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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Reading you guys' arguments, it almost seems like it arises from a pretty dumb thing. I'm not calling any one of you guys ideals and beliefs wrong or right but... There is no way to present a standard of living data without skewing it to any one side of a linear plot or even a non-linear plot. People lives can be and are vastly different so its terrible to present it as high or low, which is linear in nature. However, its the easiest way to present data since it is simple to understand. High and low? Easy but skewed. So it make it non-skewed, context should be provided. It is up to the provider of the data to give context or for the viewers to seek it out if not provided. Going with Yant's examples: We got context of whatever standard of living data we have. With this context, I can pretty much pull out City A from my analysis. I should also make a note of why I did as well which would be: City A is wealthy enough and well off that I can ignore them. City B on the other hand is on the other side of the spectrum. It seems pretty damn good but its poor as hell. Since it is poor as hell, I should take a closer look at this city. So yeah. CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT. What you got, where you got it and how you got it. Data without context is useless data. Now you guys can now continue at going at each other. How I fit in the current debate... having options is great. Rarely does life not give you options. If not provided with some, make some. Society is just that, a society. Its just not me and my family. So I'll help out society but don't expect me to bend the knee. Don't overreach and overstay. I'll help other people stand but they got to do their own walking. If they are just pleased with just standing, fine by me. They just got to remember to not come to me if they want to walk.
  2. I wonder how long I can go on Youtube without Ad-Blocker Plus. I tried before to be a tad more helpful to the Youtube folks I like but man... them ads.

    1. toxicitizen


      Yeah, I really wish there was a way to whitelist only certain channels.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      I made it about 2 minutes yesterday, after I'd newly installed a browser on my old laptop.

    3. fuchikoma


      Oh look... Vevo swallowed another artist.

  3. I found the Ygritte parts to be funny. She's just toying with Jon. The part that got me to raise an eye brow is when Edit: Wait...
  4. Case in point: Factor in how many people live in or around urban areas. For the United States, about 3/4 of the population is in or around urban areas. Urban could mean anything from NYC to some place like where I live, San Luis Obispo. Ignoring NYC for now... The local, regional and state public transportation for sure raise the standard of living of the SLO area. We got a bus system (SLO Transit) that cover more or less the whole city/town. We also got buses (RTA) that go in between towns that a good deal of folks use. Lastly, Amtrak trains shoot up to the Bay Area and down to the LA/San Diego. There is also a decent bike infrastructure in place in SLO that I use daily. That to me is a good mix of public and personal transportation systems. It also makes clear to me why public transportation is factored. Does it scale well into a city like NYC? Maybe not but the infrastructures there are in piss poor condition but still it somehow works. It still improves living standards no matter how shitty it is. Disclosure: I currently am living in SLO so what I said about it is from my observation and first hand experience. I also lived in NYC, Denver/Littleton and San Francisco. Denver/Littleton is a urban and suburban sprawl with a budding public transportation system. You're more or less trapped without a car there. When I left, the light rail system use was growing. They sure come in handy for sporting events downtown. Still need to drive a car to the stations though...
  5. Mal

    Your Rig

    You'll walk right into that despair all by yourself in about a week. A deal or two appear out of nowhere...
  6. They sort of reminds me of that violin girl that cosplay the game theme she's playing and dance and shit while she does it. Its kind of annoying actually... Edit: Lindsey Stirling is her name. The girl in this Skyrim video I'm sure everyone seen.
  7. Well, first off its 3D... second...
  8. http://www.threadless.com/product/2213/Excavation
  9. You got an outside deck of some sort? If you do I would get a good grill and perhaps a burner. I loath electric stoves to the point that it could be a deal breaker for me. In other news, I am a graphic tee whore. The following images on tee shirts besides the oil sprayer. I got some nice olive oil and apparently these can really help you use not too much oil.
  10. Loans, loans, LOANS! Let the tango begin. I manage to get through a few years without it but the main reason was that I was living with my parents with whom I helped get through the rough economic times. Now to roll the dice to see if I can work off getting less than I intended since subsidized loans doesn't cover me completely. Between me, my mom and dad... we at the worst need to cover $500 each to fill the gap to maintain my current living level. I'm sure I can do enough odd jobs to cover my end and more over the summer. Hell, I can lower my living standards if push comes to shove... Summer classes sucks FYI. I have to take them since I'm sort of behind thus... it pretty much makes up half of my loan cost. Goal for next summer: Get an internship to setup connections so I can land a job right after. Paralleling that is to work with my professors since they know folks. I need to kill off my loans before I head onto grad school... so a job after I graduate is key. I'm sure I can do it one way or another.
  11. I am sore and aching but I am alive. If you folks ride a bike, wear a sodding helmet because even a minor mistake sent me head first into the pavement. Good thing no car was on my ass...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mal


      I was looking to my left to see if it was clear to merge onto the straight bike lane. The next moment when I was looking back forward I launch into the air. What I think happened was when I looked to my left, I must have had turned/leaned the front wheel as well. So that stopped the front wheel so I went flying.


      Seriously though... I honestly have no idea how I did it but I did it. It was on smooth pavement too. I do this maneuver a few times a day. So I've been thinking on the...

    3. fuchikoma


      Ouch... I jackknifed down a hill once: Grabbed a water bottle and started drinking, but something surprised me and I squeezed the brakes - didn't account for my weight shifting forward, and I ended up leaning on the bar, cranking it sideways and launching. Fractured my elbow... by landing on my hands (luckily gloved).


      I don't see how you'd accidentally turn that hard shoulder checking - might you have braked with one hand?

    4. Mal


      I was slowly braking, so maybe since the left lever is the front breaks.

      Eh. It just happened so fast.

  12. Mal

    Video Cards

    So after mulling around for a bit, I decided on a $25 solution to see if it can save my card. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835186053 It should restore my boinked card but if its not just the fans, I won't be out of too much money. I just want the card working again, if possible, for another year or two.
  13. I know and get what you mean but problems are problems. It could mean something is seriously wrong. BUT yeah, its more likely to avoid the heavy hitters in the fall.
  14. Speaking of wasteful spending... http://www.sfgate.co.../MNN61OF2I9.DTL Lets cut or lower the 2% that makes up the funding for pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure. That's about $790 million right there, quite a tidy sum that could go into the maintaining and expansion of the highway system which is in dire need of repair and expansion so we can avoid something like this: On the other side of the coin, however, is this: http://www.cdc.gov/o...data/adult.html People need to move around, especially kids. How are we pose to curb obesity rates if we don't have proper infrastructure to promote people to walk or bike to where they need to be as part of their lives? A two mile bike ride twice a day can do wonders to a person's health. A ten mile commute one way is still within reason and that will help even more. Yes it is expensive to make the proper infrastructures but it is well worth the cost if we can slow, stop and reverse the obesity rates. With more and more people living in and around urban area (http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/census_issues/archives/metropolitan_planning/cps2k.cfm old but it still stands today, I can't find the 2010 version), it should be possible.
  15. My wallet is okay with this but it makes me worried on what is going on with development.
  16. This is just in, Obama has declared Jihad against marriage. Fatwas has been called out by the White House for the private parts of head anti-gay marriage proponents.
  17. Hey, the Lannisters are pretty cool. Well, maybe not Cersei and Joffery however the rest are cool.Tywin is a mean asshole but I feel he is fair if you show your worth and not be a dwarf. Jamie was young and stupid. Tyrion is Tyrion. Tyrion should of kicked Joffery... With that said, while points A to Z remains the same, with the recent derivation from the book... it will be an interesting ride.
  18. As a guy I can't believe I am saying this but does anyone else think Ygritte is a tad bit too pretty? The way she looks makes me think she's some sort of high born lady of Highgarden or something, not a Wildling. Its sort of like finding a skinny Pocahontas in a world where even a chief's daughter works. There's a lot more serious things I can yak about, like "Where are my damn trees!?" but I think I will settle with something minor like this. And yes Dean, you should. Despite its problems, its has been a great watch.
  19. It made a scream? I recall running a video card that required the separate plugs without the plugs. It just gave out a onscreen warning that you'll won't being doing much without the power plugs but it'll display for you. Also all my problems with hardware is me being a tad bit brutish... everything works but I'm not proud. I can't be happy with a damaged case... Le sigh.
  20. Playing as a disorganized line trooper while drunk is so entertaining.

  21. This guy never disappoints.
  22. I'm sitting here in the dead of the night drunk and having a nostalgia bomb by listening to some old music. Well I came across the Brave Fencer Musashi OST and in front of me was all thing Adventure Time... then it clicked. Sure making Adventure Time into a game would be tough if it was ever done. Gameplay: Similar to Musashi but you will have a companion as in Jake the Dog since it wouldn't be Adventure Time without the duo together. Yes, "ugh, a computer AI..." but this game would be intended as a co-op game but doable with one player. Ideally, local co-op would be best but online co-op would do. Combat would be like Musashi but mixed with Kingdom Hearts in-game menu system. So you can perform combat moves like Musashi but be able to use item, etc in realtime via the menu. One of the etc would be an option to initate a co-op attack. Both people got to confirm for it to be performed with one initating it and the other confirming it. Then some QTE thing, more complicated as the attack get stronger and it will consume more AP as it get stronger. Structure wise, it would be somewhat episodic but with an overall story to tie it all together. Within the game would be various minigames, with one being a Bust-a-Groove clone which will have some music minigame since the actual show does have quite a bit of musical scores. Some minigames could poke fun at or no at some classic games. Main goals: Make a fun, interesting game built on some proven gameplay mechanics, sort of like Scott Pilgrim. Make it nice and quirky, like Disgaea along with other games. The player shouldn't expect groundbreaking stuff to happen but they should expect a fun game, I hope. The core game can be expanded upon with DLCs which can add interesting sidequests... Fiona and Cake?
  23. Been four years huh...? I still know this melody. To be a teenager... fuck.
  24. http://redditgifts.com/exchanges/manage/ Folks from the MLP subreddit exchange gifts. I'm personally commissioned a mini figurine from a guy in the club and I'm going to draw a few things, print them out and yeah. I might make some Popsicle stick puppets as well. I got Monday to ship...
  25. Any of you folks doing the r/mlp gift exchange?
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