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Everything posted by TCP

  1. The nerd tears about that last scene have been awesome. If that is truly the case, I may have to abort the series all together. I'd rather finish the books before the tv show. Good luck, if TWOW is a year or two away then ADOS is probably 5-7 years away, at GRRM's current pace. There'll be spoilers all over the place. I'm glad the producers aren't slowing down just for GRRM's sake. I'd rather read this stuff in the books, yes, but we can't expect them to stall. I'm also glad they're changing some things, like the whole Bran storyline this past week, and his potential collision with Jon. As a book reader, if nothing else, it keeps it interesting.
  2. I don't really care about DNLA but it'd be nice if the system could play back video files. Lots of people download movies and play them back on their PS3s, it'd be nice to continue that on PS4.
  3. This game is ridiculously beautiful. Jesus.
  4. Wikipedia, the most trusted site in all of gaming, has it listed for the 30th world wide.
  5. I thought this was coming out on the 30th?! I'll get this tonight... and remote play it on my Vita like a gangsta.
  6. Wait... where the hell is Lando!?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Well if you look at his current IMDb picture he looks much thinner. Still old looking, but much much better than the one I linked.

    3. TheRevanchist


      I predict that Luke will die in this as a sacrifice, much as Kenobi did for him.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      God, spoilers man!

  7. That deathly silence when the AC / furnace turns off in your office and you can suddenly hear every single person on your floor...

  8. No live E3 Nintendo conference again. And Nintendo's quest to become irrelevant continues...

    1. TCP


      I can almost hear Wally sobbing from here.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      I think people overplay the importance of an E3 conference. From my perspective, sitting at home, it's no different to me whether they do a conference or just a Nintendo Direct.

    3. TCP


      I don't know, I think the general consensus was their broken ass web stream did not raise as much hype as a conference would. And then looking at their console sales for the rest of 2013 and you have to wonder if that was a smart move. :-\

  9. Sign me up for Mass Effect 2 and 3... I don't know if I can play through 1 again..... but if the trophy list is separate....... maybe.
  10. I wanted to plat it but those racing controls.......
  11. Clearly that's the 3DS version So you're saying there's a chance it might be fun??
  12. Give in, Dean, give in!!!
  13. Yeah glad they're not backtracking and making him a double agent for SHIELD. He was always so unlikable, he's good as a villain.
  14. Yeah, probably. They really need to lower the memory card prices again, I know they did recently but I still think that's the biggest problem with the Vita, the system itself is reasonably priced.
  15. Agreed. I have a 32 and it's not big enough. I'm considering importing a 64 but part of me thinks we might get 128s sooner or later. That would be so sweet. So very, very sweet.
  16. TCP


    First Class was so good. But Brian Singer is so bad... but this story line is so good..... I'll go see this opening weekend but goddammit I hate Singer.
  17. In a lot of ways Joffrey is the total opposite of Ned Stark, so it makes sense if Ned is too pure, honourable, and good for GRRM to allow living, then Joffrey is too evil. However, he's not the smartest character, he's dumb, impulsive, and nowhere nearly as cold and calculating as Tywin, Roose Bolton, or even Cersei. I don't think he's ever been the main antagonist.
  18. TLoU came out on Friday originally. So did Infamous. Sony loves Friday releases.
  19. How do you know I'm not Japanese?!?!!?!
  20. Hmm... that looks like a Japanese game.....
  21. I still can't believe we never got Bastion on PlayStation, crazy. Between this, Octodad, and Child of Light, there's a lot of great digital titles coming out on PS4 in the next through week.
  22. MILLION DOLLAR IDEA: A movie theatre you have to have a membership too, like Costco! It'll be like pubs that don't allow anyone below 19 (or 21 in the USA) into, and if you are rude/disruptive you can have your membership permanently revoked.
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