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Everything posted by RockyRan

  1. See, this isn't about me being a biased dumbass with antiquated misconceptions, this is about preserving the sanctity of marriage! Marriage is so sacred and divine that rather than marrying a person you truly love, you should only get into a loveless marriage that will likely fold in <2 years. Now THAT is the preservation of the purity of marriage!
  2. Hey, Herman "9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors" Cain was doing pretty damn well for a while. Everything logic-wise has been up for grabs after that point. So, so many wrong things in this line of logic. I'll just leave it at two: 1. Making two things equal doesn't give one "privileges". If she fails to understand that she didn't even pass first grade in whatever hellhole of a school she went to. 2. Replace "Gays" in her conversation with "women" and hoo boy. Never change laws because they're already laws, eh? Then go back to reading "how to tend to your man" books from the 50's.
  3. That is a rather, uh, interesting find. I wouldn't be surprised if celebrities started jumping on the bandwagon for the sake of "IT'S THE POPULAR THING. I WANNA BE POPULAR".
  4. Jesus god. Magic: The Gathering 2012 is amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      I miss the deck making, but considering how expensive M:tG can get, I'll settle for 2012 instead of actually playing the real thing.

    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      It's more the "feel" or pace of the game that seems off. Not sure what it is.

    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I play, too. Add me on Steam if you want a match or two. I'm not HOITY TOITY LIKE P4!

  5. If it's any consolation, even if the group 1 you speak of get elected, they probably won't get anything done because group 2 will be getting in their way, and vice versa. Indeed. Unless one party controls the house, senate AND white house simultaneously the chances of getting anything actually done from either party is pretty slim.
  6. I got a couple, one of which is not necessarily related to the internet but still annoys me nonetheless. 1. Half-assed use of anaphora as a cheap attempt at strengthening an argument. I've been guilty of this myself, but the past few months I've realized just how lazy it is and have tried to not use it any longer. No, repeating the same damn little phrase at the beginning of every sentence for the next 10 sentences doesn't make your argument well-written. It's lazy, extremely transparent, and requires absolutely no thought in using whatsoever. You're only wasting my time and turning me off from whatever argument you were trying to make. Stop it now. 2. Lameass acronyms with words OBVIOUSLY chosen to make another word the writers OBVIOUSLY wanted. "S. M. A. R. T.", "S. T. A. L. K. E. R.", "F. E. A. R.". How about "S. H. U. T. T. H. E. F. U. C. K. U. P. Y. O. U. A. R. E. N. O. T. B. E. I. N. G. C. L. E. V. E. R. I. T. '. S. A. N. N. O. Y. I. N. G. ,. O. V. E. R. U. S. E. D. A. N. D. O. B. N. O. X. I. O. U. S."
  7. I don't think that's your "left" speaking, I think even most Republicans would agree the candidates are pretty shitty throughout.
  8. Not sure if I should feel blessed or cursed that I see absolutely zero campaigning here in Texas, whether it's fliers, billboards, commercials, etc. On one hand, I don't have to subject myself to being bombarded with piss-poor/rage inducing rhetoric employed by both sides around election time. On the other hand, Texas operates on such a pitiful mindset of groupthink that there isn't even any active debate (as shitty as it is) going between the candidates in the state at all. If you're a Democrat in Texas you're practically disenfranchised completely. Your vote means fuck all in this state.
  9. Steam Fall Sale has been yawn-inducing so far :/

    1. toxicitizen


      That's a good thing, though. Means I'm not blowing all my cash on it.


      It's been pretty good for getting DLC dirt cheap, though. Grabbed what I was missing for New Vegas yesterday, and I think I'll grab the Human Revolution ones today.

    2. excel_excel


      some shitty deals too. 25% off Space Marine? really?

    3. excel_excel


      wait sorry 33%. STILL SHIT deal

  10. Here's a nice one: of my professors absolutely refuses to cancel class on Wednesday. For people not living in the US of A, it's customary (at least in my college) to close the university at noon the day before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday, the day before is (obviously) on a Wed. I normally have that class at 2:00 PM on Mon/Wed/Fri, so naturally the class is canceled right? Nope. He maintains that if he doesn't get an e-mail DIRECTLY from the dean, the class is not canceled. Nevermind the fact that this is something that happens EVERY YEAR, and this is a professor with tenure, meaning he's been in this university for most likely longer than I have been alive. He KNOWS this is an official "tradition" of the university, he KNOWS the stipulations of the rules, and he's just trolling students and feigning ignorance just to piss people off. To be honest all I have to say is "So? Then don't go". It's exactly what I'll be doing. He can make a 5 hour lecture on that day if he wants. No student is obligated to go to a lecture when the university is officially closed, period. He cannot officially have class in that day and if he decides to give important vital information the students can (and most likely would) complain to the higher-ups. I'm pretty sure at the last minute he'll just send an e-mail going "I GOT THE E-MAIL NOW CLASS IS CANCELED LOL", so I highly doubt anything meaningful will come out of it, but it just pisses me off that he's taking this smug attitude and refusing to just do what he's supposed to lest he "listen" to the students. Since the kids were the ones who brought it up like a couple of weeks ago I suppose he just doesn't want to feel like he's being told what to do by the kids. Too bad the kids are 100% right and he should STFU already.
  11. Ah, I've misunderstood you then. I thought you were half-talking about that particular incident, but yes I do agree that there will be some people who will get pissed even if they're asked to leave an area via a public statement with no police presence.
  12. ANARCHISTS! KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL! I'm sorry, but showing up in riot gear and pepper spraying peaceful protesters down their throats is a blatant act of aggression regardless of anyone's idea of what exactly constitutes police aggression.
  13. I think it's a matter of cause and effect. Protesters are warned to leave and refuse to do so, officers are told to forcibly remove them, officers step over the line in removing protesters and the ones watching have their blood boil at the cop overreaction. Now the protesters are pissed at the cops and adopt an attitude of "fuck you". I'm not going to say all of the protesters are angels, but honestly the single most important factor in how these protests end up sits squarely on the shoulders of police officers. They're being overly aggressive and sparking police hatred among the protesters, because nothing gets them more riled up about their cause than a police officer using dickwad tactics trying to stifle their protest. I understand the sentiment that officers need to remove protesters if they are ordered to do so. However, trying to do so by showing up in riot gear and forcing pepper spray down people's throats is NOT an appropriate way of breaking up a peaceful protest. Yeah, yeah. A dude has a sign that says "lol kill copz". That's not grounds for justification in what they're doing at all. The police are overreacting on purpose to quickly break up protests as a way of showing they "mean business", but it's a completely counterproductive measure seeing as it does nothing but intensify the feeling to continue protesting.
  14. Hey Chewie, I just realized. No more Banjo-Kazooie for the foreseeable future, perhaps EVER. :'(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chewblaha


      I'd buy a Kinect for it.

    3. Chewblaha



    4. VicariousShaner


      Kinect Sports with Banjo Kazooie models, coming to you soon! Buy our Perfect Dark goalie as DLC!

  15. Bu- bu- but...They're anarchists! And destructors of all that is good and American! How dare they sit! They deserve to have pepper spray in their reproductive organs, those heathens for sitting down!
  16. No one is demanding you pay anyone anything. I will however say that if you don't want to pay the price, don't consume the content. You're not a five year old, you should by now have learnt that you can't have everything you want. At the same time, though, it's really silly to treat one set of consumers just as willing and able to pay for content as your "primary" set as if they were second class citizens, giving them inferior and delayed products, and not expect any kind of piracy in retaliation.
  17. Last time I checked, and my info might be outdated, the vast majority supported the protest. That's because the Tea Party was, from the very beginning, given much better hospitality. A very large amount of ardent Tea Partiers are exactly the people who can make these protests "smooth" by pulling the right strings because its ideology goes right in line with billionaire moguls (who, for all intents and purposes, own the country and its government). OWS, on the other hand, is a collection of ordinary citizens fiercely opposing the people in power. Of course the people in power (and that includes people in office as well as media owners) are going to pull the strings and try to discredit the protests as much as it can, because they're protesting against exactly them and their actions. I'm wondering the same about you. When was the last time an OWS protest became violent for absolutely no reason? Never. Empty buzzwords like "mayhem", "destruction", "confusion", and "violence" aren't only vacuous, they're outright false. Any and all forms of severe civil unrest come from 1) the vast minority (as in, one person in a protest of 1,000) and 2) only after police officers step over their bounds and become brutal. It's this kind of revisionist fact checking perpetuated by the media that's hindering OWS progress and nothing more. Given the same chances that the Tea Party was being magically given at its inception, OWS would've already had a much bigger and much more progressive impact. But instead we have the masses being massively misinformed spreading FUD on a protest that is actually quite simple and peaceful.
  18. One thing I've noticed. The comments on Youtube in the OWS videos tell me two things. Either the general American population is completely hopeless, or there's a massive shilling movement of legions of people loudly decrying the protests. It's gotten to the point where it's really transparent what's really going on.
  19. So you have two choices: get more disposable income or do without. Except I really have a third choice, to pirate. Just because some people would call me evil for it, does not mean it's not a choice. I'll cooperate with the companies as much as I can afford to, as long as they cooperate. When they don't, I'm not just gonna roll over and let them kick me when I'm down. And as long as I'm in this thread, I'd like to jump into this dialogue here. Johnny, a company not releasing a product in your area in a consumer friendly way (or at all) is not "kicking you while you're down". The company is under no obligation to provide anything to you at all. Access to ownership and consumption are not rights you're being denied. That's sort of the downside of letting corporations control as much of good/service distribution as we do in this world. Corporations will provide as much or as little product to you as they feel like, in whatever format they feel like. This is not a personal attack against you. This is a company trying to pursue what it views as it's most profitable prospects. I guess Sweden isn't too high on some company priority lists right now. And that's fine. That's legal and fair. I'm fairly certain he knows about that. I'm assuming (and I don't really want to put words in Johnny's mouth here, so stop me if I'm wrong, Johnny) what he's talking about is a company's complete apathy to taking care of a particular subset of their consumers properly. I'm assuming he maintains that he doesn't really see a need to support businesses that doesn't really see the need to satisfy his "type" of consumer in the first place. Just because one type of apathy is legal and the other isn't doesn't necessarily mean that the former is automatically on higher moral ground than the latter.
  20. This is a very poor line of thinking, especially because these "people without jobs" aren't really doing it on purpose, they really can't find the jobs because the economy is in the shitter. It also conveniently leaves out the people who DO have jobs and still support the protest (let's NOT forget for a moment that the people protesting aren't just "jobless hippies" like everyone seems to believe for some reason) who aren't liking the way their tax dollars are being misappropriated.
  21. I've been playing the Tribes Ascend beta and holy shit this is amazing.

  22. A lot of protesters are just going to up the ante after today. It never really was about making a makeshift village out of tents in the first place, so it's not like the Mayor/police drove a stake through the heart of the protest or anything. It's really as simple as organizing marches every day throughout varying spots in Manhattan. And considering the protesters get to go home and sleep on a bad afterward, that's probably a better deal for them too.
  23. Classic. All the way. Also liked the X series but mostly just the SNES games.
  24. Finished Ballad of Gay Tony. Definitely the only interesting thing to come out of the GTA IV engine by far (I actually played through it!), but after the ending it feels like it ended in an unsatisfying way. I can't quite put my finger on it...

    1. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I actually gave up on that after a few missions (some shit involving throwing bombs on a boat). Hated the crappy little mechanics they force into missions and explain in a box in the corner. Though I think the major problem was I'd bought the Episodes cheap on Steam and it ran like crap, whereas I'd played TLAD on 360.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      While I loved GTA IV and both expansions, I totes agree that those forced one-time-game-mechanic missions should be killed with fire.

    3. RockyRan


      A lot of mechanics were hit and miss, but I most definitely enjoyed the more crazy missions and less SRS BSNS story, even if Luis was still an annoying angsty bitch at times.

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