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Everything posted by Mal

  1. So Gundam 0079 and Zeta stories are indeed more or less rehashed in Seed and Seed Destiny. With that said, original>redone. However, no matter how fucked up the storyline in Seed was and indeed it was fucked with the numerous recon to the story it had with Seed Destiny, and with the extreme amount of emo-ness... it still holds a place in my heart. I blame the music. When this song comes on when a character does something awesome... its just plain awesome. So much ass is kicked. With that said, I am now on episode 21 out of 50 for Zeta. I expect that I should be done with Zeta by this weekend.
  2. Pretty much everyone in the bronies club I am in went "_____ IS NOW CANON!". Not sure what they said...
  3. Can we turn it off...?
  4. I got my replacement today, installed it and then it proceed to grind on some screws on my other video card since the clip isn't there to hold it straight up. Now its being held up with nice and flat shale... what? I'm a geologist to be... and the damage has been done. The fan isn't dead or anything but its a bit loud.

  5. Okay, I am going to attempt to dwindle down my long lost anime backlog. First up... Zeta Gundam. I might mix it up with some Slayers as well to keep me from getting too bored. 2-3 episode every night or so should do and with that I should be able to conquer the Gundam and Slayers series in a few months! Edit: With that all said, I never noticed that there are so many grand thief Gundams all the time! Holy hell, the main must have jacked a Gundam every damn episode! WHY AREN'T THERE KEYS!?
  6. Spoilers for Saturday episode... SKYNET IS ACTIVATED.
  7. Replacement for my RMA'd card of which I have no complaints...: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102926

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4cxco11NaI For whatever reason, this video made me feel old because I recall the time where I watch stuff like this quite a bit. Now... I was only 16 six years ago... "only"... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD I am getting old.
  9. Back when... And that is how Tywin Lannister shitted gold.
  10. I am stumped. I just can't seem to get my TV to properly display at 1080 with my computer. Zoom level should be at normal with zero overscan. Overscan is disabled on my TV somehow... Did so just fine before with my other card.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      What about overscan on your computer? I have a AMD card and just use their tool to do that.

    3. Mal


      That what I eventually settled on, FDS but its off and looks nothing like my monitor in terms of crispness. I know it can get to be like my monitor since I done it before with 0% overscan anywhere. Also, its via a HDMI cable which I used in the past. The only thing new is this time its through a XFX AMD card.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Why not turn it on? It always makes my computer look fine on my TV.

  11. I'm almost always more interested in the single player campaign... Halo 3's MP and SP didn't do anything for me. SP did better but still... so yeah, hope it don't suck. Currently pinning it at a $30 game.
  12. My body is ready. My joy will burn turn the sky on fire. Edit: Holy shit. I finished the 7th episode today and I shat bricks by the end. Sadly, I read the first three books...
  13. At one point or another, we all, more or less, had Wiis. Now its suffering a slow death at my cousin's place. Believe me, I want to play this game but... damn it.
  14. Lu Bu ponified. He got to be rolling in his grave right now.
  15. Mal

    Sim City V

    Yeah, Origin... other than that:
  16. I question the accuracy on that thing unless it for some reason can detect a problem before it really shows up.
  17. http://forums.bukkit...-chapter.62489/ For folks who want it... tl;dr: Bukkit team joins Mojang to work on server side things. Its a good thing since the Bukkit guys have been at it for almost two years and Mojang surely needs all the experience regarding server issues as they can get. Jens and Jon can focus on making and optimizing content, the Bukkit team can work on multiplayer and with Daniel coordinating the two. So yeah, Mojang with regards to Minecraft seems more well rounded now. Who knows how SMP will run and look like in six months from now... ---- Also this: http://www.minecraftforum.net/news/422-notch-gives-3-million-to-mojang-employees/ $3,000,000 to 25 (24? minus Notch himself) employees makes it about $120,000 per employee if counted at 25. It should include the Bukkit team as well who just joined too. So... working on Minecraft as fans paid off for them.
  18. Nothing wrong with being a stay-at-home-parent/homemaker I think. People should do a balance of what make sense for them and what they want to do. Kids from 0-5 and beyond will take a ton of time to take care of and in situations, you won't find a grandparent (Daycare is expensive and finding a good one might be hard) to take care of the kids like I was while my parents worked and stuff. A ton of Chinese families I've been around, like mines, had grandparents taking care of kids. Now I believe that once the kid(s) goes to any school besides homeschool, the SAHP/homemaker should probably get a part time, odd job. Nothing long at all, just something to fill any downtime between homemaking and leisure and to make some pocket money. If you look, you for sure can find some jobs that can fit in a schedule like that. It doesn't have to be like housekeeping either, it could be like courier work which I worked as. FYI, I can see courier work as something a person can do part time and still net money.
  19. Ugh... FML. Why did I have to damage the clips to my case? Hell, even popped off a clip for PCI slot... the one I need for my other card. Lost the spring to it too. I hope when I put a card in there... it'll hold. Not a good way to end the night. :\

    1. Luftwaffles


      If it's the odd shaped PCI slot clips it should be fine. I've had many a clip decide it doesn't want to work anymore and never had any issues.

  20. Ugh, CPU is going GRRRRRRRR. A few knocks will shut it up but it'll come back... looks like either I have to clean it or replace it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fuchikoma


      I've seen a lot of cheap power supplies get the growl... it never stays away permanently once it starts to become regular. On the bright side, for such an intimidating looking part (to most) it's actually very easy to replace, just as long as you remember the 4-wire 12 volt plug on many PCs.

    3. fuchikoma


      Actually if you mean the 120mm fan just behind the CPU... I bet you'll be fine without it for now, but you can get "SpeedFan" to keep an eye on it all. I actually have a low speed CPU fan and fanless power supply and when I stop my front intake fan it's my hard drives that heat up the worst. 120mm fans are quite replaceable though.

    4. Mal


      Well, I disabled that fan and one thing led to the next and well bad news first.

      Bad news... its one of my GPUs.

      Good news is that it is still under warrenty.


      How Newegg and/or Sapphire do this will determine if I will ever get a Sapphire product again...

  21. Thus the rumors turned out to be true... fucking a. This time I think I will voice my opposition to this.
  22. Well, I bike around town a lot and if I can I will do 8-10 miles bike rides during the weekends. Just riding to and back from campus already helped me lose around 10 lbs and lower my blood pressure... and its just a two mile ride one way. I only did my first 8-10 miles rides last week so... I should get better! For example... blood pressure. 1-27 150/90 (I was sick so yeah.) 2-9 136/81 (Gotten better but was not great) 2-23 124/79 (Sleep deprived but normal otherwise.) So yeah, get your ass moving. The only motivation needed is the will to get better and in the case of biking... making your body obey you, shut it up and to conquer that damn hill with wind blowing in you face.
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