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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal


    Same here but it sure as hell killed whatever motivation I had for a 1st day purchase. I need it to go at least 50% before I jump... unless something awesome comes up.
  2. Mal


    I think I will reserve my main comment about the article in the article to give it more life but... I got to say (A bit out of topic), a toned down Rocky is a very pleasant read. Not to say it was bad to read all the strong opinions that Rocky and others have to say in this forums. Its more surprising or something like that. In other words: I read stuff in different tones depending on the person. Everyone has their own tone. Rocky just showed a tone I did not expect to see.
  3. http://www.kiwisbybeat.com/store.html The two Great! books. I just discovered this webcomic artist... last night. I completed Great! tonight. That is how much I LOVE Great!. and... http://www.jinx.com/p/minecraft_poster.html?catid=&cs=1&csd=&preview=1&s=minecraft Bite me... Minecraft is in my blood man... Also... two posters/prints from http://www.welovewebcomics.com/ Mainly the logo and a print from Kyle Hoyt. Zombie chibi Totoro... couldn't resist. WITH ALL THOSE... I am a whore. Don't ask about the total amount spent. I must be stressed. FML.
  4. Two copies? Can I get one copy for an additional 50% off?
  5. Looking for your own place to live is pretty scary or something...

    1. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Don't buy anywhere built on an old Indian burial ground or where the previous owners mysteriously disappeared. Or did you mean a different scary?

    2. Mal


      Don't worry, I think the cowboys and missionaries wiped out the Indian horde. Not sure about aliens though... but yeah, a different kind of scary. More like... nervousness.

  6. http://www.tomsguide.com/us/firefox-7-memory-improvements,news-12148.html Well, at least they're working on and finally have something to show. Firefox being a memory hog seems to be the biggest complaint.
  7. http://keepaaroncutting.blogspot.com/ Another nice thing to happen out of all this chaos.
  8. Working together? More reason to bring down the hammer on them. Come on, I rather have the police look bad doing something than looking bad by doing too little or nothing... And now this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gUMdnW_07s
  9. I'm quite sure I gifted Old World Blues to you... since short a buck... sucks. Check your email and such.
  10. Wait, so you killed a God?! I suppose if you consider a monster to be a god... like that poor fool did. The Fallen One or whatever its name was. Doesn't matter now... Also doing stuff my way without any prior knowledge is tough. Walking into Mordor (Oblivion) sure wasn't easy... which means I'm underpowered as hell walking into there. Having most of my stuff near breaking didn't help... at least once I got out, I hopped onto my stolen horse right in front of people... which got me arrested, sent to a town where I promptly bought 21 hammers. First run, hell yeah!
  11. I'm stumped. I can't seem to get my Fallout 3 DLC to show up even after selecting them from the data files option... help?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I know when I first started playing you had to do some activation thing with GFWL and even then they didn't show up straight away. I think that was related to being signed into GFWL though.

    3. Mal


      Yeah, I just started out. Sadly, Fallout 3 crashed while I was about to ESCAPE. Didn't saved or anything... I'll try again when I wake up. If it doesn't work, I guess I can wait a bit.

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Yeah, like FLD said, if you're not outside the vault yet then they won't show up.

  12. I love that to this day... white plastic still turn yellow after a while. There has to be a new formula that keeps white white!

  13. I got the Humble Bundle two days ago for $10. $5 to devs and the other half to the organization because I love these guys. Now I'm about to get the Old World Blues DLC... and maybe preorder Bastion since I heard that its such a great game. For being indie folks, I just might buy it full price and not wait for a sale.
  14. MR. T? --- In other news... don't steal whatever offerings a now deceased person made to whatever god. That god will appear behind you as a stone tornado. Now he can add in a few bricks I shat as I ran away. At least I took him out like a bitch I am with arrows from a spot he can't hit me from...
  15. Well, I derped my install of GTAIV by trying to install that very pretty and awesome mod...

    1. Enervation


      I hear you actually have to downgrade your GTAIV version in order for it to work.

    2. Mal


      I did but I just can't get it to run. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

  16. Holy crap, I don't miss the original UI at all. Also.. for the life of me, I can't figure out how to unlock anything after... very easy. I'll go die in a ditch now. kthx
  17. Mal


    Reviving with this: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/36403/Bethesda_Targets_Mojangs_Scrolls_For_Trademark_Infringement.php http://notch.tumblr.com/post/8519901309/bethesda-are-suing-us-heres-the-full-story http://twitpic.com/61cckm/full (In Swedish) I'm scratching my head quite a bit on this story. This seems like a really terrible legal deathtrap for Bethesda. Almost reminds me of that one case that one big company had with a video game company back in the 80's or 90's. I forget whom against who though. Short story, big company had a terrible case against the small company and it was just them being money hungry douches.
  18. So... I finally gave this a run for the first time, vanilla modo. I think I'll go ahead and install some mods now.
  19. I'm guilty with the Game of Thrones craze going on. Do I at least get brownie points for not watching the TV series until I'm done with all the available books? How bout these books being the first fiction books I have read in years? I think the last was World War Z... the last series of book being Harry Potter (Exclude the last book) and maybe Artemis Fowl (First 3-4 books). I think I broke somewhere along the line with reading books... and now it is being fixed with the Game of Thrones... with that being said, I think I should get back to A Clash of Swords. I haven't read it in the past few days. MUST NOT BREAK AGAIN.
  20. True Crime Hong Kong is back? Good lordy, they better have a Cantonese mode where they only speak Cantonese... well, I at least hope that PC modders will do that...

    1. BrainHurtBoy...2


      We can dream, but they won't.

    2. Mal


      Yeah... ;_;

  21. Mobile games on my Epic doesn't work too well either. They kill the battery too fast and not too many deeper (Free...) games like RPGs takes advantage of the keyboard, which isn't too great for gaming either. If I'm traveling, having a dedicated gaming platform would be nice to save my phone's battery for you know... phone and other stuff I may do. However I could always go gameless... The key for me to purchase a 3DS or a Vita is the games. 3DS so far is lacking so... lets see what the Vita has in store.
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