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Everything posted by Pirandello

  1. My turn! Dark Reign - The Future of War: Section 8: MDK2:
  2. Seriously, though, the game is about being a manager for pop idols. Despite what most non-informed people may think (see said quote), the game itself isn't bad (and the characters actually have personalities worth a damn). That said, I want it translated. So bad. Animu gurlz r kewt. ANYWAYS. Awww, yeah. You know you love it.
  3. I need moar Strike Witches! Oh, and The iD@LMASTER being translated and brought overseas wouldn't be bad, either.
  4. Urban Dead is just about the only one I'd really recommend to anyone else looking a free game. Also, there's Die2Nite, which is sort of like Urban Dead's cooperative/town-building counterpart. AvA in itself is always rife with hackers. And 12 years-olds. Perhaps if you really, really, really can't afford a game (which I doubt, everyone has some sort of stable income these days, and Team Fortress 2 is $10 at the gameshop), then it might be worth a play. Might. Maplestory isn't one of my particular favorites, but it's violence-lite, so I recommend it for anyone who has free time or wishes to get into MMOs. The art style/gameplay of the game is hit or miss, though (it was miss for me). Vindictus is a mixed bag. I absolutely hate it because Nexon doesn't seem to realize that everywhere else other than Korea has pretty variable internet (read: mostly unstable and not always high-speed government-mandated like Korea's is), and I think it's a stupid move to keep the system peer-to-peer based instead of moving it onto server-based instancing (which would save a lot of trouble of just trying to find a damn good party instead of dropping out repeatedly, getting frustrated, and ending up running the mission yourself, which sucks, too). Anyways, for my recommendations: Battlezone (1998 remake): I recommend this WITH HIGHEST HONORS. It's absolutely free, just google up Battlezone Enhanced (make sure it's by a guy named Spock. It contains the singleplayer, which is what the game is all about: first-person tactical command). Dark Reign: Starcraft's lesser micro-cousin and more about massive armies waging warfare. Defense is killer in this one (after all, giant gun towers annihilate most things). The game's alright, but it's easy to see how Starcraft overshadowed it. Netstorm: Floating islands! Magic! Building bridges to attack your enemy's island! It's a load of fun (and very thinking-intensive). Try it out!
  5. Thursday. Naturally, since it is the day where I have the least classes (one). There's also Sat/Sun, but those already count because they're weekdays.
  6. My eyes! They have been deceived! Noooooooo! Still, though, the only thing I seem to like of the game so far is the sliding (sliding is fun), and the setting.
  7. Some chickenshit in my dorm pulled the fire alarm. Again. For like, the 15th time. I'm moving out of this shithole and into an apartment when I get the chance.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TheForgetfulBrain


      Haaaa. It's amazing it took me that long to figure it out.

    3. deanb


      We used to have weekly fire alarms. Every Thursday at 8am. We didn't have any morning lectures on Thursday

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Ah, I do not miss that part of my uni days...

  8. I have an ergonomic keyboard. It is very ergonomic. Not suited for gaming, but it's black and sleek.
  9. I usually lurk up until release date before deciding.
  10. I'm honestly just waiting for more info on it before I judge. But anyways: Some beautiful pictures for you to look at (taken from a PC Gamer preview)! City vanity shot! Some Marines dropping (in first person). Also, very pretty. If you have to pick one to look at, look at this one. Jeeps with guns! Ebil alien robot! He's got a car! Shoot him! An actual (probably early) representation of the ingame HUD. Early representation of the ingame HUD. Pretty, yes?
  11. I have much hope for this game. Everything they've put out so far already has me absolutely ecstatic for its release. Much more so since they're essentially using an upgraded Gamebryo engine, which means: MODS. Also, duel-wielding, my most favorite method of combat in all my RPGs, is finally making a show in ES:V, which makes me damn happy. Also, forging. Finally.
  12. Hi! I'm Pirandello. Sure most of you already know who I am by now, been perusing Kotaku for close to a year now, and am a proud member of the Golden Star Brigade!
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