. Mal


      As an armchair general, it made me cringe but still... giant robots and monsters.

  2. Someday we'll see some Ghost in the Shell level prosthetics. It would be great if we get them in our lifetime since feeling old sucks. It sucks even more when people get their arm or leg blown off in a battlefield.
  3. I let the panzer leak today. I'm sorry.

  4. Spec Ops: The Line Beside the bullshit part, it was pretty nice. Gameplay isn't anything special but the atmosphere is great. All I can describe this game is... Apocalypse Now.
  5. This Free Bird part in Spec Ops: The Line is fucking bullshit. I honestly died 20+ times. I am running whenever the game decide to not force me to walk.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleven


      In any case, scripted sections are always the most frustrating ones, because there's really very limited tactics you could try. I know I've called my TV a bunch of ugly names on some other game.

    3. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      I died 20+ times there as well. At the start of it, run closer to the right wall. When you get to the part where your health instantly regenerates, STOP for a second or two, THEN run up the stairs.

    4. Mal


      Cyber, that was exactly what I found to work. I found it odd how the heli shot through solid cover, which oddly you can't take cover, with my few experimentation.

  6. Add Spec Ops: The Line to my list. So far its a pretty typical third person shooter but with some environmental tweaks like shooting glass to throw sand in to bury enemies. One thing I noticed is that ammo for good weapon are scarce but weapons in general are not. I can imagine this being quite hard in high difficulties. Story wise, its doing something different which I like. For example, there is one part that is really subtle... It really adds to the atmosphere to the game which I has to say is quite good.
  7. With the coming of CES, we can all look at the pretty little toys that we would like to have but can't because we're poor.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      That too. Technology is a cruel mistress.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I am poor because I can't afford a $20,000 TV.

    4. Mal


      We're not the 1% so yes we are.

  8. Now that I think about it, I should use my Gamestop giftcards and such for Steam cards. I can almost smell Bioshock.

  9. Is it too late to start playing Assassin Creed games? I haven't hard much of anything in terms of terrible DRM practices from Ubisoft in ages, so I think its chill now.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Assassins Creed 2/Bortherhood is largely considered the best title while ACI is considered the worst.

    3. Eleven


      Brotherhood is my favorite, but I haven't tried 3 yet. It's just fun you can do a lot of things there. Horse hijacking (from another horse), horse assassination from some building. Horse counters.


      There were no horses in Revelations and it made me sad. :(

    4. Mal


      Alrighty, I gotten the first three games. Got to see how bad it was before seeing how good it gets.

  10. A little bit of everything. Scribblenauts Unlimited - Pretty rocking. I love to walk around with a bomb suit, defusing every situation with malice. Miami Hotline - Hard as shit and gives me a headache while I play but man it is fun. Retro City Rampage - A good time killer. Castle Crashers - Surprised me with the amount of grinding it can take to take out some bosses. Mark of the Ninja - Amazing. Don't Starve - Walked in without knowing what I got myself into but its pretty simple even without a wiki (As someone suggested me to use). DO make a fire at night. DON'T got digging up graves, stealing eggs from a giant bird and hitting a giant bird. You'll die. And... oh yeah... World of Tanks.
  11. About time. Now no more disconnects or crashing game on your part. Your only excuse now is a computer on fire.
  12. I usually play defensively with tons of armor but playing as a scout that goes behind enemy lines is really fun. I can feel the crosshairs on me and see the running arties.

  13. Well, it hurts to find out my Sleeping Dogs save is gone. I thought it had Steam Cloud...

    1. Eleven


      It had! I backed up my Sleeping Dogs save and redownloaded it from Steam (because I thought I had backup up the installer but it turns out I didn't). Didn't put my save back in but everything was there when I started it... I don't know if it keeps the saves on "Delete Local Content" though. The saves are in the game dir, not my docs.

    2. Eleven


      maybe manually search the steam cloud saves on the steam dir? maybe you can put them back in

    3. Mal


      Well, I wiped my Steam folder a while back due to some weird error. So its gone for sure. I just grab a save file from online since I did 100% the game (pre DLC).

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siutvc964Xc This is a moe moe kawaii song desu. Not really. It blew me away. The growling made this song that much better because the contrast it provided. I'm in love...
  15. I never touched HL2. Maybe when I play it, I'll understand why people have such a hardon for the game and HL3 will be announced. So yeah, Strangelove, mind shooting me the copy? --- Also, games I might have: Stalkers: Shadow of Chernobyl Red Faction Armageddon Red Faction Guerrilla (Guerrilla might be taken, if this one person on Steam still wants it) Left overs from the Amazon's THQ bundle from a while back. Someone wanted some of the games but he and I had some of them as well. These might of been the some of them. You guys have about a week before I give them to my brother. So lets say by New Years my offer will stand.
  16. Tons of Black Hawk Down moments with my brother's one. Doesn't help that I shoot at it with my Nerf guns. I'll show my haul later since I'm at my uncle's currently.
  17. Last one, I swear on my wallet. When it popped up on Amazon at that price, I had to get it. So think of it you got really lucky that it popped up before today... Now you can make your character in game!
  18. Mal


    Vecha, do something like me... Christmas beer time! A quick note, mines (2012) is just 11% Alc/Vol though. Pictured above should be 2010 and if you haven't noticed, it is barrel aged. This is very different. I really pick up on the coffee and bourbon flavors, though I had to look up this beer to pin it down since it was such a flavor shock. Another thing is the really smooth creaminess. Lastly, I bare notice any hop notes, at least not to my palette. While this beer is pricey at about $12 per bottle, I have to say, its something I would highly recommend for anybody to try (Non-beer drinkers included to give a shock to their system). Do follow their suggestion on having it with some chocolate dessert or even some fruit that would go with chocolate. I think strawberries would work nicely. For comparison, I tried Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout. That one has a sharper note and you can notice the hops. Lastly... surprise, its by Firestone Walkers as well (You can guess by the city/town it came from). Its just their other beer line that they don't seem to advertise much about. After trying this, I'm eying the Anniversary Ales I have and I really look forward in trying them in the future. Hell, I would like to get another bottle to try it this year so I can compare it. I will be trying to get another of Black Xantus to ship to my brother. Edit: Seems like Imgur is being funny. Also, my life currently:
  19. I am indeed below 190 and so far the holidays hasn't jumped me up, oddly enough. For a week during the summer I was edging around 180 and at one point went below. So success, I would say. As for grades... OTL
  20. If only there was a way that you can't highlight these words, then I would of won. Stupid kids. Also, cute girls driving cute tanks.
  21. Hakidia, I'm loving that band. The instrumentals completely made whatever growl vocal they do nonexistent for me. My head try to listen this band in English but it fails.
  22. Moe moe animu. Besides, it looks like the sort of beat-them-up game I would enjoy. Sadly there doesn't seem to be any sort of exploration. Just one stage after the next. If I end up hating this aspect, hey, its only $4. Its like one comic right there.
  23. I want to lay on my belly and play with Parker.
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