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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Ok, maybe I just skimmed an article about the kilt thing and didn't read much into it... but here's a legit thing, they're rounding up stray dogs and killing them. via CNN.
  2. Pretty sad, after the awesomeness of the 2010 Olympics. Also you didn't touch on the whole human rights issues going on. Apparently Scottish people can't even wear kilts.
  3. Ok Marvel, I tip my hat to you. Last night's episode was really good, this show is definitely getting better. The characters are pissing me off much less, the story wasn't completely set it in the plane, and the whole Deathlok thing is just great. Keep it up and focus on doing a terrific Captain America 2 tie in episode... you sort of have to since that movie appears to be very SHIELD centric.
  4. Apparently today is Ethan's birthday. Happy birthday!!

  5. Terraria is consuming me. I have defeated the King Slime, Eater of Worlds, Eye of Cthulhu, and Skeletron. Which I think means the Wall of Flesh is next. Last night I combined the Light's Bane, Muramasa, Blade of Grass, and Fiery Greatsword (man that hellstone was a pain to mine), and got the Night's Edge, which is the best sword pre-hardmore, apparently. I was thinking of trying to obtain the Molten armor but on console it requires a lot more hellstone to create. :-\
  6. Ground Zeroes is apparently 2 hours long. That's only 20 dollars an hour! Sweet deal!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TCP


      Have fun with that 12fps and 540p resolution, sucker!

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Just save $10 and get the digital version.

    4. toxicitizen


      At that resolution, the PS3 can do at LEAST 20 fps. And that's WAY beyond the point where the human eye can even tell there's a difference!

  7. Wolf Among Us Ep 2 PS3/PC .. tomorrow!

  8. When the forums get slow like they are today, I just think it's the message board equivalent of Bioshock Infinite and this is 1999 mode.

  9. It's weird that the new PlayStation Gold Wireless Headset isn't actually gold-coloured, right? I mean if you're going to name something after a colour it should probably be that colour...

    1. TCP


      And is it bad this has been bothering me all morning??

    2. deanb


      Man you must hate a lot of oranges.

    3. TCP


      Apples > Oranges

  10. I didn't know this existed... I'm so confused...
  11. He's probably not bulky enough to be Thor. It's The Mighty Thor not The Scrawny Thor. As Loki though, he's awesome. You have to hand it to Marvel, outside of Ed Norton, all their casting decisions have been pretty great.
  12. This season of Community is really, really good. I was worried about it without Troy and Pierce, but Dan Harmon has hit the ground running. That episode last night had me laughing more than any episode of TV has in a long time (probably since Community season 3).
  13. I love the part last night where they said they needed to do a better job focusing on children. Because they've been so damn adult focused in the past 15 years.
  14. Looks like we both conquered some pretty challenging games last night, FLD.
  15. Lego Marvel. It was good, but I liked the Marvelness more than the Legoness.
  16. TCP

    Wii U

    Who was it requesting DS games on the Wii U VC? Ethan? Sounds like an Ethan thing. Well, they're coming, according to Kotaku. Now, keep in mind, they said like.. two years ago, that GBA and N64 games are coming.. and we have yet to see either of those.
  17. Competing to get trophies with a guy from work. Dude just platinumed Sound Shapes last night... that's three platinums. Dammit all to hell!!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TCP


      Yes I do, I've got a bunch of the trophies but those death match levels are killing me! I don't know how he did it!!

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      ah, so it's not him you're mad at. you're more annoyed with yourself for being a terrible gamer, I see now. :P

    4. TCP


      Yeah basically I suck.

  18. TCP


    Yeah this last page is PXOD in a nutshell. I love everything about it.
  19. Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1: Man, I wish Lee was around to help Clem. It's cool that she's older though, and the voice actress has done a good job adapting her voice. The Wolf Among Us Episode 1: I went into this knowing nothing about Fables, but that didn't prevent me from getting into this. Bigby Wolf is an interesting character, in fact, almost all of them are. Due to being incredibly manly I didn't know what most stories these characters came from, but my fiance was watching me play and she could figure most of it it out. Episode 2... next week!!
  20. It's true. Have you met FLD?? lololololol
  21. Pffft! Actually, I sort of hate Vancouver, so whatever. Well, not so much the city, but the people.
  22. TCP


    WHY IS PROFESSOR X WALKING IN THE 70S?!!???!!!?!?!?!?
  23. Seattle: The Poor Man's Vancouver. Still, this game looks great. The water effects are impressive. I need this game, right now, inside me. I just want to put this game in a spoon, heat it up with a lighter, put it in a syringe, and shoot it up in the back of a dingy alley somewhere. Or maybe in Seattle somewhere, Cobain style.
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