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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Its good to be back on my own computer.

  2. You can just go hunting and eat some raw flesh of a dead pig. As far as I know, you don't get food poisoning from raw food unless they added it in without me knowing... Also all if not all food stack now. So pack up and go on the road.
  3. I'm with you. I know I said it before but I'll repeat again: Minecraft can never ever be finished. I stand firmly behind that concept. With that said, I found the ending to be really odd and out of place. I really don't have high hopes for where it will go in the future, I blame the feeling of it being released but I'll stand by it.
  4. I just came upon the realization that I could use my Gamestop giftcards online for Skyrim. (Or instore too but sometimes they don't have PC games out) I AM SAVED. Now to hope for some discount this holiday season. I doubt it though but its not big deal. I have enough for a new game.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK9mO3mA84Y
  6. I feel dirty. /cries

  7. Depends. It seems like a good drop in and play game.
  8. I Am Alive... Ubisoft. He (And Dean) is correct that I wouldn't buy the game on PC. Hell, the dev's remarks is off putting enough and I have a PS3/360 so... screw him and whatever games the company he's working for makes. Besides, I got bigger fishes to fry...
  9. Been ages since I played a console FPS... got my ass handed to me. And I say I used to be pretty damn good on consoles...

  10. Screwing around in Procaster again...

  11. So earlier today I FINALLY got into Mom's room and beated her after my second time facing her. Took me long enough after a week or two of trying of a couple rounds here and a few there. I swear if I died... I would of quit because I was packed with coins, bombs and keys. I was also loaded with powerups. Kind of like my first encounter with her but that time I died pretty badly...
  12. Do any of you guys mind reading my paper once its done? I just want to get your general impression of it. Topic is the Falkland Islands. Its pretty much summary of facts and info but I'm trying to tie it to globalization.

    1. Enervation


      I'm no expert on globalization, but I've taken several classes centered around it as a key focal point for the formation of the 20th century. If you want, just PM the paper to me and I'll read it over.

    2. Mal


      Hopefully I get it done by tonight else... its pretty slim that I'll be done with it before Turkey Day.


      But yeah, I will. Its for an Earth Science class so... you don't have to look into it that closely in terms of globalization. Its just something to tie this fact/info paper together.

  13. Private isn't necessarily better... I think anyways. Kind of like how I think UC isn't better than CSU. I personally think you're only paying for the name in the UC systems. But yeah, with the tuition increases... eh, its your choice. For 2012-2013, I'm at least paying $500 more. $1000 more if something else passes here at Cal Poly. I somehow got to last that year and another to get my BS degree... I love how its called a BS degree... Eh? Its done by major over there? Over here its rotations by last names. Seems more fair. For example, I'm 7th of out 12. Not great but not terrible either. Then next quarter... I'm 2nd I believe. Then during summer and fall I believe I get shit ones. I also have 3 priority registrations I can use to get me first throughout my whole career.
  14. Mal

    Black Friday

    I'm willing to bet that you can get a $200 PS3 anytime from Black Friday to Cyber Monday. You can keep on checking stores and if you are unable to get one, check online when you get back home. I would be surprised if by this time next week that you haven't gotten a PS3.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZmeytjpz4s And now this.
  16. Geez, mines for SF State and Cal Poly was only like $40. Might have changed now but still... also screw the UC system.
  17. Look, he's watering the seeds of anarcy... Now seriously... Their mouths were forced open and pepper sprayed down their throats? The hell? Is that tactic even legal? I don't really care that they were sprayed at while sitting down but that to me is kind of crossing the line.
  18. I suppose you can just get the DVDs to show support and then find some HD TV rips to give you the quality you want...
  19. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0024408 ALL FOR SCIENCE! And yeah, can be slightly NSFW but... ITS SCIENCE!
  20. Wait ten years, get a box set... if this show ever get such a following like Animaniacs did. Also it'll be more like a download set. Le sigh. Off to getting a daughter so I have reasons to buy MLP toys...
  21. Not to mention that they are, more or less, a one time thing. Doesn't mean you can't buy it later like I did for Recettear. I haven't touched that game since I bought it... kinds of evens out I suppose. Doesn't mean its right but yeah. Add that product to my pirate credit. I'll try to pay it off... completely in heaven or hell. And yeah, SOPA... is shit. It just implies way too much.
  22. I'm going to shift it to music for a moment since my pirated material is mostly that. Music. I'll be amazed if I can get copies of (retail) CDs [preferred medium] and/or legal downloads from some of the Japanese/foreign stuff I listen to like Michita and nujabes. Second hand copies only means negative stuff for publishers so I can't help them out by getting second hand (I'm actually trying find them. Some of the stuff are REALLY hard to find, not to mention expensive as hell.). Yeah, I could just not consume those content but I follow the following saying "No music, no life". I really do take it all the way with that phrase, especially with those folks I named. Hell, I almost think music should be free. I do understand however got to make a living so I help out when I can. For example, Blind Guardian. They're my next target to buy from and to support from CD or even merch purchase. But yeah, the harder ones to find, which can in cases be impossible to find. I'm really stuck with those guys like Michita and nujabes. As far as I know, there is absolutely no way I can support them. If I find a way, oh man, I will. Man, I'll be a broke bastard when everything becomes digital... Going back to games... yeah, they're a whole different beast all together. Sorry for any typos. Spell check died.
  23. So yeah, this is how you should watch MLP, in HD. Good times.
  24. If you haven't seen it yet, well here it is. She could of well been my grandma... More info here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8895317/Dorli-Rainey-becomes-unlikely-face-of-the-Occupy-movement.html
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