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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Yeah but if you're at the press conference, what are you suppose to do? If you're watching it in a theatre? Get up and walk out? Cover your eyes and ears and hum?
  2. That's a pretty big difference. Also I love the way they were like "oh you had a 360 last year and didn't play The Last of Us? Fuck you Xbot here's some spoilers".
  3. By now hopefully Nintendo's realized there's no point in launching a system without Mario Kart.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      And lo, it was said, and the people could see that it was good and true.

  4. FINE, DEAN. I was just trying to make you happy I saw way more new and interesting stuff from Sony and Microsoft's pressers than anything Nintendo had to show. I couldn't care two shits about Smash Bros. Outside of that, just a bunch of side scrolling platformers, which on any other platform would be 15 dollar downloadable games. Mario Maker looks great in theory but I have zero faith in Nintendo's ability to have a competent online infrastructure to support sharing and browsing levels. Zelda looked cool but I'm less excited for the 20th Zelda game than I am for the 4th Uncharted. Plus Sony had No Man's Sky, aka game of the show.
  5. Well, it's my understanding season 5 will be AFFC and the vastly superior ADWD. Book spoilers and season 5 leaks be ahead :
  6. The show probably could have done a better job setting up who the Children of the Forest are and who Bloodraven is. Also, Tyrion's backstory with his wife would have helped explain his motivations a little bit better, but it still worked. Overall I liked the season and I liked the scenes they added in, like Brienne and Arya last night and Bran at Craster's Keep a few episodes back. The interesting thing is, Bran is about halfway through his ADWD stuff, Sansa is mostly done her AFFC material as well. Book purists are going to riot when the TV show starts moving past the books for some story lines next season. Unless GRRM can get The Winds of Winter out in the next 10 months??
  7. Remember how I always bitch about the Virtual Console? Jason Schreier of Kotaku finally caught on that Nintendo needs to drastically overhaul their approach for the Wii U and 3DS VC and posted an article about it that's worth a read. He talks about how long it took to get SMB3 on the Wii U, but what he doesn't seem to be aware of how it was announced to come out in 2013, and didn't get released until a few months ago. Regardless, still worth a read (or just search for my old posts where I said the same things a year ago, only with more punctuation errors and CAPITAL LETTERS). Here's a copy and paste for those not wanting to give them hits: Also on what fucking delusional planet did Nintendo win E3? With Pacman for Smash Bros? Smash Bros getting delayed? Pokemon remakes that they told us about a month ago? The coolest thing there was a CGI trailer for Zelda, that didn't show off any gameplay, reveal the title, or tell us anything other than "here's the art-style no one liked from Skyward Sword... now in open world!". Fuck.
  8. That sounded dirty. So did that.
  9. Honest talk: wall-mounted TVs are the tools OF THE DEVIL!
  10. I'm kind of disappointed the DLC is about Fetch, I was hoping for some of those paper or wood powers that were teased in the game. That said, I'm still excited because it's Sucker Punch and an Infamous game.
  11. Thanks Dan, this is our first house and it's been a bit of a process getting the house the way we want it, but it's slowly all coming together. staySICK, yeah I'll probably have to change everything when/if I have kids. The dogs like to wrestle right in front of the TV, which makes me a little nervous, kids would be a headache.
  12. I'd love a Twilight Princess style Zelda game (graphically) but if this game is truly one giant open world, Nintendo probably figured the Wii U couldn't handle that AND realistic graphics. This artstyle looks better than Skyward Sword but still not anything like that E3 2011 demo.
  13. Nice! I have to recommend the NES Remix games (2 is better than 1) if you don't have them already!
  14. No one I recognize. Probably a lurker.
  15. All the hardcore Smash players love the GCN controller for reasons unknown, but having it physically plugged into the system is also a benefit for them. I, meanwhile, wonder why they don't play a real man's game like PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
  16. Pffft, do you think that little of me?!
  17. The plan is after the wedding to replace my 40" Samsung with a 55-60 inch Samsung (and move the 40" into the bedroom and pair it with PlayStation TV). The contrast in lighting makes it hard to see the everything so here's a close up of the entertainment stand with my PS3 and PS4 in all their glory.
  18. So did they ever say if you can use the GameCube controllers for more than just Smash?
  19. If it was happening, we would have heard already.
  20. WHAT! Oh man, Amazon.ca not totally sucking? What's going on? Preordered: The Last of Us Remastered Destiny Assassins Creed Unity All for 53 dollars (including tax) each, much better than the $70 (+tax) bullshit the game industry is trying to pull on me. Fucking game industry.
  21. Kind of silly to rag on Ubisoft for not having a female assassin in ACU when they've had way more diversity in their Assassins Creed protagonists than most gaming franchises.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Ah, well that changes things, then.

    3. Eleven


      They should have used or added that excuse...

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, I don't get why that wasn't the explanation they gave, because it makes way more sense than the BS "it's too much work".

  22. Good that he has a chance to redeem himself from Revelations. Revelations was obviously too rushed, and the tower defence sucked. I'm still confused about Comet, you'd think, even if it was a PS3/360 version of Unity, they'd want people preordering it by this point?
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