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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal


    Not sure if you shot me one yet but yeah... shoot me one.
  2. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I have tears but what the hell? Belts? WHAT HAVE WE BECOME UBERMERICA!?
  3. In other news: With this in the background, I think I will buy the books for me to read on the plane since you guys rave about the books so much. Besides, the theme is awesome.
  4. Nothing caught my eyes since so yeah, another bummer season is not all too surprising... then again, Appleseed may be worth a watch...
  5. There's a red spot in my eye... should I be afraid?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Baconrath


      It's either Government-created killer nano probes or one of many Gold Rush era diseases

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Yes, but not because of the red spot, just on general principle.

    4. Mal


      It was gone this morning... I swear I will die or become a veggie from a stroke down the line.

  6. Metal of Honor. Really short but enjoyable for $10. Might try Tier 1 mode next or move onto New Vegas.
  7. Mal


    OH SURE. TELL ME THEN. Oh well, only 5 bucks more... thinking of getting Mount and Blades as well but I think I will wait for the Holidays Sale for that.
  8. Mal


    Yay. Fallout New Vegas. :3 Not under or around $10 but I'm done waiting!
  9. Yet another 4th of July without Metal Wolf Chaos... so unpatriotic. :

    1. toxicitizen


      Independence Day was on TV last night. That's patriotic. Also very weird considering I live in Canada and it was a local channel!

  10. Did it just fix itself?
  11. Kind of jumping the gun there but now I want an animu mod. It will be like Slayers, Ys or some thing. Hell, I haven't even played this game (I WILL). But of course you can be awesome and rock it vanilla! :3
  12. If I don't play this beta tomorrow I will demand a FFA match with you all and kill you all. :<
  13. A hanger? If no one claims it, it will be mines. Its one of those things that always good to have a few extra. I also suppose my mom's friend can be considered a roommate. So... I guess some complaining is in order but I have sleep to attend to... I will, however, leave you folks with this... Chinese ladies of this type are fine to be around with but after living with one for a while... they're quite strange in neutral and sometimes negative ways.
  14. Mal


    Lets see... MoH is close enough to the $10 mark so that is a go and hey, Oblivion. I don't have it yet and well, I should give it a go with Skyrim coming and all... I need Morrowind too. Come on Fallout 3 and New Vegas... One time during the Christmas sale I scrambled to get a game, I forgot what, with my phone. Thankfully it was smart so it was painless... can't say that about my wallet. A new way to spend money!
  15. When I think of renting a place... I think of getting the place as is with maybe some improvements... not being a remodeling crew. God damn my family better buy this damn place in four years. Now... I want to play some games but its late and there's more shit to do but hey... nice Steam sale and Minecraft 1.7... and some other stuff that I can't remember.

  16. Too much moving BS. Too little time to play U3 beta. ;_; Maybe... I can just take a peek...

    1. deanb


      HAHAH you in same boat too? It's my main motivation. Get as much packed asap and I can play U3 beta.

    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      PSN was super slow last night, lots of friends kept getting DCed. Oddly enough most of them were in the East side of the USA, and we weren't even trying out the UC3 Beta!

  17. Mal


    I'm in the process of moving and well... I'm going to miss the dog next door. He looks just like Toto from The Wizard of Oz so that what I call him. I pretty much treat him like my own pet though I never fed or cared for him. We just have a cool understanding with each other. Toto, I'll miss you. ;_;
  18. I'll leave this here... http://cbldf.org/homepage/cbldf-forms-coalition-to-defend-american-comics-reader-facing-criminal-charges-in-canada/ Saturnine, don't go back to Canada, its a trap!
  19. Another good thing about not keeping up with new games is... you forget about them and the cost that comes with them. I just did a quick check of games I want and geez, in the next 9 months or so I can spend about $300 on games, at least. ;_;
  20. There's a beta? I. Am. Game.
  21. Worked, played some games and preparing for a month long move.
  22. TAY... or whatever we are... I missed you so. ;_;

  23. Taco Thursday... ole~

    1. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      You mess with the bull you get the Horns.

    2. Bizzenya


      Don't forget Stir-Friday!

  24. Ravines... I guess my artificial ravines are pointless now...
  25. Servsafe is just too easy to pass... then again, I don't think most places pay much attention to those guildlines and such so... why should Servsafe?

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