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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Damn you're fast, Ethan! Looks really nice, I love love love the lack of last-gen. The architecture and general tone reminded me of AC2. Awwwe yes!
  2. So you want to play last-gen games with VR forced in instead of new experiences that would properly utilize the tech? Hmm... I'm reading my post and I can't find where I said I didn't want new experiences as well. If you could explain how I can be aware of games that haven't been announced yet, I'd love to know!
  3. Just dive into MGS3 first, Ethan. Do it!
  4. Infamous reviews are looking good. Who's picking it up tomorrow??

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, pretty much the reviews I looked at said it's like inFamous 1 & 2 but better and prettier.

    3. deanb
    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Booo. I hate being stuck at work when new games come out. :(

  5. There's no mention of what, if any, game Wii U will get, but if it does get one, yeah, probably Comet. I sort of was wondering if Comet might be a more direct follow up of Black Flag, reusing a lot of the same assets and naval combat system.... but it'd be weird if that didn't come to PS4 so you're probably correct and it's going to be more or less the same game.
  6. That's cool! Now give us: Video file playback (including mkv) PSOne/PS2 classics support Folders
  7. Problem with those games is they may or may not exist, and we have no way to know how they are, so I did not list non-real games.
  8. Games I'd like to play in VR on PS4: Skyrim Fallout New Vegas Proteus The Unfinished Swan Basically anything first person with interesting worlds. Give it to me now, Shuhei!
  9. MGS V: Ground Zeroes Give me Phantom Pain now, Hideo!
  10. THIS IS THE WORST ARGUMENT EVER!!! GAAAWWWWWWDDDDDD!! It all comes down to how much $30 is worth to you. Personally, I think this was a good move from Konami from a business perspective, they know people are excited for next-gen games and they know Metal Gear fans are suckers, so there's two audiences they can get purchasing this.
  11. 10 hours of content = 10 hour game, FLD. 10 hour main story is something different, and clearly GZ is not that.
  12. Via someone I've never heard of from IGN.
  13. $30 for a 10 hour game isn't bad, I've payed more for less before.
  14. I'll be interested in seeing how soon you can start playing Infamous after you start downloading it, I haven't really seen this feature in use yet.
  15. 5-10 good laughs is pretty good, isn't it? I can't think of too many movies in the past year with more than that. Maybe I'm just hard to please.
  16. Anchorman 2. Stupid, stupid movie but I had 5 - 10 good laughs. Actually, it had a surprising amount of things to say about modern news.
  17. Basically this: I mean it's not ideal, but I read the first two books after watching the first two seasons and enjoyed them just fine.
  18. No, PSN prices have increased in Canada, so far only Infamous. I didn't want to spend 69.99 on it, out of principle, but the 60/10 deal made the price hike easier to chew.
  19. Pre-ordered Infamous Second Son via the PSN. I wasn't happy about it but they have a buy 60 get 10 back deal so that offsets the price hike for Infamous.
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