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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I bet you could do this with any Japanese game series that features effeminate men.
  2. Ethan let's go together and we can cosplay as Thor (me) and Quicksilver from DoFP (you).
  3. Iron Man 2 at the bottom of the list, exactly where it belongs.
  5. I don't joke around when it comes to Marvel, Dean. I meant are the post-credits scenes Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-man, Avengers 2 related OR is it more like Iron Man 3 and not really a connection to an upcoming film.
  6. I just don't know if games like this really needs bosses anymore. None of them were particularly hard, just frustratingly long, and if you make one mistake it's over. I just don't know if they added anything to the game.
  7. PS+ Line Up for April: Mercenary Kings (PS4) Arkham City (PS3) Stealth Inc (PS3) Castle of Illusion (PS3) Velocity Ultra (PSV) Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate HD (PSV) I'd have preferred Origins over City as everyone has City at this point. I bought Velcity and Pixeljunk when they were on sale last month, fortunately they were only a few dollars each.
  8. Man, you're killing any interest I had in playing FFX on Vita.
  9. It looks great, an easy 1080/60fps! I've been playing it mostly on the Vita, just because it's a nice game to play while the fiance watches her TV shows but it certainly does benefit from the PS4.
  10. Plug a controller in?!?! What year does FDS think this is? 2004?!?!
  11. Dean, without spoiling anything, what are the post-credit scenes?!
  12. Using the DS3, what do they think we are, peasants?!?! I didn't get mine, it was only open to US residents so I gave them the area code of 90210, which I guess wasn't good enough.
  13. Infamous Second Son But the good news is it got me to level 16 on PSN. Awwwe yes!
  14. Amazing Spider-Man > Spider-Man 2 > Spider-Man >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the second worst movie ever made >>>>>>>> Spider-Man 3
  15. I'm kind of getting sick of hearing Troy Baker in every game. There's tons of great voice actors out there, get it together, games industry.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      Another noteworthy case is Steve Blum. Everyone has him using his Spike voice, but then you have instances like Marvel vs. Capcom 3 where uses that for Wolverine, but also sounds unrecognizable as Taskmaster.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I thought North was good casting in Spec Ops. Since it's about turning everything on its head, who better to voice your 'hero'?

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, if you're going for generic action hero at the beginning having North do the Drake voice is about as perfect as it gets.

  16. Fez for PS3/4/V. I basically got it free thanks to the 60/10 promo Sony had last week.
  17. The worst is when you hit a button trying to pause a cutscene and instead it skips it.
  18. Or the reverse of that, unpausable cutscenes.
  19. No, Cowboy! Bad Cowboy! edit: Goddamnit, you guys. No. It's the first chronologically but the series is meant to be played in release order. There's a lot of self references and the continuity is built to be best understood in that order. Shhh! I purposely gave Ethan bad advice because he's Ethan.
  20. I want to meet whoever designed this He Who Dwells boss battle and punch them square in the face, what a load of BS. Why do developers still put in unnecessarily frustrating boss fights in games?
  21. You're crazy if you think developers/publishers are just going to dive right into something new like VR without dipping their toe in first. Ports/remasters are probably what most of the VR experiences we're going to get at first. Especially with the lack of backwards compatibility, there will be a lot of last-gen games getting ported to PS4 anyways, so it only makes sense to add VR to these releases to see how it does.
  22. Prediction: By this time next year Ethan will own all 13 Steam Machines.
  23. As an outsider, it doesn't always seem like a joke, you guys should be nicer to France. They did give you the Statue of Liberty. Just sayins is all!! Weird that this isn't Assassins Creed 5, since each new character/time period is suppose to be a new number. It's not like there hasn't been any popular 5 games in the past few years.
  24. I'm fine with it, but don't Americans hate the French? I wonder how this will go over.
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