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Everything posted by RockyRan

  1. Is there any way of just seeing a list of everything that's 50% off? I've been wandering Origin for a good 15 minutes trying to find it.
  2. Agreed. I admit it took me quite a while to catch on to that, but the picture is very misleading.
  3. Finished Ghost Trick today. Loved it, except for the very last plot twist, which I thought was kind of stupid and unnecessary. <_<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. excel_excel


      I loved that plot twist! Sure it was crazy but the ending was so sweet and happy it worked.

    3. RockyRan




      To clarify, I loved the Sissel twist, but the very last one that explains who Ray is I felt was unnecessary, dragged out the ending by like 15 minutes too long with a completely convoluted explanation, and cheapened Missile's character. I loved him as a quirky sidekick, but an all-knowing sage? Eeeehhh.


      Everything else, though, was ace. Loved the game.

    4. excel_excel


      OHH! Yeah, that was a bit too much. Made sense in the story, but was far too long winded in its explanation.

  4. Tried the Vita at my local Best Buy. FUCK. I shouldn't have done that. Now I want one :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. madbassman39


      You know whats funny, after playing it myself, I was more willing to wait for it. It was great, smooth, and felt great in my hands, but overall, I decided it was not a must have for me.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I want one, cause I'm a freaking gadget whore, but I know I would almost never actually use it.

    4. WTF


      The device has pretty decent word of mouth and it's shiny to boot (outside all the actual decent functions/games it has). Also Ethan trust me when I say if you're fairly mobile you'll use it a lot. In fact my Vita has seen more action personally than any of my other consoles. Definitely will be the case when I'm moving.

  5. SC3000U all the way.
  6. Anyone trying to get the Rayman: Origins demo on Steam? Showed up automatically on my library and it wasn't greyed out, but when I clicked Play it said My download is stuck on "reconfiguring new content". Downloaded the game in the background, but now it's still stuck in "reconfiguring new content" :/

    1. deanb


      It's not the demo, it's a glitch. It's not even big enough if folks have a look at it (It's 16MB, quite a bit smaller than the few hundred on console)

    2. RockyRan


      I fixed the problem, actually. Just forced the "reconfiguring new content" window to exit and started the game again (after it finishes downloading).

  7. Fucking disorganized professors drive me up the wall. Incredibly scatterbrained prof was so slow in lecture he took a MONTH to give out the first homework, due this Mon. Now he's jamming in a second homework, due this Thurs, 3 days apart. Fucking hate profs who just end up dumping a bunch of shit on us because they can't get theirs together.

    1. Enervation


      Wasn't as bad as my CS class last year. He was so bad that he didn't upload the grades until after summer. Now keep in mind I took his class last spring, and he didn't upload them until mid-September. Ugh.

    2. RockyRan


      Well, at least it didn't result in piling on more shit on an already filled-to-the-brim week for me. I have so much to do this week that it's unreal and today he goes "MORE HOMEWORK LOL"

    3. Baconrath


      This sounds like something you could talk about with the department chair or whatever...granted the prof in question isn't the department chair.

  8. Oh boy, fuckers at my local ISP are now going with data caps. Welp, time to jump ship to whatever the hell doesn't

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. WTF


      Unlimited. Thankfully. Always been unlimited with the various ISPs I've been with in multiple countries which is why I hate my bandwidth cap on my phone...

    3. TheMightyEthan


      My phone has a limit of 2GB/month but I never use more than half of it. Partially that's because whenever I'm doing something bandwidth heavy I switch to wifi if I can.

    4. WTF


      I've multiple devices that give me a total of 2-3GB but one of my phones just has 500MB which is a bit shite to be fair. I'd rather switch my minutes to data but that's something for the future I suppose.

  9. Why have I been getting these uncontrollable urges to become a police officer these past few days? It makes no sense and it's come out of nowhere. I might be going insane.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pojodin


      Just don't get carried away... D:


    3. TheMightyEthan


      I often wish I were a police officer just so I could pull over assholes who don't signal before they turn or who don't turn their lights on in the rain.

    4. TCP


      Yeah there never seems to be a cop around when people are driving like d-bags. :(

  10. I do certainly hope so. I'm not making any final decisions based on the demo obviously, but when BioWare puts this out as promotional material it's gonna dampen the first impression of quite a few people
  11. I just discovered the secret hideout behind the Onett library in EarthBound. After god knows how many years of playing that game. Uncovering secrets on really old games is one of the things that makes me genuinely giddy :D

    1. RockyRan


      Although it's really not a secret <_<

    2. Johnny


      Who cares if it's really a secret? Stuff like that is neat, either way.

    3. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      The whole secret room in Arkham Asylum cracked me up. "Wait, no one found this yet? Shit, guess we'd better reveal it ourselves..." Thankfully people didn't miss the secrets when Arkham City released.

  12. Hot damn, looks like the Double Fine Kickstarter thing is making a ripple in the industry already! http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/02/10/obsidian-want-to-know-what-you-want-them-to-make/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      Its amazing to see it going close to $1.5 million in a day or two. Their game is more or less funded now. Haha.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I'd be much more excited for (read: not-really-excited-but-less-narrow-eyed) this than anything by Double Fine. More likely to support it, too.

    4. Chewblaha


      Another RPG from Obsidian that has some nice writing, but will either be unfinished, buggy as fuck, or completely awful as far as gameplay goes?

  13. Internet contrarianism (made-up word) pisses me off. Damn if I know what compels people to take the opposite side over anything, but it's pretty childish when we're talking about strictly one-sided things. Case in point, people bitching (yes, BITCHING) at the Double Fine Kickstarter thing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MasterDex


      What was the source of this contrarianism? I want to get angry at anonymous people.

    3. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Oh man, the Double Fine Kickstarter complaints pissed me off so much. "$1 million is too much!" Psychonauts 1 cost $14 million and Brutal Legend cost $25 million, so don't talk to me about $1 million being too much for a game.

    4. MasterDex


      With ya there, Duke. In more pleasant developments, Chris Avellone seems interested. A new isometric RPG from Obsidian? HELL YEAH! https://twitter.com/#!/ChrisAvellone/status/167778384162717696

  14. Yeah I've heard those stumps hare fluorescent blue everywhere now. Must be some kind of bug.
  15. I do hope these all eventually become "official" mods in the workshop. BTW, anyone else start to get random CTDs lately? I think the HD texture pack borked something for me.
  16. I haven't really beat anything so far actually, apart from the main quest in Skyrim. That game has consuming basically my entire gaming time so far this year.
  17. Apparently they axed plans for the whole "UMD Passport" thing. Probably won't sit well with more than a few PSP1 owners
  18. Spent 20 minutes writing a damn e-mail to request an internship interview, misspelled "advance" in the last sentence. This is why you proofread, you motherfucking dumbass.

    1. madbassman39


      Once I wrote a follow up email, didn't proof read and found out that I some how deleted a good chunk out of the middle. I looked retarded, but I followed up with a corrected email, and didn't get the job!

    2. RockyRan
  19. Downloaded the Skyrim HD texture pack. Don't see a lick of a difference. Hooray?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb
    3. Eleven


      Are you kidding me??? Look at that bread! OH MY GOD AND THE CHEESE!... IN HIGH RES!!!

    4. Connorrrr


      Indeed, I have since played it and the difference is only noticeable in certain areas, which just makes the less-improved parts stand out even more.

  20. Chewie, am I crazy or does this Bastion song sound like it came straight out of Age of Empires 2?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RockyRan


      They did have names, Chewie. I think they were just added after the fact, though, and they all had hilariously nonsensical names.


      But yes, it did precisely remind me of Drizzle from AoE 2. Glad I'm not the only one :D

    3. Chewblaha


      Yeah. Drizzle (I had no idea it was called that) was my favorite AoE2 track.

    4. Chewblaha


      Aside from the credits song, lol.

  21. This is the best music video ever.

    1. Pojodin


      I remember seeing this for the first time when Bouzi posted it in TAY. It's so amazing. That guy has so much swag.

  22. So I guess Bethesda pulled a Valve.

    1. Cyber Rat
    2. RockyRan


      They're quietly but very obviously missing the "by end of January" "deadline" for the Construction Kit/non-beta 1.4 patch. Maybe it's a side effect of working with Steam.

  23. The Mega Man in SF x T is the best thing I've ever seen

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Yeah, I cracked up when I saw that trailer.

    2. Yantelope V2

      Yantelope V2

      that's pretty amazing. Props to capcom.

  24. Skyrim is the only game that has made me want to play more of it after finishing the main quest. On every other game, as soon as the main "quest" (campaign, mode, playthrough, whatever) is complete, my desire to play it drops like a stone.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Arkham City's core gameplay is so tight that I find myself going back to it. Plus, I spent hours doing all the other side missions and Riddler challenges.

    3. madbassman39


      I'm now a level 44, and just started the main quest because I just kept putting it off. Its actually a great main quest so far.

    4. RockyRan


      elev3n, trust me I'm exactly like that. Credits roll (or ending plays) and I'm done with it, without any desire to keep playing at all, but for some reason I want to play Skyrim more now :s


      madbassman, the quest starts off great and sputters toward the end. I won't spoil anything, but there's about 4 hours that made me just roll my eyes.

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