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Everything posted by Mal

  1. We have like five strong. We need eleven more! Come on you clean shaven (...) sack of cured sausages!
  2. Mal


    Its tasty and cheap enough for a near daily drink. Does it make you feel better that I have a bottle of Johnnie Walker? This one I have for a Friday or something.
  3. Mal


    I'll be giving making ginger beer and ginger ale a shot since I won't be getting a good amount of honey anytime soon for my mead experiment. Not sure if I can make the ginger stuff alcoholic but I'll be trying. Another thing... for some reason Rite Aid has waaaaaaaaay cheaper alcohol than a regular grocery store... a bottle of Jack Daniel's honey whiskey there is around $16-$18. Albertsons has it for $26. Its really odd.
  4. I sorta want to have a battle like this instead of the mess that are the public servers. It makes the battle feel so much more amazing.
  5. Very rarely do I buy DVDs/Blu Rays but this is worth the money to show support. I also do subscribe to HBO with my roommates but with no time to watch and no DVR... I pay the Iron Price and take what is mines.
  6. Mal


    Purchased or licensed, it is still bull. The consumer had no say in the dropping of the game. Perhaps there is a line in the user agreement that states that Apple, EA or Harmonix can drop the game at anytime or one that states they can add anything in at any time without advance notice which they used to add in that line. Still doesn't make it right though, no matter how it is codified. Eh. Kind of makes you scared to bu- license games...
  7. Its kind of funny how a Water Board works... the joys of learning about erosion control and water quality which are two very closely related thing by the way. Not a lot of people get that and sooner or later I will have to work with those folks.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mal


      As in if this applies to all farmers, no matter how they irrigate? Yup. If you grow something and sell it, this applies to you. A discharger as defined in this order has these choice words: "have the

      potential". Well, anything you do have a potential to discharge some water to a stream or groundwater basin. The crop doesn't use up all the water give to it and not all dries up. The rest will slowly migrate, speeding up during winter months.


      Actually, let me talk t...

    3. Mal


      Let me talk to my professor. I am quite sure I am correct with my statement since I can see a auditor/someone at court shooting that out. My professor has been at this for 20-30 years. If he don't know, he will find out and think about it. He hasn't seen the entire thing before but he has been consulted during the formation phase.


      Shoot me anymore questions if you have them so I can ask him. Also I am curious now that I have taken a deeper look at this.

    4. TheRevanchist


      Water rights have become major issues in the last 5/6 years. This plays right into that field. I could see this having some rather good debates. I used to attend some subcommittee meetings for the local town. Some of the farmers were out there. Some were reasonable. When there was a hot button debate, man that room packed up quickly. So, I wish you luck, sir.

  8. I can only describe it as this: I felt that the pacing was off thus it was rushed. Also I should start ZZ Gundam or 8th MS Team...
  9. Mal

    Video Cards

    So I took out my wonky (Which I wonked accidentally) GPU and everything is fine when I am playing games however... now I have a somewhat working GPU sitting here. I am quite sure its just the fan that is screwy. Its not smooth so it causing the card to overheat thus problems since all the problems was coming from playing games. Anyone has experience with installing GPU fans since I just found out that they exist... Any recommendations? Would hate to have this replacement GPU from my RMA going to waste. http://www.newegg.com/Store/SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=576&name=VGA-Cooling
  10. Mal


    Take a wild guess at my username... Lets go thumping!
  11. Mal

    Sim City V

    Must have been after a few drought years and with high winds.
  12. Mal

    Day Z

    I sort of regret not getting Arma II during the sales... I shall eat the cost.
  13. I'm debating if I should leave my wonky card in and hope for the best or take it out and just work off one card. What says you folks? Video cards by the way.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      CrossfireX'd HD 6870s. Next card I get would be a Nvidia card but I'm debating when I should do the switch.

    3. Mal


      Also the bonk card is fine with just regular or med level use. Its just under heavy use that it overheats.


      I might be able to salvage it for just beefing up some old machine.

    4. Johnny


      I run one 4870. You'll be fine with one card. xD

  14. I played a hour or two and I got to say, its pretty fun since it keeps you on your toes. The movement... man, will it be fun to get that fully down.
  15. MalicoH is my username. And I am just starting out so... be gentle. I only ever watched TB play the game.
  16. Looks like Tribes Ascend is the first place where "MaliciousH" has been taken. I had this username for years.

    1. CorgiShinobi


      It's kinda like eBay; there's bound to be someone else out there trying to take what you want!

  17. Mal


    I made some lemoncello with unfiltered vodka. Its not bad but the aftertaste reminds me of medicine... maybe I should have had filtered the vodka and perhaps I can dilute the lemoncello with some water/vodka. The simple syrup I made might have been too concentrated. Up next on my list of alcoholic creation... mead. I just have to ask the old couple who sells honey at the Farmer's Market if they can sell me a larger container of honey or a slight volume discount. Hell, I can grab the honey myself... Also, honey whiskey is damn good.
  18. Mal


    Its not a bad but there is really nothing to do. You either go hunt down Chosen or go thumping on the Earth's bosom. There's one really annoying bug where there are invisible, invincible enemies hidden in rocks who fire out shots like the Chosen and those damn campers back in COD4.
  19. In real life, he seems to be pretty cool. People just have to separate fact from fiction, which seems to be impossible for some folks. Personally, I think when he is older he can be a Bond villain. Act non-batshit insane and I can see that happening.
  20. Apparently some folks judge how well someone can rule based on accent? New to me. All this time I thought it were action, personality and in the land of Westeros ... birth, size of army and shadow games. Accent? WTF?.

    1. TheRevanchist


      Patrick Stewart would make a fine political leader. His voice and accent are simply too divine.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      I'd vote for Captain Picard.

    3. TCP


      Too British. I'd vote for Morgan Freeman.

  21. Hrmm, I suppose a rereading is in order... I read at least 100 pages a day when I am into reading so stuff just blurs after three books.
  22. Episode 4... by the Seven. We finally see Harrenhal, which is a really heavy looking place to say the least. The scenes there just make my skin crawl. You really get a sense on the feeling of "Yay! I got a castle now" but it turns out to be Harrenhal and suddenly you're freaked. Now the end... playing horror games don't really prepare you for that with real folks acting. When I imagine the world of Westeros, as I said before, I imagine a world not that unlike our own but with loooong forgotten magic which is now rearing its creepy head with the White Walkers and that thing... Which brings me to the following questions:
  23. I'm attempting to make a Princess Luna (My Little Pony: FiM) into Adventure Time humanoid style as part of my r/mlp gift exchange. Flame Princess style seems to be the go though I am partial to the Luna/Marceline/Fionna mix. Of course I could troll the dude and just draw Lady Luna... PS: My AT craze got to end sometime. I feel my MLP side fading a bit personally... good thing the second season ended. Now to maybe get to my daily drawing thing.
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