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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal


    While on my way home from looking at places, on the radio I've heard some comparison of Jobs to Walt Disney in terms on how iconic they are. I don't know, without Job's touch or at least the feeling of his touch, I wonder how long will it take for Apple to morph into something unexpected. Sort of like Disney, I suppose. They're kind of like everywhere...
  2. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    Ashcraft sure failed in living in Japan and well, helping out the team. Then again... carry on what they are doing. I sent to many views to Gawker already.
  3. I want to see a massive amount of... Tyranids. Face the original Zerg Rush. Kekeke... Amazing mods, GO! (Fat chance)
  4. In Japan, hell... in ANYTHING, "based on" can mean a load of things. In more cases than not, its loosely based on. Well anyways, I think its more of the personality than anything (Can't back this up). That and rabbits. http://www4.ocn.ne.jp/~u1h/ (Creator's website) Pleinair made her appearance back in Disgaea. I <3 her ever since.
  5. I need some opinions here. Just some airflow pondering. I just got this: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814150521 I got it to Crossfire it with my current card. (http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814102909) I'm going to assume that the Sapphire one should go on the bottom to maximize the airflow while the XFX one goes on top. The double fan on it should be able to keep it cooler on top had the Sapphire one were there. Also, don't worry. I have a full tower case. So space isn't an issue. Just the airflow between the cards is making me think a bit. Maybe a bit stupid to think so hard on it but yeah.
  6. I leave the net for ONE day and the world seems to turn chaotic. Well, in the peaceful sense.

  7. I find myself amazed how low in K/D ratio some people get. I know you can have bad days/rounds and/or bad players but some are just down right dumb. I've seen stuff like 1-20, hell 0-10+ on a regular basis and those were on TDM. Seriously, must be actual 5 years old playing as those folks...
  8. Fun fact. The character in my avatar (Pleinair) may be based off the character in Usagi Drop. Though, can't say I have read Usagi Drop. I may since you seem to like it so. In other news of anime. Remember the Rurouni Kenshin thing in the works? Not a TV series but an OVA. http://www.moetron.com/2011/08/20/rurouni-kenshin-new-2-part-ova-series/ Can't say I follow anime news closely so yeah, I'm four days late in finding out.
  9. Ugh... finding my own place to live is making my stomach turn a bit...

  10. I just gave hard mode a try. Not that hard but then again, this is the demo and I went through it like... five times already. Hard mode did give those near death moments a much greater satisfaction of surviving them. Hell, I ended an engagement with a melee slam which left a stunned survivor. I looked at him, he looked at me. He promptly roared back into a charge which ended with a single bolt in the face. How fucking cool is that!? So yeah... NO I WILL NOT GET THIS GAME NOW. I can't... but I wanna...
  11. Exactly. I can't help but back away from a huge horde, however, you just have to remember that is not how a Spacemarine wage war. Oh no... remember the stories and triumphs of the Spacemarines. How they stand their ground even when the whole planet turn hostile. All in the name of The Emperor! ... Yeah... get into that mindset and you're set. Though, not sure how much that will help if Necrons or Tyranids pop out from the woods... Note: I never beaten a Warhammer 40k game but I sure do love the universe.
  12. Well, maybe I should not change the RAM speed. My computer did not want to boot up to Windows. Changed back to default settings... maybe I need to screw around with the CPU also. /attemptOC

    1. Yantelope


      messing with RAM speeds and FSB can be so tricky. It seems like you don't get a big performance boost either.

    2. Mal


      I was only trying to use the full 1600 instead of being capped at 1033. Not sure whats the performance gain will be in that.

  13. Geez, I almost forgot about the copy of The Witcher 2 my brother gave me. He got it from his boss who doesn't play PC games but got a copy of The Witcher 2 from work (Gamestop). No idea why and this was when the game first came out. Eh... not like I'm complaining.
  14. You can. Also, the demo was pretty fun. Its like a hack and slash game meets shooter. You also got to be smart on how you kill your enemies since, you need to get up close and personal to heal up.
  15. Me either on the last part but I feel what MasterDex said would apply if you play for money. You have to do things that work. They have to make money by winning and doing good. If they screw up, it could jeopardize their job. Its sort of like real life warfare. You screw up, you die. In pro gaming, you screw up and you wish you were dead. Edit: Also, I don't play in clans since I like to go solo but I could and love working in a good team.
  16. Fallout 3. I'm doing a full replay to go through all the DLCs. I did Anchorage (Alright), Mothership Zeta (Pretty good) and The Pitt (Easy as hell) already. Currently on Point Lookout. Never knew mutant rednecks pack so much punch. After Fallout 3, its back to Oblivion. Then on to New Vegas.
  17. Mal

    How to get a job?

    I highly suggest volunteering. Do good at what you do you may land a job since people can look at your performance on the spot. That's how I got one of my jobs. Sweet gig of building and breaking down stages. Sure, I only did it for like six months but I'd like to think that I was pushed out by Jr. who started to work at end of my time there. That and the recession was here to stay. edit: Though, physical labour (An "u" for you folks across the water ) jobs can be found that way but not sure of what kind of job you're looking for.
  18. I might be coming around to this thread too... all depends on how my roommates will be like. I already know to avoid looking at certain places but yeah, other than that, its all hit and miss... Now back to looking for a place to live.
  19. Driving 600+ miles in one day is tiring...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Lets do that. I'm down for a cross country hike. Lewis and Clark style!

    3. Battra92


      But would you walk 500 miles (dah duh dah dah)

    4. Mal
  20. Only good thing I saw from the Umineko anime was the first ED theme. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! And yes, I played the games. EP3, such an ending. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  21. I heard that alt-tab will work nicely but I seem to have heard that BC2 being pretty damn bad at being alt-tabbed. Anyways, its in general a pretty crappy thing for a good chuck PC folks to deal with. Most browsers after a while can become memory hogs to the point that they can even rival a running game*, even when idle it can use a good portion that could be used for the game. So leaving it on isn't much of an option. Opening your browser every single time would be pretty damn annoying. Eh. I'm sure I can handle alt-tabbing out of the game but yeah. I guess either through politics or sheer laziness, they can't bother to make an in-game server browser. Hell, an in-game Battlelog would be ideal but nope.
  22. Libraries are a fictional place, that's why. Besides, they're all work and no play (in this age of non book readers, then again not really) so... they don't come to mind when you think video games. Well, I think the volume of people going in libraries to get those stuff are so small, they're irreverent in figuring out how much money you could lose from just plain borrowing. (All this talk about libraries makes me want to go visit one that's 5 minute walk from my house...)
  23. You know, its kind of sad that I never got into the MP portion of 3, ODST and Reach just because I just can't afford Xbox Live (Or more like, I don't want to spend money for those services). SP though, I must invest time in since you do feel more of the sweat and tears of the team. Not sure if I want to go through it with Halo 4 though... since its not Bungie anymore. I sure hope Bungie does something good. Though, with Activision on top of them... meh.
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