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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I played it for about three hours last night. It felt off in the beginning but as I leveled up a bit, I started to move at about the same speed as 2017. Same with the weapons but they feel off. I really hope that when I'm higher in level I can run and gun. With that said, level progression is actually pretty good. With each level and better guns, . As for the enemies, I like the variety but the demished numbers is terrible. I also don't like the death as much. I want to see them go flying. The controls acts a bit odd at times but it may be just my controller. I also heard that there is far less levels than 2017. A pretty big NO from me. I really hope there will be a map pack in the future. Overall at this point and what I know, I give it s 66-75% of what 2017 was for me. Still fun though since its trying to live up to one of my favorite games!
  2. Really depends on my mood. I can take it however. Price and cost might force me to go pure black which is fine with me. Right now I am trying to go through my Vietnamese-styled coffee, I'm using good old sweet condense milk. One thing though, I am using a french press for it instead of the small dripper. In essence, they both do exactly the same thing. I just find the french press to be more convenient. Faster too. Another way I take coffee is to mix it with tea. 50/50 black tea/coffee. And... Honey? I don't think floral/citrus (I have orange blossom honey at the moment) notes will jive too well with coffee.
  3. One last one I think. I really hope its as good as 2017 because 2017 as a game is one of my top favorites.
  4. Add me to the list as well. I also went ahead and got the whole freaking collection. With this and two Ys games, I think I am good for this sale. I can'r really think of one game that I really want right now that is on Steam.
  5. Playing the games I got so far from the Steam sale sure gotten me behind on homework. Like too late to finish it sort of thing. To be a kid again. :

    1. TCP


      You have homework? In July?

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Not everyone takes the summer off.

  6. When this came on, it confirms to me that Adol Christin is a badass.
  7. Good games surely has sudden spike pits.

  8. I forgotten how unforgiving not having quick save is.

  9. So, after two days I finally looked some stuff up. Orchids seems to be in the clear since I see a couple in the non-toxic list and none on the toxic list. How well they grow and keep depends on the kind you get and where you live. Vine plants are sort of mixed when it come to toxicity but if anything grows well in pots, it has to be vine plants. Just check the list and maybe as the local animal place. Lastly catnip them everyday. In other news, something chewed off or pulled out one of my potato plants. There was a party here last night so it may have been a drunk dude but it may have been an animal or bug since a person would have killed the entire patch. Since this potato plant was so weak, it don't have any tubers it seems. Kabocha wise, my initial female doesn't seem to be taking off but it doesn't seem to be aborting. The other two are taking off. It is sort of surprising on how fast they can develop. --- Modified my bin since I was getting swarmed by fruit flies. Now I added a nylon screen to the side vents. Now this hopefully will keep them out of the bin. If not, I'm going to get creative. I also change the stands to some super cheap small plastic bins instead of using a cardboard box. Hopefully in a week they'll all clear out.
  10. Just got them since Origin is on a flash sale. Ys games may not be deep but they're fun as hell. I expect these two to be the same. The first 2-3 games you didn't even have to press to attack since you're such a badass that you run into enemies to dice them up.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca3Y8Ws3plI For a Halo 4 live action series of sorts.
  12. So Amazon is really pushing to do same day delivery. This is going to be interesting since if anyone can pull it off, its them.

    1. TCP


      Wish they'd bring that to Canada.

      But on the other hand, Canada is large, vast, and wild. Probably not possible. Especially considering they ship from Ontario, which isn't exactly central.

    2. Luftwaffles


      Too bad I live in the woods. This'd be interesting though, if they can do it. It'll most certainly limited to larger cities first, though.

  13. Mal


    Any meaningful upgrades seems to take pretty damn long but yes, you could play for free and get everything. Just going to take a long while.
  14. Mal


    The Tribes Ascend Starter Pack is actually really good if you're in the game. I'm just not sure if I want to support a pay-to-win model. Also I was like Dan. I was unaware of the 8 hour thing so the SR3 sale just pass me by without me even knowing about it.
  15. Mal


    Since the Ouya is Android based, couldn't it potentially work with other Android devices and in ways be like the Wii U? I think the Ouya in its current form, however and whatever it may be, will crash and burn hard but what come out of its ashes might be actually pretty damn cool or even game changing on how we use our TV, smart phones and computers.
  16. Mal

    Day Z

    I haven't played much for a week since the updates really have been a rough ride but... Dallas 3 should be fine. There's usually doctors on there if you get into trouble. Its also in the middle of the country so everyone connection/ping in NA should be fine there.
  17. Mal


    Dude you just missed it by a few hours... It was 12 bux 2/3 hours ago... The pack was like $25 or something too. Fuck me. I want SR3... Seriously, I am kind of pissed. Then again, there is always next time during the winter sale.
  18. Myself. Not sure why I quoted it.
  19. Stuff from Amazon are just dropped off. Well, that is how it works for all the time I had gotten stuff from Amazon. And yes, I understand that a Bluray version may never come but I am holding out. This is 2012 damn it! I'll eat Kickstarter pie if I have to to get it!
  20. So apparently GTA V world is going to be enough that planes are actually going to be really reasonable to have flying around from one end of the map to the other. Again, I have a deeply buried wish that Rockstar don't screw up that bad with the PC version.
  21. Grab them while I was cooling off from my bike ride to the Farmer's Market. I'm missing #4 so the guy at the comic shop is going to try to get an order in since I took the last #1 as well. I think Marceline and the Scream Queens just came out this week so time for a wait on that... not to mention waiting for a Bluray Season 1-3 of Adventure Time. The DVD just came out but no word about any Blurays which is totally not math.
  22. So... something like Dragonball GT's final arc happens.
  23. Mal


    Having been in four states and having lived their edumacation systems... I feel that they're pretty much the same save for regional differences. For example, I don't know much about Californian history and folks from California might not know as much Colonial history as I do. English, math and maybe science are or should be the same. Its really not much of a funding issue. Extra fund sure do help and help a lot in cases but I feel its the adminstration and the teachers that might be the issue. Some people are totally teaching for the wrong reasons or bad mix of reasons. Then there is the emphasis on what to teach. With that said. I feel that, on average, private schools are no better or worst than public schools.
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