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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Well with the current Guardians comic there's been an effort to better tie it into the Marvel Universe, Tony Stark joined the team and apparently Venom has joined now (wtf?). Though the 2008 GotG run (which is fantastic and I encourage reading) didn't really have much to do with Earth. As for this movie though, it looks like they're very far away from Earth. And given the reaction Peter Quill had in the trailer when someone stole his walkman (and given the fact that it WAS a walkman), looks like he hasn't been to Earth in a long time (what I'm trying to say is the walkman is one of his only connections to Earth). Originally he was an astronaut but that's sort of out of character for the more modern interpretation of him, and especially now that he's Andy Dwyer so I imagine the reason he's in space is due to the fact that his So they could tie early parts of season 2 AoS into GotG but it would be hard to have it as direct as The Winter Soldier. Who knows, Coulson's blue friend could very well be GotG related, especially if it is indeed a Kree, who are human-like aliens the Guardians often encounter. But there definitely won't be any SHIELD, and I doubt anyone in space know of Iron Man, The Hulk, or Captain America. Asgardians could pop up or be mentioned, that might be a good way to have it connect obviously to the MCU, well that, and Thanos.
  2. Or was The Winter Soldier spoiler-y for Agents of SHIELD?!?! Nah. Pretty cool though that last week we watched an episode of a TV show lead in to a feature film, watch the feature film that weekend, and then watch an episode take place concurrently with the film, and next week watch an episode that acts as an immediate follow up to the film. I can't think of anything else that's really ever done that. It's definitely pretty cool and Marvel is doing a really good job making up for SHIELD's early season blunders.
  3. Then don't play it? Game development is becoming increasingly expensive. If reusing assets to make a cheap sequel means less things like microtransactions, then I am fine with that. Though, on the other hand I'd be surprised if 2K hadn't recouped all expenses for Borderlands 2, considering how well that game sold and all the DLC it had. I'm disappointed there isn't a current-gen version, developers need to stop announcing games exclusively for PS3/360. I'm not likely to pick this up at launch for PS3 but I have a new system that I'm excited about and would totally pick up a game like Borderlands for, even if it's just a shiner version of the PS3 game.
  4. It does have a new game+ that unlocks after you beat the main game, so I'm hoping this is crosssave so when I do play it again I can play the game+. EDIT: Apparently it's 69.99 in Canada... fuck you Sony. I'm not paying MORE for a game that I payed last year. THAT'S STUPID!
  5. Tomb Raider was full retail price when it was rereleased so I guess this makes sense, especially with the DLC included.
  6. Yeah all versions of it come with "6 DLC packs", as a voucher I believe. Not sure if that's all the DLC but the previews I've read describe it as most of the DLC.
  7. Came here to post that. God dammit Nintendo needs new upper management.
  8. Yeah the previous Dario was the worst, this guy is much better. Book spoilers:
  9. Classic Hot Heart zinger!!! And yeah, it's not bad like Iron Man 2 but it's just an all around boring film that doesn't really do anything for the MCU or Bruce Banner. It's not overly memorable. I'd love to see Marvel give Banner/Hulk another shot at a solo film with Mark Ruffalo but their plate seems pretty full with Avengers 2, Ant-Man in 2015, and Cap 3 in 2016 with Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther all in various stages of production. Plus inevitable Iron Man and Thor sequels. And that always talked about Black Widow movie. PLUS... Avengers 3 in 2018 probably. Unless they start going for 3 films a year...
  10. Well, it is, Tony Stark even shows up in it. It's just a little weird because Ruffalo is such a good Bruce Banner everyone forgets Ed Norton.
  11. According to the internet he is not in Captain America 1. But the actual first Marvel him he wasn't in was the second Marvel film, The Incredible Hulk.
  12. Ethan, I could slap you. In answer to Hot Heart: Actually there was this quote from IGN the show's producers on IGN, I'll spoiler tag it too:
  13. Ethan, it's a ranking of the Marvel films, from best to worst. Iron Man 3, for instance, is not only a great super hero movie, but a great movie in general so it deserves the third spot. 4-7 are kind of interchangeable though, as they're all close in greatness.
  14. 1) The Avengers 2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3) Iron Man 3 4) Thor 5) Captain America 6) Thor: The Dark World 7) Iron Man big drop off 8) Incredible Hulk giant drop off 9) Iron Man 2
  15. Damn, that might be the best Marvel film yet.
  16. Yeah, Josh Brolin is the only answer.
  17. I legit never noticed the fluctuating framerate.
  18. More importantly: you'll be able to change the time of day after you beat the game.
  19. Today I was summoned for jury selection... for a 6-8 month trial!!! Ain't nobody got time for that!

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Go in and make it clear you'll be biased or crazy. As long as you're not racist of course.

    2. Pojodin


      Demand that they bring you steak and lobster for dinner every day that you have to spend with your fellow jury peeps.

    3. TCP


      I got out! In BC employers don't need to pay you and the province doesn't give you that much money, so I wouldn't have been able to pay my mortgage. Too bad, it sounds like it's a very high profile murder case, it would have been interesting. But I wouldn't have been able to surf these forums all day, and that'd just suck.

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